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How can i find a decent sized game?

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I've been trying and trying to find Arma 1.11b servers with players in them but so far every time I've tried over the last few days the most i can find is servers with 8 or 9 ppl playing max. Are there any servers out there with 30 or 40 ppl in? and if so where?

I Was really looking forward to massive online battles in arma but all i can ever seem to find is servers with a handful of people working completely independently.

any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. is it just that there aren't that many players out there??

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I dunno about 1.11b specifically, but if you are looking into massive coordinated battles in ArmA, you need to go to private servers. You can look around this forum, a lot of groups advertise when their sessions are, and how to join. I personally would recommend the CiA coop nights, although they've been getting smaller recently, and they only play 1.08.

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I've been trying and trying to find Arma 1.11b servers with players in them but so far every time I've tried over the last few days the most i can find is servers with 8 or 9 ppl playing max. Are there any servers out there with 30 or 40 ppl in? and if so where?

I Was really looking forward to massive online battles in arma but all i can ever seem to find is servers with a handful of people working completely independently.

any help anyone could offer would be greatly appreciated. is it just that there aren't that many players out there??

100+ Player Battles Using 1.08


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really like the look of the ic arma altho it seems to be 1.08b not 1.11b and i can't seem to get onto the server, even after signing up its still password protected and i have no idea what it might be.

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really like the look of the ic arma altho it seems to be 1.08b not 1.11b and i can't seem to get onto the server, even after signing up its still password protected and i have no idea what it might be.

We where going to use 1.11, but we discovered that there is a massive bug which can cause the server to completely fail, so for the meantime we've gone back to 1.08. Once you sign up on the forums and choose a Army you should get all the relevant passwords from the forums, if not ask someone on Teamspeak.


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I was on the Tactical Gamer Server last night and it had 25+ Players on a big Coop which wasn't Domination/Evolution/Bezerk LOL

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We where going to use 1.11, but we discovered that there is a massive bug which can cause the server to completely fail, so for the meantime we've gone back to 1.08. Once you sign up on the forums and choose a Army you should get all the relevant passwords from the forums, if not ask someone on Teamspeak.


Have you passed the details of this to anyone?

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We where going to use 1.11, but we discovered that there is a massive bug which can cause the server to completely fail, so for the meantime we've gone back to 1.08. Once you sign up on the forums and choose a Army you should get all the relevant passwords from the forums, if not ask someone on Teamspeak.


Have you passed the details of this to anyone?

Indeed, we are also watching the 1.11 Thread for more info. smile_o.gif

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We (Arma Theatre of War) also run 60+ player games on a Sunday night, but as we use the same host as IC we're also restricted to using 1.08 due to issues with 1.09 (can't have more than 50 players) and 1.11 (memory usage). But we still have great battle on 1.08 some come and check us out.

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I was on the Tactical Gamer Server last night and it had 25+ Players on a big Coop which wasn't Domination/Evolution/Bezerk LOL

Yeah I beleive I was there too! Was quite a good fun! smile_o.gif

Anyways to answer the question in the posters title basically you'll need to sign up for a clan, community, tournament or something to get regular cohesive large scale matches as the other guys have suggested.

We also run weekly campaigns and trainings over at http://operationreality.org

Feel free to try out if you think you've got what it takes.

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