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Main rotor, tail rotor and turret rotation

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Hi guys, this is my MD-500 project for the RACS. I made it entirely from scratch, so it has nothing to do with BIS models but the materials and some textures I used. The whole 3D thing is mine so... I'm having some troubles setting the LODs in o2, the one that's giving me more trouble is the SHADOW LOD.


I read this page Shadow LODS but I don't know why but my shadows go crazy.... looks like they are flying away on its own.

Main rotor and tail rotor

Do I have to create the animations for these to properly work?? Actually I see the two rotors, the static one and the blured one at the same time... and when it starts to fly, the static one disapears and only shows the blured one.


At the front you can see the TOW visor wich rotates just as the AH-1 does... how can I make it work??

TOW missiles

On each side of the chopper there are 2 missile launchers wich two missiles each (total of 4 missiles).

I took BIS tow missiles and created 4 proxys as you can see in the image.

How can I make it fire them using BIS original missile and remove those proxies after firing?

I know many of this stuff is a config.cpp matter, but I guess it has to be created in o2 at first so, could anyone lean me a hand with my chopper???

THX guys

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hey namreg .. sorry i posted the reply in the WIP topic but it should help when creating shadow LOD

tounge2.gif p.s just read Sgt.Ace's post

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Hey maby it helps.


About the shadow load and the screen in the wip thread. It looks like u didnt close all points and faces in the shadow lod. (Oxygen 2 Manual ShadowVolume LOD)

Main rotor and tail rotor:

Are all needed secions, blurproxy... and model.cfg, config.cpp correct?


Do you created the sensor sections and the correct memory points for the sensor turret? When u have the correct model.cfg u can see the anim in bulldozer.

TOW missiles:

What do you want remove the pod or only the missiles?


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obj1 "done" jejejeje.... nener.gif

Sarge THX , I didn't see that page you showed me.... It was great. When I tried to close the non-closed faces automatically, o2 crashed, so I did that by hand, one face at the time. And now it's all done..... thumbs-up.gif

orson THX mate for your help, in fact, if I didn't look at the WIP page I wouldn't have noticed Sgt.Ace post here at all.... THX buddy wink_o.gif

obj2 "huh.gif"

Quote[/b] ]Main rotor and tail rotor:

Are all needed secions, blurproxy... and model.cfg, config.cpp correct?

In the resolution LOD (which now is 0.000) I selected the tail rotor (blades+axis) and called it mala vrtule. Then I selected the tail rotor blades only and called the selection mala vrtule staticka.

I created a proxy with the blured tail rotor wich I copied and pasted im my own addon folder called md500_mala_vrtule_blur_proxy. After that I changed to the Memory LOD and I created two points at the tail rotor tube that is perpendicular to the fuselage and paral.lel to the ground and called them mala osa.

And for the main rotor I did the same but I changed mala for velka and for the main rotor axis in the Memory LOD I placed 2 points creating a line perpendicular to the ground where the main rotor axis should be.

Is it anything left??? And if I had to create a config.cpp from scratch.... how would it look like??? Only for the rotors I mean.

obj3 "sad_o.gif"

Quote[/b] ]turret:

Do you created the sensor sections and the correct memory points for the sensor turret? When u have the correct model.cfg u can see the anim in bulldozer.

Actually I only have created the axis in the Memory LOD, I looked at the AH-1Z p3D file and I saw the selections of the turret and their names... I'm on it right now.

And btw... I upgraded ArmA to 1.14 and bulldozer crashes always... should I unistall it and install it again or what??

obj4 " crazy_o.gif "

Quote[/b] ]TOW missiles:

What do you want remove the pod or only the missiles?

I want to remove the missiles as the pod is empty and only loaded with proxys. Just like the Hellfires in the AH-1Z. You can see them and when it fires, then the proxy disapears....

How can I do that??

I placed the proxies where the missiles should be and modified them a little because TOW missiles have their flying flins retracted before firing them.....

ufff...enough writing for today ....jejeje

THX all wink_o.gif

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And btw... I upgraded ArmA to 1.14 and bulldozer crashes always... should I unistall it and install it again or what??

