memphisbelle 99 Posted June 30, 2008 Hey all, I am some kind confused. I worked with Visitor until the last verson has been released. All worked fine there, but now nothings happens anymore. I modified my config as I always did, but now there wont happen anythings. I cant get my map ingame, the Island wont be displayed in the list as well...I am so much confused. would you please check my config and see what went wrong please? There´s no errormessage appearing once the game has been started. But when I am adding mistakes to see what happens, the the engine will recognize my map (mistakes are caused in class world i.e), when I am removing those mistakes again so theres nor errormessage again but no Island selectable in the List... do you have any Ideas? By the way, there were much more topics in this forum which are related to Visitor, where have all theses topics gone, were the moved into a kind of Archive? Quote[/b] ]class CfgPatches{  class MB_Luano{    units[]={"MB_Luano"};    weapons[]={};    requiredVersion=0.1;    requiredAddons[]={"CAData", "CABuildings", "CAMisc", "CAPlants", "CARoads", "CARocks"};  }; }; class DefaultLighting; /* extern */ class DefaultLighting_CA:DefaultLighting{}; class CfgWorlds{  class DefaultClutter{    scaleMin=0.9;    scaleMax=1.4;  };  class DefaultWorld; /* extern */  class CAWorld:DefaultWorld{    class Grid{};  };  class MB_Luano:CAWorld{    access=3;    cutscenes[]={"DesertIntro1"};    description="Luano Island";    icon="";    worldName="\MB_Luano\MB_Luano.wrp";    pictureMap="";    pictureShot="";    plateFormat="MB - $$ - ##";    plateLetters="ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ";    longitude=-40;    latitude=-40;    class Grid:Grid{     offsetX=0;     offsetY=-15360;     class Zoom1{       zoomMax=0.5;       format="XY";       formatX="Aa";       formatY="00";       stepX=200;       stepY=200;     };     class Zoom2{       zoomMax=1e+30;       format="XY";       formatX="A";       formatY="0";       stepX=2000;       stepY=2000;     };    };    startTime="8:30";    startDate="07/06/2007";    startWeather=0.1;    startFog=0;    forecastWeather=0.3;    forecastFog=0;    seagullPos[]={1272.842041, 150.000000, 14034.961914};    centerPosition[]={2500, 2500, 300};    ilsPosition[]={2545, 3000};    ilsDirection[]={0, 0.080000, 1};    ilsTaxiIn[]={2495, 2725, 2495, 2850, 2508, 2860, 2508, 3000, 2520, 3010, 2545, 3000};    ilsTaxiOff[]={2545, 2445, 2520, 2425, 2495, 2445, 2495, 2725};    drawTaxiway=0;    class ReplaceObjects{};    class Sounds{     sounds[]={};    };    class Animation{     vehicles[]={};    };    class Lighting:DefaultLighting{};    clutterGrid=1.11;    clutterDist=55;    noDetailDist=40;    fullDetailDist=5;    minTreesInForestSquare=3;    minRocksInRockSquare=4;    class clutter{     class GrassGeneral:DefaultClutter{       model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_general.p3d";       affectedByWind=0.3;       swLighting=1;       scaleMin=0.75;       scaleMax=1;     };     class GrassFlowers:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_flowers.p3d";     };     class GrassLong:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_long.p3d";       affectedByWind=0.6;       scaleMin=0.6;       scaleMax=1.1;     };     class GrassSevenbeauty:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_sevenbaeuty.p3d";       affectedByWind=0.2;       scaleMin=0.7;       scaleMax=1.1;     };     class GrassYellow:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_yellow.p3d";       affectedByWind=0.2;       scaleMin=0.7;       scaleMax=1.1;     };     class GrassDesert:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_desert.p3d";     };     class ForestFern:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_forest_fern.p3d";       affectedByWind=0.1;       scaleMin=0.9;       scaleMax=1.1;     };//ForestFern     class SmallRocks:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\rocks\clutter_stone_small.p3d";       affectedByWind=0;       scaleMin=0.9;       scaleMax=1.1;     };     class FlowersColor:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_smetanka.p3d";     };     class FlowersWhite:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_white_flower.p3d";     };     class MushroomsHorcak:GrassGeneral{       model="ca\plants\clutter_horcak.p3d";       affectedByWind=0;       scaleMin=0.85;       scaleMax=1.25;     };     class MushroomsPrasivka:MushroomsHorcak{       model="ca\plants\clutter_prasivky.p3d";     };     class MushroomsBabka:MushroomsHorcak{       model="ca\plants\clutter_babka.p3d";     };     class MushroomsMuchomurka:MushroomsHorcak{       model="ca\plants\clutter_muchomurka.p3d";     };    };    class Subdivision{     class Fractal{       rougness=5;       maxRoad=0.02;       maxTrack=0.5;       maxSlopeFactor=0.05;     };//Fractal     class WhiteNoise{       rougness=2;       maxRoad=0.01;       maxTrack=0.05;       maxSlopeFactor=0.00249999;     };     minY=-0;     minSlope=0.02;    };    class Ambient{     class BigBirds{       radius=300;       cost="((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)";       class Species{        