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I'm part of a group that once every few years have a monstreous session of gaming. Pretty big scale regarding organization, and 16-27 players have attended. This time, the mission authors mission template broke down and nothing would ever work properly, so I stepped in and "quickly" made a few changes to Domination of which we undertook a few sidemissions. We were unfortunately only 12 players this time since many didn't bother to attend a "degraded" event, but it was still fun.

Modifications to Domination were done in order to make it more realistic for our gamestyle, and these includes:

* Engineers can only perform light repairs and build covers. For advanced repairs, a repair truck is still needed. Also they can no longer refuel or rearm. However, when rearm truck is nearby he will be able to *fully* rearm any multimagazine vehicle that only has a single turret (no commanders turret on MBT, limitation in engine).

* Removed teleport functionality.

* Every selecteable "session" has different set of certain ECS parameters, i.e. more weapon jams in later sessions.

* Respawn vehicles can only be used to respawn to, no create motorcycle or drop ammocrate. Regular M113 has this though, but naturally no respawn capability.

* AI now uses artillery against us, and despite programming limitations, they use it quite effectively, even illumination is well placed. They won't use HE/DPICM when friendly units is too close, but resort to smoke screening instead. Harmful artillery is always followed by a spotround of smoke or HE, so it's not completely hopeless to play against.

* New 155mm artillery for sniper (who has the only M24 rifle available). Can deliver DPICM (grenade showers) or laserguided copperhead (only 12 per session, 2 per gun) rounds as well as the usual stuff.

* Dropped ammo crates now *only* has ammunition, and sparingly so. But always has a Javelin and Stinger missile.

* Weapons crate in base only has a few selected weapons available. Mostly simple M4 variants and G36 -- no "uberweapons" like M16 ACOG og M16 M203, pick a suiteable role instead. Certain roles are equipped with more powerful weapons though.

* Three 6-man "fighting teams" of which one is Assault and two is Support. Support teams has one engineer and one medic attached each. One 2-man sniper team and one 3-man logistics/long range team carrying the platoons Javelin and Stinger missile systems.

* Only two UH-60 helicopters and one MH-6. Only one of each support truck, but two engineers trucks (regular 5t truck with an imaginary "crane" for vehicle flipping).

I notice there are some people playing the regular Domination online. I'm curious, is there any desire for a more realism and teamplay oriented version for public or private playing? Regular Domination is "haunted" by Rambo style do-it-all-yourself play, with way too much weapons and ammo available. At least for my personal liking.

Anyway, pictures from the event can be found here. Note that the photos from the Volvo Valp offroad driving were taken by a friend of mine, but posted with permission to keep a full "set" of images.

We also rolled the Valp over, which was videoed using a high speed recorder, can be seen


Although this wasn't a full scale NSF gathering with custom missions, I am very happy about the mission I presented and how we solved it during play. Great fun all in all. Anyone else has similar experiences to show and document?

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Mission is currently being reworked to be a bit more online friendly using only default markers and so on. It probably has a few bugs, and the "code" isn't as "neat" and optimized as the original Domination.

Can't really "release" it, since it's only a modified Domination and not own work. But search for Dominatrix on public servers, it will sometimes be up and running. Will be updated in near future though.

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ok thanks I will look for it. I have quite a few missions I have reworked myself that arn't neat so I understand. :-)

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Whats this thread about? The mission? The screenshots? The Car thingys? Beucase it would of been wiser to post in the MP Section :P  smile_o.gif

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