The answer is in two of recent threads:



Basically you need to unpbo the new bin.PBO from ArmA\DTA folder into your P drive root.

And yes, each time you patch ArmA (minus the beta patches).

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About the main rotor and tail rotor, I just accomplished to make it rotate....but only the blured ones.

The rotor blades are suppossed to hide and the blured ones show up, but still the rotor axis must rotate and that's not working at all....

And I'm having this texture bug with the blured rotor blades:


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And I'm having this texture bug with the blured rotor blades:

Did you use a blurred rotor proxy (save it to proxy)?

If this doesn't solve the problem then it's the material settings of your rotor blades material: add a render flag NoZWrite


I think AddBlend or NoAlphaWrite might work simmilar, NoZWrite has a side effect of texture being transparent against fog on horizon (not really that noticible).

EDIT: I have checked the AH1 BIS model it seems you need 3 selections:

MainRotorBlurred = the blurred rotor proxy only

MainRotorStatic = blades only NOT MAST

MainRotor = both blade sets and rotor mast

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You also want to check about the launcher shadow, and the fact that the main rotor hides some parts of the launcher and the helo.


But it doesn't hide the other part of the chopper, I wonder why?

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ufff.. I think you are right Panda[PL]. I talked to wld427 because he made a MH500 and I asked him about his config.cpp file... and he let me use his. But I guess there are some things that don't work for me.

So what I'm doing is creating a whole new config.cpp file that only inherits from the helicopter class.

So I created a Turret class, and finally got a gunner in the cockpit.... and actually I can see through the turret but I cannot zoom in or out or even move around.

Other issue is that it's damn slow.... I don't know why, it takes a lot of time to get good speed but it doesn't run faster than 150.... well actually it does but you have to climb to 200 meters and dive like crazy confused_o.gif I think it has something to do with the GEOMETRY LOD with the weights or something, because in the config file I raised max speed to 500 and nothing happened.

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For the Geometry, try using the same volume of mass as the BIS AH6 by looking at the same model its Geometry smile_o.gif

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The flight dynamics are decided by mass distributions and total mass.

Top speed is decided by mass - the heavier the faster.

Steering is due to moments of inertia about x/y/z axes.\

I suspect the Center Of Gravity might have some influence on stability but I might just as well be wrong.

So what I'm doing is creating a whole new config.cpp file that only inherits from the helicopter class.

So I created a Turret class, and finally got a gunner in the cockpit.... and actually I can see through the turret but I cannot zoom in or out or even move around.

Other issue is that it's damn slow.... I don't know why, it takes a lot of time to get good speed but it doesn't run faster than 150.... well actually it does but you have to climb to 200 meters and dive like crazy  confused_o.gif  I think it has something to do with the GEOMETRY LOD with the weights or something, because in the config file I raised max speed to 500 and nothing happened.

On turret (possibly):


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class TurretBase {

 body = OtocVez;

 gun = OtocHlaven;

 gunAxis = OsaHlavne;

 gunBeg = usti hlavne;

 gunEnd = konec hlavne;

 minElev = -4;

 maxElev = 20;

 minTurn = -360;

 maxTurn = 360;

 soundServo[] = {Vehicles\gun_elevate,0.031623,1.000000};

 turretAxis = OsaVeze;


So these are probably missing:



However this might cause entire turret to turn up/down. So you might need a fake "gun"


I really have no idea how it works.

Here is how BI Cobra has its turret defined:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Turrets: Turrets


class MainTurret: MainTurret


gunnerAction = AH1Z_Gunner;

gunnerInAction = AH1Z_Gunner;

primary = 1;



memoryPointsGetInGunner= "pos_gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir= "pos_gunner_dir";

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

minElev=-60; maxElev=+10; initElev=0;

minTurn=-70; maxTurn=+70; initTurn=0;

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z";



The gun defines are probably inherited from above ( ? ).

I belive min/max/initFov could be added.