class Hawk{          probability=0.2;          cost=1;        };       };     };     class Birds{       radius=170;       cost="(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))";       class Species{        class Seagull{          probability=0.2;          cost=1;        };       };     };     class BigInsects{       radius=20;       cost="(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";       class Species{        class DragonFly{          probability="0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4)";          cost=1;        };        class ButterFly{          probability="0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4)";          cost=1;        };       };     };     class BigInsectsAquatic{       radius=20;       cost="(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)";       class Species{        class DragonFly{          probability=1;          cost=1;        };       };     };     class WindClutter{       radius=10;       cost="((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)";       class Species{        class FxWindGrass1{          probability="0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";          cost=1;        };        class FxWindGrass2{          probability="0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";          cost=1;        };        class FxWindRock1{          probability="0.4 * hills";          cost=1;        };        class FxWindLeaf1{          probability="0.2 * trees";          cost=1;        };        class FxWindLeaf2{          probability="0.1 * trees + 0.2";          cost=1;        };        class FxWindLeaf3{          probability="0.1 * trees";          cost=1;        };       };     };     class NoWindClutter{       radius=15;       cost="(20 * (windy factor [0.1, 0.2])) * meadow * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses)";       class Species{        class FxWindPollen1{          probability=1;          cost=1;        };       };     };     class SmallInsects{       radius=3;       cost="(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";       class Species{        class HouseFly{          probability="deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)";          cost=1;        };        class HoneyBee{          probability="(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)";          cost=1;        };        class Mosquito{          probability="(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)";          cost=1;        };       };     };     class NightInsects{       radius=3;       cost="(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";       class Species{        class Mosquito{          probability=1;          cost=1;        };       };     };    };    class Names{     class Veg_1{       name="";       position[]={2713.620117, 2140.919922};       type="VegetationPalm";       radiusA=50;       radiusB=50;     };     class Veg_2{       name="";       position[]={2446.090088, 3038.290039};       type="VegetationPalm";       radiusA=50;       radiusB=50;     };     class Veg_3{       name="";       position[]={2940.520020, 2923.189941};       type="VegetationPalm";       radiusA=50;       radiusB=50;     };    };  }; }; class CfgWorldList{  class MB_Luano{}; }; class CfgMissions{  class Cutscenes{    class MB_LuanoIntro1{     directory="\MB_Luano\data\scenes\intro.MB_Luano";    };  }; };//CfgMissions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 6, 2008 answer until today? So the cpp seems to be correct, doesnt it? I became several islands ingame and it worked fine every single time. But I have absolutely noe clue what happened here. I also checked all the steps while creating an Island...went over the config.cpp and tried to find an issue but I couldnt find anythings... The only thing whyt might be is that the new version of visitors doenst transfers the Island into a correct wrp file. Please help me and see whether I overlooked may be an important mistake... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Planck 1 Posted September 6, 2008 Try changing your cfgPatches to: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches{ class MB_Luano{ units[]={}; weapons[]={}; worlds[]={"MB_Luano"}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]={"CAData", "CABuildings", "CAMisc", "CAPlants", "CARoads", "CARocks"}; }; }; Planck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 6, 2008 remove all config code that you dont change from the class you inherit from Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 6, 2008 Thanks for replying that fast...I´ll gonna try your proposals... @Planck, that could be the missing part which provides the Island not appearing on the List, doesnt it? @Q, thanks as well Thanks and regards MemphisBelle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 6, 2008 Like this I removed all which are just the same values from class Sara, changed the base class to Sara and updated cfgPatches to work with Sara and fixed a few minor issues. Quote[/b] ] class DefaultClutter { scaleMin = 0.9; scaleMax = 1.4; }; Not sure if you did this on purpose. Yet this is a quite bad definition, as its changes every islands loaded not but yours! