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RPG to rifle changes

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I'm sure I will get flamed about this, but when in a tense battle changing from rpg to rifle is like a slow walk in the spring. I can see why you don't want instant changes, but there is no sense of urgency.

If I had my way I would like to see an option that allowed you to drop the rpg and switch to your rifle faster, then have recovering the RPG (picking it back up) take more time so that this does not become a normal use case.

I know that if you plan your target and cover, blah, blah, but sometimes you get caught unawares and you have to wait for the sloooow weapon change while screaming at the screen

Flame away!!


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i imagine well equipped modern soldiers have slings, so when they let go of their rifle it just hangs, dunno the exact procedures for firing an AT tho, perhaps an ex military person can give us an insight?

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well when that amored target just pops up, you let go of your weapon ,it drops to your stomach, u grap that AT aimmmmm ...KabUmmmm

hey but when u think about how fast you would drop your weapon ,rab AT,aim target, unlock and fire under STRESS with all that bodyarmor maybe a sidegun or a few grenades

i think Bis timed it allright, the only thing that bits me is the "chuckaway" option, that would be great! sometimes you rally have to get rind of the AT real fast and make a dive for cover bevor some tank commander dicides to make HACKFLEISCH from you!



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And well... a process not included in ArmA is the switching of the safeties and flipping up sights, etc.

A RPG-7 is pretty straightforward with easily reachable safety and fixed sights, but the M136 has one safety that needs to be operated before firing (think both safeties has to be squeezed to fire, but not relevant for this discussion) and the sights needs to be flipped up.

Also, for both weapons sight adjustments needs to be done to compensate for the distance to target.

All in all I guess the sum of it all ends up in fairly correct transition times, but how the transition is done, the speed in picking up the rifle again, etc, could probably need some reworking.

Preferably a new animation should be added where a soldier leaves the weapon on his chest when shouldering a launcher to put the delays at its correct places during the procedure (i.e. shouldering and operating the launcher rather than dropping/picking up the rifle)

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I remember it to take MUCH longer to prepare, for example Panzerfaust 1, (similar to RPG-7) for aiming and firing than it takes in Game.

A more realistic procedure would be load the AT Weapon before every shot.

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a more realistic approach would be to make the m136 non-reloadable... which would even work with the overall timing (switch from rifle to at -> fire at -> switch back to rifle):

you let the rifle hang on your chest, take the at, flip sights, fire the at, let it drop and grab your rifle...

so the time from rifle to rifle would be the same BUT you'd have to wait longer for the at-shot.

and i'd get rid of a reloadable 1-shot-weapon banghead.gif

btw sorry if this misses the threads point, i just hate that m136-reloading whistle.gif

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I remember it to take MUCH longer to prepare, for example Panzerfaust 1, (similar to RPG-7) for aiming and firing than it takes in Game.

A more realistic procedure would be load the AT Weapon before every shot.

If, like in ArmA, gunner himself prepares his RPG-7 for firing (takes it from back, does all checks, loads grenade and scores hit to easy target) on his own then it would take something like... 20-30 seconds?

With your 2nd note i agree aswell. Ofcourse there are AT-weapons which can be carried armed in back. Apilas comes to mind because of it's design. But not for very long distances.

M72 takes about 5 seconds to taken from back, armed, aimed and hit and easy target, this can be done bit faster but that is general requirement for soldiers in our army during basic-training. I think one can't make AT-weapon much more faster to handle than M72 already is. In ArmA it takes maybe just 2-3 seconds (not sure about time) to do this for any AT-weapon, basically just ditch rifle and take launcher from back.

*With easy target i mean stationary tanks silhuette at 100 meters.

About ditching launcher and grapping rifle in general:

ArmA features ability to hit the dirt without anything additional fuzzy with launcher or rifle (just hit prone key!wink_o.gif. Then when character hits the ground he is just ordered to take his rifle from his back. that is quite fast operation. I don't see reason to critizie ArmA for not having this option, because it has that option! ... It could be bit better ofcourse.

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An AT guy can carry several M136 tubes, i.e. 3. Having three ammo instead works for me, since it is way harder to overcome the one tube only limitation with the current engine.

For "AT work", hide instead of instant fire. Plan your shot and position, 3-400 meter M136 sniping is not realistic. When shot, make sure you can get into cover instantly just by laying down. THEN hit 'F' to get your rifle back. Do a couple of rolls, then escape unseen.

My only gripe with the M136 is that it is only 2 slots per ammo, should be 3, maybe even 4. RPG should stay the same though (or one less), even though it becomes an advantage.

I wish only dedicated AT specialist were allowed to carry more than one AT round though. Roles in online play has no real advantages over eachother.

Also, I wish the Javelin loading/preparing would take waaaaay longer than it is today. I believe I've heard up to ten minutes to set it up, but this is naturally too long for ArmA.

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I was a AT soldier some years ago, i was carrying a LRAC 89mn with only one munition ready to fire, my 'magazine-man' was carrying 2-3 rocket.

300m was the maximum range for moving target, but 500m is ok for stationary target (not a windows, but a bmp or an old tank, yes). And +500m for anti-personal rocket (area fire, lethal radius = 20 meters)

The time to shoot is not very fast, you must always appreciate the distance and measure the speed if moving target. The rocket speed is very slow if you compare to a rifle.

For a 50km/h moving target at 300m, you should aim 14m in front, like wild partridge hunting.

I'm agree that the animations in arma are to slow, but after a shot, i wasn't able to shot immediately with a rifle.

Reason ? The big back blast on your shoulder !

You've got a thunder behind you and the ass of a rocket in front off you.

After a shot, my face was plenty off residues of powder from the rocket booster !

In Arma, i prefer moving behind something just after a shot (a wall or a tree), and after i change or reload my weapon. But no time to see my rocket impact.

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The AT-4 takes a few seconds to get ready to fire, so the game is actually quite generous because you need to pull the transport safety pin, flip up the rear and front sight, front grip, shoulder rest, cock the mechanism and depress the safety before you can shoot. But it should be automatically dropped in game since it is a one-shot weapon and cannot be reloaded. But I was taught to carry it across my back with the front end by your right shoulder with front grip unfolded and transport safety pin pulled (if you expect contact with hard targets) to get your shot off faster. Just drop the rifle to hang across your chest and with your right hand grab the front grip and pull it into position on your shoulder... and so on.

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