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Will these specs run ArmA well?

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Will these specs run ArmA well?

* Intel Core 2 Quad Processor Q6600

* 2.4GHz, 1066MHz FSB, 8MB Cache

* Genuine Windows Vista ® Home Premium

* 2GB Memory

* 400GB Hard Drive

Obviously Vista is not ideal.

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Won't run without a graphics card.

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I'm running Vista Home Premium and had no end of problems. I can play ok but get off the briefing as fast you can!!

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Make that 4 gigs of RAM and an 8800GT/GTS, and you'll be set on max settings.

Trust me. I ran it with similar specs but with 2 gigs of ram, and textures had a hard time catching up. After going to 4 gig, everything was as it should be. No blurries, great frame rates, and a fantastic experience. I've been a happy camper ever since.  smile_o.gif

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