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 6, 2008 Thanks so much for your support Q, you helpd me so much, cause now I know what I did wrong. And also thanks a lot for spending time to create an example on the C++ table. But I have a further unexpected problem what I havent had before...I thing its up to the new Version of Visitor 3. When I import the layers on the Island I have no layers folder in my Data folder, so there are no layers on the Island...can you tell me please how to import layers with the new Visitor version? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cross 1 Posted September 6, 2008 Thanks for teh example Q.. One question...does it include the default clutter even tho we take out all teh probabilities out of the cpp? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cross 1 Posted September 6, 2008 I'm  getting lots of Quote[/b] ]No entry '.soundNear'. Size: '/' not an array No entry 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Tools\BinMake\Binarize\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/sarosa.seaTexture'. '/' is not a value errors in the binarizing log file with the config you suggested. Also textures are not working as well Any idea? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class sarosa { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; worlds[] = {"sarosa"}; requiredVersion = 1.0; requiredAddons[]={"Sara"}; }; }; class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; class Sara: CAWorld { class Grid; }; class sarosa: Sara { cutscenes[] = {""}; description = "SarosAwithnewconfig"; worldName = "\sarosa\sarosa.wrp"; plateFormat = "MB - $$ - ##"; class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = -15360; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 1; format = "XY"; formatX = "A"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 2000; stepY = 2000; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.5; format = "XY"; formatX = "Aa"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 500; stepY = 500; }; }; seagullPos[] = {1272.842041,150.000000,14034.961914}; centerPosition[] = {2500,2500,300}; minRocksInRockSquare = 4; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class sarosa {}; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 6, 2008 so it worked before crawler? change cutscenes[] = {""}; to cutscenes[] = {}; if you dont use one. can you please post your old config in pastebin and do you load the old config with another pbo in addition by chance? pm the whole stuff if you want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 6, 2008 Hello Q, can you help me please with that trouble , posted above? I have really no clue how to become Textures visible ingame, in Buldozer all textures are visible, but ingame it says that the layers are not existing and the layers folder is not existing also in my Data folder after the import process has been finished succesful. But I have a further unexpected problem what I havent had before...I thing its up to the new Version of Visitor 3. When I import the layers on the Island I have no layers folder in my Data folder, so there are no layers on the Island...can you tell me please how to import layers with the new Visitor version? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 6, 2008 My visitor knowledge is very limited. Did you PM Opteryx? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 6, 2008 Not yet, but I will do...thanks for your support..I havent fixed my problem as you havent replied my today... regards Memphis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicholas Bell 0 Posted September 6, 2008 Quote[/b] ]When I import the layers on the Island I have no layers folder in my Data folder, so there are no layers on the Island...can you tell me please how to import layers with the new Visitor version? Check your Tools | Project Preferences to make sure your folder - textures is correct.  You may want to check your P: drive to locate the missing files.  I've made this error a few time myself  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 6, 2008 Oh dear...I am such an ***** sure...I totaly forgot to check that option...havent created Islands for a time and forgot nearyl all again... Thanks for supporting me.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cross 1 Posted September 6, 2008 ......... well it worked fine before I switched to sara and deleted all the clutter and plant and insect probabilities. BinPBO errors out as well.. posted in pastebin.. earlier it looked like this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define ReadAndWrite 0 //! any modifications enabled #define ReadAndCreate 1 //! only adding new class members is allowed #define ReadOnly 2 //! no modifications enabled #define ReadOnlyVerified 3 //! no modifications enabled, CRC test applied class CfgPatches { class SarosA { units[] = {SarosA}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.10; requiredAddons[] = {CAData,CABuildings,CAMisc,CAPlants,CARoads,CARocks}; }; }; class DefaultLighting; class DefaultLighting_CA : DefaultLighting {}; class