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Just Another Lighting

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Just a simple try to play with lighting settings, not (yet)genious but  tounge2.gif it's just to show you where and how...

I was searchng it for my Everon, cause i don't like default lighting in Arma, but i don't have enough of time to work on both at the same time.

So i give you an idea and i hope here will be one smart ass to make the lighting more realistic.

Changes -

Sunet (sunrise) is a littlebit more redish, some another light gamma changes, changed brightnes of global light.

Noon - Added more blue light in the default gamma, some another light gamma changes.

I don't say i'we made more realistic lighting than BiS , but i hope someone will do !!!

So it's open project, i invite everyone who have some knowledge in 3d lighting to make it better !

So here it is 18.9kb



Here is some explanations, i hope the things i'we found are right -

Exemple of code -

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches {

class Ca_Lighting {

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {CAData};



class CfgWorlds {

initWorld = "Intro";

demoWorld = "Intro";

class DefaultClutter; // External class reference

class DefaultWorld {

class DefaultLighting  {

access = 3;

groundReflection[] = {0.085000,0.068000,0.034000 };

moonObjectColorFull[] = {0.900000,0.900000,1.000000,0.700000 };

moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {0.900000,0.900000,1.000000,0.010000 };

moonsetObjectColor[] = {0.900000,0.750000,0.400000 };

moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {0.900000,0.500000,0.200000 };

nightAngle = 5;

sunSunset = 20;

endSunset = 10;


  class Lighting : DefaultLighting



class DayLightingBrightAlmost  {

deepNight[] = {-15,{0.050000,0.050000,0.060000 },{0.001000,0.001000,0.002000

},{0.020000,0.020000,0.050000 },{0.003000,0.003000,0.003000 },{0.001000,0.001000,0.002000 },{0.001000,0.001000,0.002000 },0


fullNight[] = {-5,{0.050000,0.050000,0.060000 },{0.020000,0.020000,0.020000

},{0.040000,0.040000,0.040000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.040000 },{0.010000,0.010000,0.020000 },{0.080000,0.060000,0.060000 },0


sunMoon[] = {-3.750000,{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000

},{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.035000,0.040000 },{0.110000,0.080000,0.090000

},0.500000 };

earlySun[] = {-2.500000,{0.480000,0.200000,0.280000 },{0.150000,0.080000,0.001000

},{0.320000,0.240000,0.280000 },{0.080000,0.060000,0.070000 },{0.120000,0.098000,0.150000 },{0.500000,0.070000,0.080000 },0


sunrise[] = {0,{0.990000,0.380000,0.150000 },{{0.420000,0.650000,0.6900000 },"1+(-4)"

},{{0.600000,0.470000,0.250000 },"1.2+(-4)" },{{0.100000,0.090000,0.100000 },"4.4+(-4)" },{{0.990000,0.480000,0.100000

},"4.5+(-4)" },{{0.970000,0.450000,0.240000 },"6+(-4)" },1 };

earlyMorning[] = {1,{{0.750000,0.300000,0.420000 },"1.5+(-4)" },{{0.080000,0.090000,0.110000

},"2.0+(-4)" },{{0.800000,0.510000,0.520000 },"5.75+(-4)" },{{0.920000,0.600000,0.250000 },"4.75+(-4)"

},{{0.500000,0.400000,0.400000 },"7.5+(-4)" },{{0.880000,0.510000,0.240000 },"8.75+(-4)" },1 };

midMorning[] = {15,{{0.980000,0.850000,0.800000 },"10.5+(-4)" },{{0.080000,0.090000,0.110000

},"6.5+(-4)" },{{0.870000,0.470000,0.250000 },"9.5+(-4)" },{{0.090000,0.090000,0.100000 },"7.5+(-4)"

},{{0.500000,0.400000,0.400000 },"9.5+(-4)" },{{0.880000,0.510000,0.240000 },"9.75+(-4)" },1 };

morning[] = {25,{{1,1,0.900000 },"15.5+(-4)" },{{0.170000,0.180000,0.190000 },"12.5+(-4)"

},{{1,1,0.900000 },"14.5+(-4)" },{{0.170000,0.180000,0.190000 },"13+(-4)" },{{0.150000,0.150000,0.150000 },"14.5+(-4)"

},{{0.170000,0.170000,0.150000 },"15+(-4)" },1 };

noon[] = {70,{{1,0.980000,0.850000 },"17+(-4)" },{{0.850000,0.900000,0.990000 },"13+(-4)" },{{1,1,1

},"15+(-4)" },{{0.360000,0.370000,0.380000 },"12.75+(-4)" },{{0.400000,0.600000,0.800000 },"16+(-4)"

