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small conf repl fo Stealth mission fans

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voice addon 0.5b

Description:this addon replaces all voices in radioprotol to whisper)

slightly accelerates and simplifies it

not comatable with @EVA mod

not tested in MP

unfortunately there are only 2 voice say whisper in default BIS voices.pbo: Dan and Howard//

then all voices for all side say whisper))


small mp3 demo//used @HiFi Sound Mod by Mark XIII

install as mod// add to shorcut something like this


Disclaimer: Addon does not contain materials protected by the laws on the copyrights, behind exception already given BIS. You can supplement and change it, not asking my permission, but to specify my authorship, is necessary.

Contact: to the complaints and  suggestions mail to: nikita320106@yahoo.com


any comments and suggestions are welcomed))

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Holy S**t!

You the man !

You work quick buddy, I'm itching to try it out !


Best Regards


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Is there a script way to maybe combine both eva and this so, when in battle EVA is used and when stealth is used this one gets referred too.

Maybe a menu switch "Stealth comms" / "Battle Coms" or something that can flip between? Now that would be the best.

I guess its a case of dynamically switching configs right?

Wonder if its doable?

Great stuff, this is yet another feature that surly should have come out of the box.

PS maybe modify the thread title a little more, its not so clear thumbs-up.gif

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Nice one! I downloaded this thinking it would lower the volume levels, didn't think it would actually be whispers. Nice work

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Wow this sounds good gonna give it a go.

How about a script that checks what time it is? So basically any time after 8-9pm or when ever it goes dark to about 5-6am it would switch around and use the whisper but during the day it uses the louder versions?

Not sure how easy it is to do that into a config though but would definitely be amazing to see in ArmA.

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Quote[/b] ]How about a script that checks what time it is? So basically any time after 8-9pm or when ever it goes dark to about 5-6am it would switch around and use the whisper but during the day it uses the louder versions?

this would be a great idea. Like i mentioned before maybe a switchable via menu option for "Sleath Comms" etc, I really hope a scripter takes a look at this. The missing link to real "Feel" comms in certain situations.

If anyone knows how this could be setup to run please post!

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Quote[/b] ]Let's ahave a Youtube vid to see or hear it in action.

Theres already a perfectly good mp3 on the first page, whats wrong with that?

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to all))

o) yet i don't find a way to change conf depending of situation)

may be it necessery more work on this)


speech sound level can change in preferences>>sound>>may be second slider

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Erm sorry to dig this back up but I have a problem which is really starting to bug me a bit. Is it is possible to have all voices the same level of volume, for me when in a heavy gun fight I can't actually hear what is being said all I hear is beep beep from the end of each message.

Maybe make all voices the same volume as the player as when I say something in a fight I can hear myself just no one else. Is there a way to fix this? Cheers.

(The same goes for the combat variant of this addon EVA)

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so// i think this not really trouble because i'm hears all radiochat sufficiently loud and clear// ist can be depends by you soundcard params or something else//

you can try disable in ingame soundoptions "hardware acceleration" or "eax"

in radio_config , there is no any parameters volume or something//

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