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Multiple mods runing?

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I want to combine a few mods so they work together,, although im not sure how to go about this.

The mods in question are Arma effects (madmatt),6th sense and Sound Of War mod, but each of these require a separate run line (new shortcut) resulting in only being able to run these excellent mods seperatly.

I am sure theres a simple solution i just can find out what it is! any assistance/help would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi, to run different Mods folders, just go create a new shortcut pulling

you're ArmA.exe to the \Start Menu\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ and

then change it's name once created to whatever you want to call it.

Then rigth mouse button on it, go to: Properties. And there add this:

"C:\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=DBE1 -mod=@USMC -mod=@lowplants -nosplash".

With that you'll be running the ArmA, the QG, my own addons & the

Lowplants 1.1 all toguether and you'll remove the annoying loading

screens with the -nospash at the end of the whole line. Let's C ya

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"C:\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=DBE1 -mod=@USMC -mod=@lowplants -nosplash".

Even better than that you can just separate the mods with a ; thusly:

"C:\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=DBE1;@USMC;@lowplants;@AnotherMod;@YetAonotherMod -nosplash".

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Or you use write it this way<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">-mod=DBE1;@USMC;@lowplants

You dont have to write -mod= for every mod.

Most mods dont even need their own modfolder so you can drop all mods into the same modfolder if you like.

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Ok cheers lads i got it working!

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I used every launcher out there and had issues with each for various reasons. I use religiously Yoma's tool: http://www.yomatools.be. It does a lot and its very easy to use.

Want your mods in a particular order? Click the boxes in the order you want your mods to run, and you're ready to go. Everyone here has their own preference and this is mine, thought I'd share it. smile_o.gif

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