},{{1.000000,1.000000,0.900000 },"17+(-4)" },1 };


class DayLightingRainy


deepNight[] = {

-15, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.050000}, {0.003000, 0.003000, 0.003000}, {0.020000,

0.020000, 0.050000}, {0.003000, 0.003000, 0.003000}, {0.001000, 0.001000, 0.002000}, {0.001000, 0.001000, 0.002000}, 0


fullNight[] = {

-5, {0.030000, 0.030000, 0.030000}, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000}, {0.030000,

0.030000, 0.030000}, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000}, {0.010000, 0.010000, 0.020000}, {0.080000, 0.060000, 0.060000}, 0


sunMoon[] = {

-3.750000, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000,

0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.035000, 0.040000}, {0.110000, 0.080000, 0.900000}, 0.500000


earlySun[] = {

-2.500000, {0.097000, 0.097000, 0.110000}, {0.060000, 0.060000, 0.070000}, {0.097000,

0.097000, 0.110000}, {0.060000, 0.060000, 0.070000}, {0.080000, 0.070000, 0.080000}, {0.140000, 0.100000, 0.120000}, 0.500000


earlyMorning[] = {

0, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+3.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4.5"}, {{1,

1, 1}, "(-4)+3.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4.5"}, 1


morning[] = {

5, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+6.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+5.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+6.5"}, {{1, 1,

1}, "(-4)+5.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+7"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+7.5"}, 1


lateMorning[] = {

25, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.25"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"},

{{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.25"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12.5"}, 1


noon[] = {

70, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"},

{{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12.25"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12.75"}, 1




Will take just one line for ex - oon[] = {70,{{1,0.980000,0.850000 },"17+(-4)" },{{0.850000,0.900000,0.990000 },"13+(-4)" },{{1,1,1

},"15+(-4)" },{{0.360000,0.370000,0.380000 },"12.75+(-4)" },{{0.400000,0.600000,0.800000 },"16+(-4)"

},{{1.000000,1.000000,0.900000 },"17+(-4)" },1 };

Where - 70 - is a global ligting force

1,0.980000,0.850000 - colour of global light

17+(-4) Radiosity or HDR force of global light

0.850000,0.900000,0.990000 - colour of ambient (fill) light

13+(-4) Radiosity or HDR force of ambient light

1,1,1 - Don't know what it is

15+(-4)"  - Don't know neither

0.360000,0.370000,0.380000 - don't know

12.75+(-4) -- No ideas

0.400000,0.600000,0.800000 - Haze and Fog colour

16+(-4)" - Haze and Fog Radiosity or HDR force

1.000000,1.000000,0.900000 - Sun halo colour - small part of the sky around of the sun

17+(-4)"  - Sun halo Radiosity or HDR force

Voila that's all folks, and i wait for your researches

PSS one more thing - More redish sky but with inverted gamma - (older version)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches {

class Ca_Lighting {

units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {CAData};



class CfgWorlds {

initWorld = "Intro";

demoWorld = "Intro";

class DefaultClutter; // External class reference

class DefaultWorld {

class DefaultLighting  {

access = 3;

groundReflection[] = {0.085000,0.068000,0.034000 };

moonObjectColorFull[] = {0.900000,0.900000,1.000000,0.700000 };

moonHaloObjectColorFull[] = {0.900000,0.900000,1.000000,0.010000 };

moonsetObjectColor[] = {0.900000,0.750000,0.400000 };

moonsetHaloObjectColor[] = {0.900000,0.500000,0.200000 };

nightAngle = 5;

sunSunset = 20;

endSunset = 10;


  class Lighting : DefaultLighting



class DayLightingBrightAlmost  {

deepNight[] = {-15,{0.050000,0.050000,0.060000 },{0.001000,0.001000,0.002000 },{0.020000,0.020000,0.050000 },{0.003000,0.003000,0.003000 },{0.001000,0.001000,0.002000 },{0.001000,0.001000,0.002000 },0 };

fullNight[] = {-5,{0.050000,0.050000,0.060000 },{0.020000,0.020000,0.020000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.040000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.040000 },{0.010000,0.010000,0.020000 },{0.080000,0.060000,0.060000 },0 };

sunMoon[] = {-3.750000,{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.040000,0.050000 },{0.040000,0.035000,0.040000 },{0.110000,0.080000,0.090000 },0.500000 };

earlySun[] = {-2.500000,{0.380000,0.200000,0.280000 },{0.080000,0.060000,0.070000 },{0.320000,0.240000,0.280000 },{0.080000,0.060000,0.070000 },{0.500000,0.070000,0.080000 },{0.550000,0.080000,0.300000 },0 };

