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Did bis do the right thing?

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I just want to see what the majority feels about BIS' decission on not releasing O2 for the public.

Personally I think BIS should release the tools for everyone or none. By selecting a "lucky few" is just plain unfair. confused.gif

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Personnally I strongly agree that this idea is terrible and feel BIS will alienate many parttime modders and stiffle creativity in the modding community. Whatever there reasons, financial, Codemasters constraints or fear of these tool being used commerically I believe there must be a better solution.

I personnally am now considering learning to model for a different game, I had planned to learn with oxygen when it was realised.

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Your poll is too limited.

Everyone should have access to the tools (eventually). But I'm not sure it's the best choice for day 1. confused.gif

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As a true fan of OFP, thats been following the development since november 2000, I can only say:

BIS, you are shooting your own foot.

You have the worst feal of situation. Cant you see? This is the time to step forward and start supporting all the stuff that people are doing for this game?

OFP has one of the smallest community in modern gaming scene, but the community is so strong, and filled with enthusiasts, and I would really hate to see you block them from their "dreams".

They have worked hard, and made addons without any tools or response from your side. They have even made new weapons by MANUALLY editing the hexcode of original weapons.

I know for a fact that many of the people on various OFP fan-sites are sitting in chatrooms criticising you. You are blowing you cover of being a nice supporting gamemanufactor.

Yes, you are gonna create patches, improvements etc. But when u are gonna release it, 80% of the OFP community are long gone and forgotten.

I dont know if its because you are too afraid of people stealing your game engine or anything. But dont worry. They wont, cause the game stinks when it comes to modifications.

For gods sake, havent u downloaded the "Desert mod" thing. That install process!!! Come on BIS. Other games have alot more decent mod implementation.

Uve spend so many hours creating this fine piece of game. The engine is really cool. And the only thing you get out of limiting O2 to "selected projects" is warez.

The program will be leeched a week after you release it. And you can be damn sure that I will help it getting leeched if i get my hands in it.

That is the most positive thing that can happen.

Because people will still want the tools, and what happends when people want something they cant have? Yes, they hack the engine, and create their own tools. And those tools will probably have flaws, mistakes etc. that makes the game crackable for new trainers or just makes the game plain buggy when you play with those addons.

And to your question. I can say that BIS did DAMN NOT figure out the right choise. This is the stippiest decision from them since their "We wont release the SDK, but we will make some tools available for the public" - crap.

Yes people. I guess this is what BIS really am.

Good bye, OFP would had been a great game.

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I think BIS were spot on only releasing this to certian people.

it keeps the standard of work high becuase they personally judge it to see if should get the go ahead to get into this game.

I dont see why you are all moaning about it not being released to anyone, have any of you e mailed BIS to show off your handywork?

It will keep the number of addons down and will make it unlikely that 2 models of the same thing will be released.

It will also keep online gaming simple because people wont have to downlaod crappy models that they hate!

I bet your models are shit anyway Espectro

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Why not implement an official BIS rating system of sorts.

If BIS had a system where mods have been created by users and could be run through series of tests to receive an offical status of sorts. This way the mods are of the best quality and approved by BIS offically. I am sure that BiS could find some volunteers to test mods so that they aren't wasting time, much like the moderators position.

BIS in turn then could use these new weapons and vehicles in thier own missions.

I am totally for having the tools available to everyone. not everyone works well in a team fashion or wants to create an entire mod to get the gun they want.

Personally I see this as a way to revive the community while we wait for the new island and addons in the summer.

On another note I hope BIS will release something NEW in the next patch to tie us over till summer after this crappy news.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Shadow @ Feb. 28 2002,22:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I just want to see what the majority feels about BIS' decission on not releasing O2 for the public.

Personally I think BIS should release the tools for everyone or none. By selecting a "lucky few" is just plain unfair. confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

"Did they do the right thing?"

-Of course they didn't!

They never do... confused.gif

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I think Hoz has the right idea - Give it to everyone... but make some kind of rating system.

Take OFPEC for example, they have "Editing Centre Approved" stauses for good mods, why dont BIS have "BIS Approved" statuses for good mods too?... That way People wont, in fact be downloading crappy models that they hate.

It will all be quality stuff or it wont be "Bis Endorsed".

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I Must say that i'm surpsised that OPF has almost no cheats and noonline hacks, but i guess that is becouse the most of OPF fans are true game fans.

another reason is the fact the the OPF community is small.

but by makeing this dissision you are actual tighting your noos around your neck.

this will only do what Espectro said, it will only FORCE people to hack and crack and bash the game untill they have what they need to make thier own tools, this will open the way for cheats and exploits all over the place... and that will only lead to one thing OPF dieing out slowly but surely...we all lived up till now under the ilision that you actualy give a demn about us... well now it is starting to look like you dont realy...

and to all thouse who say this is for qualety control... well people you are almost as wrong as BIS is... that is a load of bull, becouse what qualety control, if they cant give people the chanse to show what they can do???

I can bet my copy of OPF that there are modlers out there that are way way batter then the guys with the "Selected few" mods.

BIS bottom line!!!

Nothing good will come out of this only bad. and as Espectro said... dont worry the leeched and warezed O2 will be out there faster then you will even know what happend and how...By the way how about some explaining??? i think the people here deserve some explanation about what and why ...