CfgWorlds {  class DefaultClutter  {   scaleMin = 0.9;   scaleMax = 1.4;  };  class DefaultWorld;  class CAWorld : DefaultWorld  {   class Grid {};  };  class SarosA: CAWorld { access = ReadOnlyVerified; worldId=3; cutscenes[] = {DesertIntro1}; description = "Saros_Alpha_v1"; icon=""; worldName=\SarosA\SarosA.wrp; pictureMap = ""; pictureShot = ""; plateFormat="ML$ - #####"; plateLetters="ABCDEGHIKLMNOPRSTVXZ"; longitude = -40; // positive is east latitude = -40; // positive is south // landRange is stored directly in WRP file //New 6-figure grid system class Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0; class Zoom0 { zoomMax = 0.6; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "Aa"; stepX = 1000; stepY = 1000; }; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 1.0; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "A"; stepX = 4000; stepY = 4000; }; }; startTime = 10:30; startDate = 01/05/2008; startWeather = 0.1; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.3; forecastFog = 0.0; seagullPos[] = {7500,150,2500}; //default center position centerPosition[] = {1500,3500,300};   class ReplaceObjects {};   // sound sources   class Sounds   {   sounds[]={};   };   class Animation   {    vehicles[]={};   }; // default - no film   class Lighting : DefaultLighting {};   clutterGrid = 1.11;//pred demem to bylo 1.5   /// how far clutters are visible   clutterDist = 300;   noDetailDist = 1000;   /// where ground detail texture is fully visible (begin fading out)   fullDetailDist = 700;   minTreesInForestSquare = 3;   minRocksInRockSquare = 4;   class clutter   {    class GrassGeneral: DefaultClutter    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_general.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0.3;     swLighting = true;     //relativeColor[]={0.8,0.8,0.8,0};     //colorByGround=0.9;     scaleMin = 0.75;     scaleMax = 1.0;    };    class GrassFlowers: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_flowers.p3d";    };    class GrassLong: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_long.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0.6;     scaleMin = 0.60;     scaleMax = 1.10;    };    class GrassSevenbeauty: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_sevenbaeuty.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0.2;     scaleMin = 0.70;     scaleMax = 1.10;    };    class GrassYellow: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_yellow.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0.2;     scaleMin = 0.70;     scaleMax = 1.10;    };    class GrassDesert: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_grass_desert.p3d";    };    class ForestFern: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_forest_fern.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0.1;     scaleMin = 0.90;     scaleMax = 1.10;    };    class SmallRocks: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\rocks\clutter_stone_small.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0;     scaleMin = 0.90;     scaleMax = 1.10;    };    class FlowersColor: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_smetanka.p3d";    };    class FlowersWhite: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_white_flower.p3d";    };    class MushroomsHorcak: GrassGeneral    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_horcak.p3d";     affectedByWind = 0;     scaleMin = 0.85;     scaleMax = 1.25;    };       class MushroomsPrasivka: MushroomsHorcak    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_prasivky.p3d";    };       class MushroomsBabka: MushroomsHorcak    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_babka.p3d";    };       class MushroomsMuchomurka: MushroomsHorcak    {     model="ca\plants\clutter_muchomurka.p3d";    };   }; class Subdivision { // fractal component of subdivision // changes are smaller for smaller rectangles class Fractal { // texture roughness factor rougness = 4; // max. value for squares containing road maxRoad = 0.02; // max. value for squares containing track maxTrack = 0.50; // max. coeficient depending on slope maxSlopeFactor = 0.05; }; // white noise component of subdivision // change size is independent on rectangle size class WhiteNoise { rougness = 2; // max. value for squares containing road maxRoad = 0.01; // max. value for squares containing track maxTrack = 0.05; // max. coeficient depending on slope maxSlopeFactor = 0.0025; }; // do not divide surfaces that are under given limit minY = -0.0; // do not divide flat surfaces minSlope = 0.02; }; class Ambient   {    /*  Layer cost and species probability use expressions.  Variables which can be used inside of expressions:     rain: rain intensity.     night: 1 during night, 0 during day.     hills: 0 at 150 ASL, 1 at 400 ASL.     windy: 0 at 0 m/s, 1 at 20 m/s.     trees: tree density.     sea: distance to sea.     houses: house density.     meadow: meadow character.     forest: 1 in the forest.    Any values are continuous/interpolated in the range of 0 to 1.    Values they are independent unless notes otherwise    (meaning meadow and forest can be 1 at the same time).    