sunrise[] = {0,{{0.990000,0.380000,0.150000 },"1+(-4)" },{{0.420000,0.650000,0.9900000 },"1+(-4)" },{{0.600000,0.470000,0.250000 },"1.2+(-4)" },{{0.100000,0.090000,0.100000 },"4.4+(-4)" },{{0.990000,0.480000,0.100000 },"4.5+(-4)" },{{0.970000,0.450000,0.240000 },"6+(-4)" },1 };

earlyMorning[] = {1,{{0.750000,0.300000,0.420000 },"1.5+(-4)" },{{0.080000,0.090000,0.110000 },"2.0+(-4)" },{{0.800000,0.510000,0.520000 },"5.75+(-4)" },{{0.920000,0.600000,0.250000 },"4.75+(-4)" },{{0.500000,0.400000,0.400000 },"7.5+(-4)" },{{0.880000,0.510000,0.240000 },"8.75+(-4)" },1 };

midMorning[] = {15,{{0.980000,0.850000,0.800000 },"10.5+(-4)" },{{0.080000,0.090000,0.110000 },"6.5+(-4)" },{{0.870000,0.470000,0.250000 },"9.5+(-4)" },{{0.090000,0.090000,0.100000 },"7.5+(-4)" },{{0.500000,0.400000,0.400000 },"9.5+(-4)" },{{0.880000,0.510000,0.240000 },"9.75+(-4)" },1 };

morning[] = {25,{{1,1,0.900000 },"15.5+(-4)" },{{0.170000,0.180000,0.190000 },"12.5+(-4)" },{{1,1,0.900000 },"14.5+(-4)" },{{0.170000,0.180000,0.190000 },"13+(-4)" },{{0.150000,0.150000,0.150000 },"14.5+(-4)" },{{0.170000,0.170000,0.150000 },"15+(-4)" },1 };

noon[] = {70,{{1,0.980000,0.850000 },"17+(-4)" },{{0.850000,0.900000,0.990000 },"13+(-4)" },{{1,1,1 },"15+(-4)" },{{0.360000,0.370000,0.380000 },"12.75+(-4)" },{{0.400000,0.600000,0.800000 },"16+(-4)" },{{1.000000,1.000000,0.900000 },"17+(-4)" },1 };


class DayLightingRainy


deepNight[] = {

-15, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.050000}, {0.003000, 0.003000, 0.003000}, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.050000}, {0.003000, 0.003000, 0.003000}, {0.001000, 0.001000, 0.002000}, {0.001000, 0.001000, 0.002000}, 0


fullNight[] = {

-5, {0.030000, 0.030000, 0.030000}, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000}, {0.030000, 0.030000, 0.030000}, {0.020000, 0.020000, 0.020000}, {0.010000, 0.010000, 0.020000}, {0.080000, 0.060000, 0.060000}, 0


sunMoon[] = {

-3.750000, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.040000, 0.050000}, {0.040000, 0.035000, 0.040000}, {0.110000, 0.080000, 0.900000}, 0.500000


earlySun[] = {

-2.500000, {0.097000, 0.097000, 0.110000}, {0.060000, 0.060000, 0.070000}, {0.097000, 0.097000, 0.110000}, {0.060000, 0.060000, 0.070000}, {0.080000, 0.070000, 0.080000}, {0.140000, 0.100000, 0.120000}, 0.500000


earlyMorning[] = {

0, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+3.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+3.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+4.5"}, 1


morning[] = {

5, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+6.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+5.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+6.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+5.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+7"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+7.5"}, 1


lateMorning[] = {

25, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.25"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.25"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12.5"}, 1


noon[] = {

70, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+11.75"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+10.5"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12.25"}, {{1, 1, 1}, "(-4)+12.75"}, 1




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nice.. i like the kegetys sky for ofp.. wish arma sky was the same, good trying biggrin_o.gif

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Thanx m8,

I 've been thinking of tinkering with these settings to achive a more South-East Asian look for VTE.

You have worked out more than i did so i will work off your settings to try and get something happening for VTE,And of course i will credit you for your fantastic research and knowledge.

I cannot stand the pinkish look of sunrise in ARMA .Your sunrise is better looking than default bis.

Maybe this "fix" should be forwarded to Bis developers .I am sure everyone would prefer a more redish look than a strange pink glow to everything.

Thanx again.

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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Hey, that looks better. I really didn't like the pink dawn lighting. I'll give it a try !


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I've also been trying to figure that out, thanks for sharing the results of your work!

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