Very funy where are you BIS and CM in this little discsion?

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I havnt heard ANYTHING form CM... I wonder if they even know wink.gif.

If theyre really worried about quality control, there must be 101 other ways to combat it... BIS have picked the second worse.

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BIS is making a big mistake for several reasons. The wonderful thing about being able to mod games is that it gives a large number of dedicated people a creative outlet that encourages them, with no formal training, to learn to add value. Where would Quake be today were it not for the many quality mods that keep the game alive? We would all have moved on to the next game.

I think this is really consistent with a general arrogance that I've seen with respect to the developers of this game. They seem to think that they are *the* experts on what's good and bad about gaming. They have very negative things to say about cheats. Ha, now that is a real joke. Were it not for cheats I would have given up on these games long ago. I have zero tolerance for a poorly designed level or bugs in a game that cause me to get stuck or bored with having to play one silly section of a game over and over. I build software for a living and I know when I see shoddy work. Poorly tested and poorly designed code shouldn't ruin my gaming experience and it doesn't because I have a solution. I cheat through the crappy part of a game and then turn the cheat off when I've gotten past the offending portion to where the work is of better quality. First thing I did with OFP, before buying the game, was learn how to use multiple saves and probably wouldn't have bought the game without that workaround. If I buy a game, I *will* play it absolutely any way that pleases me. I have nothing to prove, I'm just looking for entertainment.

If BIS doesn't want to release Oxygen to the masses fine, so release the key to the p3d file format and we'll build our own damn tools. And I hope they don't think they are qualified to sit in judgement over what is and what isn't an "acceptable" mod of a game. That's a question of art and I'd frankly be offended, and I think most of the modding community would be as well, if asked to submit work for approval before being allowed to mod a game. That would be arrogant.

Wise up BIS, you've done some good work but others can and will pass you by if you don't build a real following to create loyalty to this game. I hope you choose to encourage our interest.

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Just my quick 2 Euro cents here... I've been doing missions for OFP since the demo came out, now totalling 20+ missions.

(I am not claiming here they are all great). But I have thrown

countless of hours of making them, learning the editor etc. just for the fun of it. All the missions that people have made kept OFP alive this far, since the editor was open to everybody who wanted to give it ago. Now, the communitiy is full of missions that pump new life to the OFP and make it sell better! Many of them are much better than the canned ones!

The decision to give editor to chosen few is plain wrong, look at other games. Half-Life mods weren't inspired and started by the 'chosen few' - they came out of pure creativity of the common man!

Giving equal chances to everybody is cornerstone of democracy you czechs should have learned that by now!

Sorry for this outburtst but I feel extremely angry of this decision and word-eating!

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BIS: I need to have your money and your wife. It is for your own good, I assure you.

Flashpoint User: Oh, yes, thank you BIS for thinking for me. Here, take my car too...

BIS: You're welcome.

It's amazing that people are actually cheering for a descision that denies them something

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Mar. 01 2002,12:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BIS: I need to have your money and your wife. It is for your own good, I assure you.

Flashpoint User: Oh, yes, thank you BIS for thinking for me. Here, take my car too...

BIS: You're welcome.

It's amazing that people are actually cheering for a descision that denies them something<span id='postcolor'>

lol well put.. that is exactly what they are doing... they are like some evil cult at first they are so nice and you think they are the coolest people out there then they back stab you and turn all evil i think bis is part of the talaban and this is how they are tring to get their money

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May I suggest you convert to Ghost Recon? It could be that the devs of GR aren't quite the cultist Taliban evil-doers that BIS are. I hear the Deer Hunter series also has quite a following, which could mean that the DH devs are bonafide saints.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gaswell @ Mar. 01 2002,12:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">May I suggest you convert to Ghost Recon? It could be that the devs of GR aren't quite the cultist Taliban evil-doers that BIS are. I hear the Deer Hunter series also has quite a following, which could mean that the DH devs are bonafide saints.<span id='postcolor'>

ghost recon is evil!!! they are all evil at least ofp is a good game just the creators suck my ass

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Quote: "For gods sake, havent u downloaded the "Desert mod" thing. That install process!!! Come on BIS. Other games have alot more decent mod implementation."

Actually, that mod could have been made just using the addon structure, patching Cfg classes. It's not BIS' fault that Desert Mod is such a nightmare to install.

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Why do people persistantly compare OPF to Half life? Half life is little more than quake with a sizeable mod with several core changes to allow for better 3d acceleration and better graphics. OFP is a 100% new engine with 100% new tools that are created and owned by BIS. It's their day job, their living and their security. Dont presume you know anything about future OFP modding because it could all change in a mili-second (and has done several times).

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Did bis do the right thing?<span id='postcolor'>

In both the short term AND long term, I believe they have done the right thing. It's my belief that BIS were expecting large amounts of high-quality missions and campaigns and to my knowledge there is little over 7, 8 campaigns of varying quality.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ghost recon is evil!!! they are all evil at least ofp is a good game just the creators suck my ass<span id='postcolor'>

I)eaI)Eye1809 just lost his posting rights. I warned him of making more imature, inflamitory remarks.

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