You can observe these values in real-time using:    diag_toggle "ambient"    */  class BigBirds  {   //Container radius:   //Species are normally spawned at the edges of the circle defined by this radius.   //One exception to this is the initial start of the simulation, where the whole   //circle will be filled.   radius = 300;   //Points allowed for this container:   //Xbox: 1 * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)   cost = "((1 + forest + trees) - ((2 * rain)) - houses) * (1 - night) * (1 - sea)";   //Classname in Species corresponds to type name:   class Species   {    class Hawk    {     probability = 0.2;     cost = 1;    };   };  };  class Birds  {   radius = 170;   //Xbox: (1 - night) * (2 + 8 * sea)   cost = "(1 - night) * ((1 + (3 * sea)) - (2 * rain))";   class Species   {    class Seagull    {     probability = 0.2;     cost = 1;    };   };  };  class BigInsects  {   radius = 20;   //Xbox: 1 * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea)   cost = "(5 - (2 * houses)) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";   class Species   {    class DragonFly    {     probability = 0.6 - (meadow * 0.5) + (forest * 0.4);     cost = 1;    };    class ButterFly    {     probability = 0.4 + (meadow * 0.5) - (forest * 0.4);     cost = 1;    };   };  };  class BigInsectsAquatic  {  radius = 20;  cost = "(3 * sea) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - windy)";  class Species  {  class DragonFly  {  probability = 1;  cost = 1;  };  };  };  //The wind is blowing various particles around:  class WindClutter  {   radius = 10;   //Xbox: (10 - 5 * rain) * (1 - sea) * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5])   cost = "((20 - 5 * rain) * (3 * (windy factor [0.2, 0.5]))) * (1 - sea)";   class Species   {    class FxWindGrass1 //Dark green grass.    {     probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";     cost = 1;    };    class FxWindGrass2 //Dry grass.    {     probability = "0.4 - 0.2 * hills - 0.2 * trees";     cost = 1;    };    class FxWindRock1 //Dust.    {     probability="0.4 * hills";     cost = 1;    };    class FxWindLeaf1 //Green leaf.    {     probability = "0.2 * trees";     cost = 1;    };    class FxWindLeaf2 //Dry leaf.    {     probability = "0.1 * trees + 0.2";     cost = 1;    };    class FxWindLeaf3 //Green leaf with a dry spot.    {     probability = "0.1 * trees";     cost = 1;    };   };  };  class NoWindClutter  {  //Xbox: 10   radius = 15;   //Xbox: 1 * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses) * (1 - (windy factor [0.1, 0.2]))   cost = "(20 * (windy factor [0.1, 0.2])) * meadow * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - forest) * (1 - houses)";   class Species   {    class FxWindPollen1    {     probability = 1;     cost = 1;    };   };  };  class SmallInsects  {   radius = 3;   //Xbox: (9 - 5 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)   cost = "(12 - 8 * hills) * (1 - night) * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";   class Species   {    class HouseFly    {     probability = "deadBody + (1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 - meadow * 0.2)";     cost = 1;    };    class HoneyBee    {     probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.5 - forest * 0.1 + meadow * 0.2)";     cost = 1;    };    class Mosquito    {     probability = "(1 - deadBody) * (0.2 * forest)";     cost = 1;    };   };  };  class NightInsects  {   radius = 3;   cost = "(9 - 8 * hills) * night * (1 - rain) * (1 - sea) * (1 - windy)";   class Species   {    class Mosquito    {     probability = 1;     cost = 1;    };   };  }; };   class Names   { #include "SarosA.hpp"   };  }; }; class CfgWorldList { class SarosA {}; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cross 1 Posted September 7, 2008 It worked OK when I disabled "Binerize" in the BinPBO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 7, 2008 well thats not really a solution, yet you can come back to this problem once you have finished the rest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Auss 208 Posted September 7, 2008 Make sure you keep looking for the solution, as binarizing makes a huge difference to the performance of the island ingame I had the same problem when I binarized, I lost all my ground clutter. It turned out to be a small error in the syntax of my cpp file. Plus I was using paa files when I should have used png for clutter textures Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 8, 2008 Why should someone binarize his project?... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted September 8, 2008 Why should someone binarize his project?... Because it: a) Massively improves ingame performance b) Reduces load times c) Fixes/highlights any errors in the output log so he can ensure its error free before release. d) Reduces file size for downloads All of which are pretty damn good reasons to binarise. There’s no real reason not to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memphisbelle 99 Posted September 8, 2008 OK...that sounds senseful....thanks for enlightenment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites