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door gun issues.......

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Hi everyone......

Project RACS is adding door guns to a chinook as par tof our helicopter pack. Ive got the left door gun working propperly. Th issue is when you get in the right door gun it immediately turns to point forward and sticks there!...... anybody got any ideas? below is my config you can see teh door guns section..... any and all help is much appreciated...


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class PRACS_CH47


units[] = {"PRACS_CH47"};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.08;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAAir", "CA_Anims_Char", "CAData", "CACharacters", "CAWeapons"};



class NewTurret; // External class reference

class Turrets; // External class reference

class MainTurret; // External class reference

class CfgVehicles


/*extern*/ class Helicopter;

/*extern*/ class UH60;

/*extern*/ class UH60MG;

/*extern*/ class MH6;

/*extern*/ class SoldierWPilot;

class PRACS_CH47: Helicopter


displayName = "CH-47 Chinook (RACS)";

side = 2;

scope = 2;

crew = "SoldierWPilot";

picture = "\PRACS_CH47\Ch47\Textures\ch47_ico_ca.paa";

Icon = "\PRACS_CH47\Ch47\Textures\icomap_ch47.paa";

vehicleClass = "Air";

simulation = "helicopter";

model = "\PRACS_CH47\PRACS_CH47.p3d";

maxSpeed = 220;

accuracy = 9.000000;

armor = 50;

rotorBig = "vrtule_uh_v";

rotorBigBlend = "vrtule_uh_v_bl";

rotorSmall = "vrtule_uh_m";

rotorSmallBlend = "vrtule_uh_m_bl";

transportSoldier = 24;

hasGunner = 1;

driverAction = "UH60_Pilot";

soundEngine[] = {"\PRACS_CH47\Ch47\Sound\ch47engine", 5.623414, 1.000000};

cargoAction[] = {"UH60_Cargo02", "UH60_Cargo02"};

typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierGPilot", "SoldierGPilot", "SoldierGAT", "SoldierGAT"};

nameSound = "chopper";

mainRotorSpeed = 1.000000;

backRotorSpeed = 1.000000;

minMainRotorDive = -9;

maxMainRotorDive = 15;

neutralMainRotorDive = -5;

minBackRotorDive = -15;

maxBackRotorDive = 9;

neutralBackRotorDive = -5;

selectionHRotorStill = "velka vrtule staticka";

selectionHRotorMove = "velka vrtule blur";

selectionVRotorStill = "mala vrtule staticka";

selectionVRotorMove = "mala vrtule blur";

gearRetracting = 0;

transportVehiclesMass = 5000;

weapons[] = {};

magazines[] = {};

class Turrets {

class LeftDoor_Gun : NewTurret {

startEngine = false;

outGunnerMayFire = true;

primaryGunner = 1;

body = "LeftGun_Turret";

gun = "LeftGun";

animationSourceBody = "LeftGun_Turret";

animationSourceGun = "LeftGun";

commanding = -1;

gunnerName = "Left Door Gun";

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_1";

memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "gunnerview_1";

gunBeg = "end"; // endpoint of the gun

gunEnd = "chamber_1"; // chamber of the gun

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";

gunnerAction = "UH60_Gunner";

gunnerInAction = "UH60_Gunner";

weapons[] = {"M240_VEH"};

magazines[] = {"1200Rnd_762x51_M240"};

minElev = -45;

maxElev = 15;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = 0;

maxTurn = 160;

initTurn = 90;

class ViewOptics {

initAngleX = 0;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -100;

maxAngleY = 100;

initFov = 0.6;

minFov = 0.6;

maxFov = 0.5;


gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

gunnerForceOptics = false;


class RightDoor_Gun : NewTurret {

startEngine = false;

primaryGunner = 0;

body = "RightGun_Turret";

gun = "RightGun";

animationSourceBody = "RightGun_Turret";

animationSourceGun = "RightGun";

animationSourceHatch = "";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1";

proxyIndex = 2;

gunnerName = "Right Door Gun";

commanding = -2;




weapons[] = {"M240_VEH"};

magazines[] = {"1200Rnd_762x51_M240"};

gunBeg = "end_2"; // endpoint of the gun

gunEnd = "chamber_2"; // chamber of the gun

memoryPointGun = "machinegun_2";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_2";

memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "gunnerview_2";

class ViewOptics {

initAngleX = -90;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -100;

maxAngleY = 100;

initFov = 0.6;

minFov = 0.6;

maxFov = 0.5;


gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

gunnerForceOptics = false;



class Library


libTextDesc = "CH47 is th

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Guest RKSL-Rock

You need to model the guns so they are pointing along the length of the aircraft. Its one of thoise odd quirks of the engine.

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Thanks RockofSL but i did that..... i love making ships witht he back turret facing the wrong direction lol.....

i think its something conflicting in the view optics and the init limits of the config....

this thing is really kicking my arse......

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Your Init, Min, Max angles seem to be correct (compared to the UH60MG) for both turret and optics, so I'm thinking its your memory points .....

Compare your config defined points and model memory points to the uh60mg model supplied by BIS

Also, did you define your animations ok, again compared to the UG60mg model.cfg

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You need to model the guns so they are pointing along the length of the aircraft.  Its one of thoise odd quirks of the engine.

You think the same would fix VTE ACH47A gunship as its turrets are mostly inverted and none of the gunner-views work (for example aft gunner views his own throat towards the nose of the aircraft)?

Its guns are modeled naturally, ie aft gun towards 180 degrees from the aircraft, right front gun 90 degrees from the aircraft etc.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Thanks RockofSL but i did that..... i love making ships witht he back turret facing the wrong direction lol.....

Considering how much i've helped you in the past you might consider toning down the sarcasm.

You need to model the guns so they are pointing along the length of the aircraft. Its one of those odd quirks of the engine.

You think the same would fix VTE ACH47A gunship as its turrets are mostly inverted and none of the gunner-views work (for example aft gunner views his own throat towards the nose of the aircraft)?

Its guns are modeled naturally, ie aft gun towards 180 degrees from the aircraft, right front gun 90 degrees from the aircraft etc.

Definitely. I had the same issue on our Lynx and Chinooks. Until some gently reminded me of the engine limits, after that no more problems.

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well RockofSL you have helped me greatly in the past.... thanks for that..... i was merely making a joke about how funny it is modleing a turret facing the wrong direction but then in game it faces the right way........

sorry if that offended you or was too sarcastic.......

My guns are modeled facing forward and when you load the chopper in game the gun is facing sideways as it should....... when the player gets in the gunnersposition everything appears fine then the gun almost immediately begins to traverse to the left and stay there.....

thats the issue

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Quote[/b] ]Definitely.  I had the same issue on our Lynx and Chinooks.

Thanks for the tip, I'll get back to you with huge thanks if I'll get it to work wink_o.gif

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wld427 glad to hear that you are working on a Chinook too. smile_o.gif

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