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PVP 2 Sided Evolution

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Rgr, released 3.2 with some improvements.

Had to hotfix it twice - version should show money when stats menu turned off

Also, drop vehicle parachutes are removed more agressively. Should have been in 3.1

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Improved GUI System, main menu accesses all features. New GUI weapon equipment screen, allows you to equip your AI and yourself using custom templates. Total of 42 towns.

Ammo and fuel trucks added. TT650g drop bike for east.

Game is tested for 1.08 to ensure cmpatibility with most users.

I cannot WAIT to try this. I have been busy.

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Great mission, definately my favorite, I do have one problem though.

With Corazol divided into east and west the AI seems to be at a stalemate. In your previous versions when Corazol was on city the AI could take over a whole island in 2-3 hours, but now that Corazol's two citys I let the AI fight for 4 hours and they're still stuck fighting in Corazol. I love that every city in the game can be taken over now but what good is it if the AI is just stuck fighting in Corazol. I think it's cause the AI have no where to manuever, I think since Corazol is so narrow the AI has no where to go. So I would like Corazol to go back to one city. thumbs-up.gif

In my experience under very similar circumstances, Bluefor was all the way to masbete and I had to rejoin and push them back to corozol where they started back up the march again.

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UFI - Concept for more cities revolves around the idea of asymetrical warfare. I would like to add to the feeling of the player being an independent Det commander, able work outside the box. Player contact will happen, but it may be a little more surprising. My hope is that my use of ai will fill the gap and provide a believable experience. As an NCO, I am trying to provide a maximum number of command options. I always enjoy a good ambush myself.

I recommend trying a heli insertion if you havent.

You have made this the best mission on ArmA. And yes, taking a decked out SF squad to take over Paraiso way behind enemy lines was awesome.

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Just tried the newest version (3.2). One omission I found is that when you are equipping your squad, all 203 weapons are unable to load 203 rounds from the menu. It would also be nice if the equipping menu had two additional options: "Equip All" and/or "Equip Personal Loadout" (Player loadout). That would REALLY speed up the process of equipping your squads. I believe it was brought up earlier, but the weapon loadouts don't take advantage of all the player spaces either.

Loving the mission man.

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Another minor bug: M4 SD Rounds aren't in the game so you can't use the M4a1 SD Rifle from the equip menu.

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Hi....i found that in 3.2 the frame rates went down.....i know i dont have a power machine, but in older versions i get better frame rates......I enjoy playing this but with low frames it isnt fun to play....i dont know if you can improve the frame rates in the next versions.

Again....very good mission...THE BEST

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Another question.....why arent you making South Sahrani mission anymore....i think it got better frame rates and i can play it with only 1 friend .....

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3.3 Released

Work done on weapon GUI.  Ability to equip entire squad at once.  Towns reduced to a total of 28. 14/14.

PS user mods are welcome

To change town locations move the flag objects on the map, rename them and change the associated entry in the mainbase/estart/civbase entry's.  That is all you need to do to change towns in the game.  Town names in the mainbase array will have an aa team and send heli raids on other towns.  Others only spawn defensive ai.

Also, must move empty map markers for use with evo missions.  The mpatw is how east appear for example, west would be named wpatw_1.

Please forward your mods to me, and I will post them on my site with credits to the modder.

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3.3 Released

Work done on weapon GUI. Ability to equip entire squad at once. Towns reduced to a total of 28. 14/14.

PS user mods are welcome

To change town locations move the flag objects on the map, rename them and change the associated entry in the mainbase/estart/civbase entry's. That is all you need to do to change towns in the game. Town names in the mainbase array will have an aa team and send heli raids on other towns. Others only spawn defensive ai.

Also, must move empty map markers for use with evo missions. The mpatw is how east appear for example, west would be named wpatw_1.

Please forward your mods to me, and I will post them on my site with credits to the modder.

Hi smile_o.gif

we try yesterday a 3vs2 challenge in your Great scenario.

I ask you if BLUEFOR is overpowered, we got A10 Cobra and Harrier strike over enemy, and I see only an MH6 Cers from other side.

My team mate got a pc crash and I play alone vs two, but My side BLUFOR is overpowered and advance in the Island with a lot of air support.

I'm making an addon pack with a lot of addon and I've made a personal evolution mod, I'm thinking to relase it to the comunity.

I've placed some runways at Rhamadi Pita and Antigua, using the editor102 addon and modified templates from airport, so your really nice "war scenario" can be improved with 3 more "runways" if u like this, I can edit your mission placing the runway, and sending back to you, after this offcourse the mission will require the editor102 addon.

I want to cooperate with you, adding our idea and addon experience to improve this great scenario, I also want to show you our work before it will be relased here.

the feedback are from version 3.1 with 42 city,

offcourse I will try the new version.

here is my msn contact: axelm@libero.it

so we can talk about editing and cooperation.

some other ideas:

I think that the cash earned from city must be more related to size of city, big city will give you more $ than small village.

I also think that for earn cash from city city must be "connected" with other owned city and with "main" city for example Pita and Paraiso, if you attack a city in the opposite island and you conquest em, you don't get money back until you conquest the city that are placed between your owned.

Sorry is hard form me to explain my concept in english, but this sort of game play is planned to "CUT" enemy money attacking strategic city.

I wait your pm or other way you prefer to contact me, I belive that a game like ArmA should be played with scenario like yours to use all the features that games offers.

I wait the next SU30 relase so we can do balanced Airforce with a great war in the sky to earn sky control !!!

see ya soon !!!


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Sounds good.  I'm at work today and tommorow.  I'll add you when I get home.   I understand the changes your talking about, and they are easy enough to add change to, it just means time coding.  Problem with air power may involve the flightpath of the east airpower and sahrani terrain.  I'll have to increase the flightheight for that.  wish arma came with a stock mi24 btw.

In my opinion, there should be an addon pack version, which means re-packaging the better mods around. I can host that pack on my site if req. I still plan on releasing versions for stock arma, so I'm hoping there is a party intereseted in updating mod versions.

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Addons of interest:

RH AK's / Pistols

Wip M4 pack

Playable RACS side with lots and lots of add on options for the third (RACS) team. The new Rahmadi Army option with a "Rogue Island" mentality would be cool too.

More AI to fight against / More AI to have on your side in your personal squad.

SO many options. Can't wait to try 3.3

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Hi......i have just played 3.3 and one thing i noticed is that frame rate improved .....but i found a bug.....when i was trying to capture an enemy flag i kill all the enemy soldiers near the flag and i was standing near the enemy flag with my 5 soldiers and it didnt turn to our color. I chequed that no more enemies were around , but i didnt have much time because the enemy respawn his soldiers and killed all of us. I have played 3 times and it happends all the time.....?am i doing something wrong or is it a bug?

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The enemy must be cleared from the 100m radius of the flagpole.  If the enemy outnumber you within this radius the flag will not change.  There are typically 2 four man patrols and one zsu/vulcan crew per town.  I can assure you that the towns do work without error on any server/client setup.  The setup is meant to ensure player concentration of force and economy of effort.  You may need to bring a larger force, assault in coordination with ai forces, or have additional player supprt.  Fire missions prior to your arrival may help, but you must assault quickly and push through to destroy all enemy patrols within the objective area.  Establishing support and assault elements may help.  I recommend a firebase cover your assault elements, or similiar use of sniper teams. The game needs 60mm mortars and canadian lavs with 25mm's.


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K so by now you should know i like to play Opfor :P

Anyway I got an issue with the ammo crate you can call in the field any specific reason why it despawns so quick?

Blufor do take a few flags rather quick in the start. But hey I don't mind that.

Then for some reason I cant find the AK PSO in the equip menu sad_o.gif

Then I noticed that people can jump into the base vechiles ( choppers ) and transport them to the field :P Don't know if this is a good thing tbh.

I'll Let ya know if I find any thing else.

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Can someone make a version of this set in Sakakah? It could have Hamas insurgents, IEDs, the whole works.

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So hows this map i aint seen any servers run it yet and i got my qx9650 server online few days ago which would be good to test this map on

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3.5 release.

Work done on AI forces. Mission reworked for easy modding. Access units/units.sqf to easily change mission units. AK74 pso added, ammo crates last longer, satchels in crate's.

Modding of units done simply by changing values in units\units.sqf and changing map models where applicable. This will effect all scripts so that your unit's will take part in the battle for sahrani, including evolution missions.

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Wicked thanks for the PSO and Ammo crates times. notworthy.gif

Quote[/b] ]Modding of units done simply by changing values in units\units.sqf and changing map models where applicable. This will effect all scripts so that your unit's will take part in the battle for sahrani, including evolution missions.

Does that mean the AI in my squad or the units that are battling for Sahrani?

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Hi...i just played 3.5 and i think the west overpowered is fixed but i found some bugs with purchasing vehicles , some vehicles dont open the parachute and when i was trying to buy the SMP MG vehicle, a soldier appears in the air and opens his parachute, also when i buyed the Zodiac it wont opens his parachute and the truck appears with another truck on top of it and when it lands the truck explode.

I have played for an hour and didnt found any other bug.

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Rgr, new bugs likely due to my change to a single file mod system, I will have to clear those up tonight.  Thanks for the help.  3.4 or 3.3 should not have those bugs in the time being. Also, for zodiac and boat, I only have a parachute for the first 100 meters of fall, then the parachute is cut and the boats fall to land in position. This was done due to difficulties in determining z height over water. Conventional scripts would lower the boats underwater and/or launch the boat at speed from it's original x,y landing position due to velocity added by the water. So you will se the boats freefall 800 feet or so, this is intentional and controlled to drop the boat on the proper x,y coordinate, even in water.

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