The full BI configs+ .hpp files are added in released MLODs. Worth checking out. Also the class "Helicopter" since now I really am totally confused with yet another version of rotor definitions:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Helicopter: Air


type = 2;//VAir

nameSound = "chopper";

rotorBig = vrtule_velka;

rotorBigBlend = vrtule_velka_bl;

rotorSmall = vrtule_mala;

rotorSmallBlend = vrtule_mala_bl;



crewVulnerable = 1;


getOutAction = GetOutMedium;

class HitHull {armor=1;material=51;name="NEtrup";visual="trup";passThrough=1;} // disabled points from model

class HitEngine {armor=0.25;material=51;name="motor";visual="motor";passThrough=1;}

class HitAvionics {armor=0.15;material=51;name="elektronika";visual="elektronika";passThrough=0;}

class HitVRotor {armor=0.3;material=51;name="mala vrtule";visual="mala vrtule";passThrough=0;}

class HitHRotor {armor=0.2;material=51;name="velka vrtule";visual="velka vrtule";passThrough=0;}

class HitMissiles {armor=0.1;material=51;name="munice";visual="munice";passThrough=1;}

class HitRGlass {armor=0.1;material=51;name="sklo predni P";visual="sklo predni P";passThrough=0;}

class HitLGlass {armor=0.1;material=51;name="sklo predni L";visual="sklo predni L";passThrough=0;}

class ViewPilot: ViewPilot


initFov=0.8; minFov=0.3; maxFov=1.2;

initAngleX=10; minAngleX=-45; maxAngleX=+80;

initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-125; maxAngleY=+125;


class Turrets


class MainTurret : NewTurret


outGunnerMayFire = 1; //Engine assumes helicopter gunner is turned out.

commanding = -1;

memoryPointsGetInGunner= "pos gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir= "pos gunner dir";

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

memoryPointGunnerOptics= "gunnerview";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";

castGunnerShadow = 1;

viewGunnerShadow = 1;

gunnerAction = AH1Z_Gunner;

gunnerInAction = AH1Z_Gunner;


gunnerForceOptics = 0;

class HitTurret {armor=0.2;material=51;name="vez";visual="vez";passThrough=0;};

class HitGun {armor=0.2;material=51;name="zbran";visual="zbran";passThrough=0;};



class AnimationSources;



















soundEngine[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\helicopter", db30, 1};

soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\noise", db-30, 1.0};

soundDammage[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", db-40, 1};

class EventHandlers {};

supplyRadius = 1.2;





rotorBig = vrtule_velka;

rotorBigBlend = vrtule_velka_bl;

rotorSmall = vrtule_mala;

rotorSmallBlend = vrtule_mala_bl;

Where did "Main" go???

Probably BI forgot to clean the configs up after some patch and now we have redundand defines... crazy_o.gif

Anyway I hope you figure it out somehow. If all else fails just define it as AH1W and put the same selections in. :/

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Hi Panda[PL], please forgive me if I haven't answered you before but I was trying all the things you mentioned.... and with some help from RockofSL I figured a couple of things out.

But the blured rotors aren't working properly. I tried everything, FACES > MOVE BOTTOM, FACES > MOVE UP... and nothing happened, so I think that there must something with my own helicopter mesh that is completely wrong.

At one point I managed to create a turret and to add a gunner to my heli.... but now, after some changes, I just lost it...jajaja

So I'm kind of down with this project. I have put too much time and I'm getting nowhere.

I guess I need a good config.cpp tutorial about making a whole heli form scratch or something.....

Thanks for all your time and your effort trying to help me out. I really appreciate it.

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The config can be a pain in the arse for sure, just one letter or number in the wrong place can mean nothing works, but once you get it, it all comes together in a rush.

My #1 tip: Use the BIS open sources and community examples (any MLOD ones anyway): Open the cpp, model files then open the P3D that goes with it. Look at the named sections and axis points for turrets, guns etc, look at how they are arranged in the CPP files ...... it will start to make sense.

Even if it doesn't, sometimes its as simple as Mimicing it and it'll work.

Good luck  thumbs-up.gif

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