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Problems porting Warfare to a new island

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Hi Guys

What I wanted to do was to create a very small warfare-version for the Porto island included in Queens Gambit.

I read the warfare editing guide at the official Wiki, sounded simple enough. Just move the depots, camps and markers around, rename them, finished.

So I unpacked the Schmalfelden Warfare version from MattR (I think that's the Autor) since it's a small map, and very "plain" warfare without any unnecessary script additions.

I renamed the folder to warfare.porto and loaded it into the editor. Then deleted all but three depots, and for the remaining depots I deleted all but one camp each (the camp named Number 1)

I left the markers for those three depots (Depot Marker, FastTravel Marker and Town Center Marker), I left the 2x8 starting units, Resistance single soldier and all those other stuff intact.

Also deleted starting locations, in their correct order, so that only 0 to 5 remain.

Now, when I load this mission, it does not initialize the warfare code. I find myself standing on the island, but no voting menu, T Button doesn't do anything, no mobile HQ vehicle placed, no nothing.

Using the same Smallfelden mission template on the Avgani map, I had more luck. I also deleted a few camps there, and a few deports, reduced starting locations - but that one initializes correctly and the AI starts building base, capping towns.

I tried multiple times, but can not figure out the difference.

Is there any minimum number of depots or camps required for a map to work? Is the placement of the hangar object important?

Thanks for all help

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Thanks, I'll have a look at it (didn't really know about the .rpt file) and also provide a zip with the editable mission itself for others to look.

I think Porto could be really nice for a small, short warfare game that you can finish in about an hour, with the main fight concentrating around the city center. Shame that it doesn't work yet.

I can't see that I deleted anything substantial, and I didn't touch the main mission scripts at all, just the mission.sqm in the editor. Is there a minimum spacing between camps, depots and starting locations maybe? Whatever it is, it prevents the Warfare AI kicking in and spawning stuff.

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Okay, I found that I deleted the mission. This is what my RPT has in it

Exe version: Fri May 23 16:07:27 2008

build 1.14.5256

Item STR_03s01 listed twice

Item STR_LIB_HILUX listed twice

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.bin/CfgMovesBasic/DefaultDie/

Updating base class ->Default, by ca\anims\characters\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/Crew/

Updating base class ->MGunCore, by ca\weapons\config.bin/cfgWeapons/MGun/

Updating base class Soldier->CAManBase, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierWB/

Updating base class Soldier->CAManBase, by ca\characters\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SoldierGB/

Updating base class DefaultWorld->CAWorld, by ca\desert\config.bin/CfgWorlds/Intro/

MPMissions\MP21_C&H_60.Porto: string @STR_MP_M21n01 cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

MPMissions\MP22_Coop_6.Porto: string @STR_Mission_Name cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

Creating debriefing

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_StartingLocation.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

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Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Config\Config_Town.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script Server\Server_UpdateAirport.sqf not found

Warning Message: Script Common\Init\Init_Camp.sqs not found

Warning Message: Script StartServer.sqf not found

Lots of scripts not found, but I did not delete any scripts or change the mission itself.

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sometime, when you push "save" in editor, the mission isn't save with actual name you have loaded it . but create a new folder , and name the mission with special character.

so , after a save, and a quick preview, arma try to load script from the bad folder, the new one it has just created.

pick the new mission.sqm, and copy past it in real folder. and preview it smile_o.gif

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Solved it.

What happens is if you have only a few start locations, and they are too close togheter, the war will not start. Likely some check to make sure that the opposing sides are far enough apart.

On a small island like Porto, this can be a problem.

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Change the value of SIDESTARTINGDISTANCE = 3000 in Common\Init\Init_CommonConstants.sqs. I was thinking maybe around 500m - 1000m.

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Thank you, I had a look trough the file yesterday but didn't find this value.

I think 1000 or even 1500 are possible, as I want the sides to start at opposing ends of the island, and then funnel them into a fight for the central two or three depots at Porto. With 8 teams a side, this should make for a highly saturated "front line".

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Thank you, I had a look trough the file yesterday but didn't find this value.

Add it.

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