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4GB Problem under X86 (32bit) OS

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Hi, i read often that people have problems with ARMA and 4GB Ram + a 32bit (X86) Operating System.

Let us discuss here about:

1. Any solutions from sides BIS or MS

2. About XP/Vista 64bit as a real alternative to 32bit OS

To 1.

Here is what i found from Microsoft to maybe fix it:

Physical Adress Extension

To 2.

Question: Is Arma running under Vista 64Bit as fast as under Vista 32Bit?

Regards, Christian

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I thought Ondrej already confirmed this was fixed in the current build which we'll see as 1.11 or 1.12 final? smile_o.gif

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ArmA has a problem with 64-bit Windows Vista, and more than 3GB of ram because as soon as you got more than 3GB of RAM, the video driver will report the available memory as a different data type as per default. This way, ArmA thinks it has 0mb memory smile_o.gif

Confirmed resolved by Suma, for upcoming patch.

32-bit OS and 4GB ram makes no problems for ArmA.

The problem only with 32-bit OS is that it can only assign 4GB virtual address space (without PAE iirc).

In that 4GB must fit the RAM, Video RAM and any other device that needs memory addressing.

Let's say you have 4GB RAM, and a 768MB videocard, in a 32-bit Windows OS you would only have about 3.2GB memory available, due to the addressing of the videocard.

I believe in Vista 32-bit this is a bit different, I think it was Baddo who shared a nice link at the Memory Addressing overview of all Windows versions.

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Quote[/b] ]ArmA has a problem with 64-bit Windows Vista, and more than 3GB of ram because as soon as you got more than 3GB of RAM, the video driver will report the available memory as a different data type as per default. This way, ArmA thinks it has 0mb memory smile_o.gif

Confirmed resolved by Suma, for upcoming patch.

Ok, this is for the 64Bit+4GB Problem right?

So to summarize this: It was a Problem from BIS and its fixed in the upcomming patch...

Question here: Is running Arma under 64bit as fast as under 32bit or very noticable slower?

Quote[/b] ]32-bit OS and 4GB ram makes no problems for ArmA.

The problem only with 32-bit OS is that it can only assign 4GB virtual address space (without PAE iirc).

In that 4GB must fit the RAM, Video RAM and any other device that needs memory addressing.

Hmm i heard it a bit different....

I heard that because of its 32bit technology it can only adress up to 3.x GB. Only the modern mainboards can do a "memory remapping" or something like that. Still you can't have more than the 3.x GB usable in 32Bit Windows' - no matter if Vista or XP

Quote[/b] ]I believe in Vista 32-bit this is a bit different, I think it was Baddo who shared a nice link at the Memory Addressing overview of all Windows versions.

Maybe you can point us to that link? smile_o.gif

Regards, Christian

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Question: Is Arma running under Vista 64Bit as fast as under Vista 32Bit?

ArmA is a 32bit application, so the 64bit OS runs it as 32bit.

Now, in a game such as Crysis, that gives me the option to run either in 32 or 64....... I see a major difference, 64 is best.

If ArmA was designed with that same option, I'm sure I would see the same results.

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So you say a 64Bit system is worth to install these days?

Regards, Christian

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Here you go:

[*] The 4GB Limit explained

[*] PAE Explained

[*] Memory Limits for Windows Releases

I'm personally running with this hardware:

Quote[/b] ]Asus Maximus Formula (FSB: 1666mhz)

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (running 4x 3333mhz)

4x 2GB OCZ Titanium XTC (1000mhz, 5-5-5-15 2t)

Geforce 8800GTX 768MB

Creative X-Fi (2.15.0004)

With Windows Vista x64 SP1 (RTM)

It runs like a dream, and I can not say if I notice slower operation of 32-bit applications as opposed to when running on 32-bit Windows

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Great.... so i'm installing it on one of my brothers new PC:

Q6600, 4GB DDR2-800, GF8800GTS-G92, and the usual stuff....

I hope this thread helps other aswell..

Regards, Christian

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I have only played ArmA in a x64 enviroment with 4gb ram and I have not had any issues with the game.

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I have only played ArmA in a x64 enviroment with 4gb ram and I have not had any issues with the game.

Define "a x64 environment" smile_o.gif

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4Gb ram here and no problems, no work arounds needed.No startup switches.Arma runs flawlessly

AMD 6400+ cpu, 4 gig ddr 800,Ati HD 3870 512mb ddr4 video


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4Gb ram here and no problems, no work arounds needed.No startup switches.Arma runs flawlessly

AMD 6400+ cpu, 4 gig ddr 800,Ati HD 3870 512mb ddr4 video


That's cause it's XP x64, and this was already widely known smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]vista ult x64 with a q6000 g0 cpu
That's afaik only possible in case you:

[*] You are Nvidia User and have not installed a 163.44 series or later graphics driver

[*] And have not applied the Vista Hotfixes on the BIKI page or Service Pack 1.

[*] Have only 3GB of RAM available due to wrong motherboard memory remapping or Vista Boot Settings

This means you're at a disadvantage, without those drivers + hotfixes, the virtual memory assignment is twice as big as it should be. This should result in more frequent out of memory crashes, depending on settings and used addons/mods.

I also believe you will have lower performance than with the 163.xx series incl hotfixes/sp1.

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So to clarify for those wondering Sickboy, what you're saying is that you have 8gb of ram, but you're actually only using 3 for ArmA, which is not the same as saying you're running ArmA with 8gb installed.

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4Gb ram here and no problems, no work arounds needed.No startup switches.Arma runs flawlessly

AMD 6400+ cpu, 4 gig ddr 800,Ati HD 3870 512mb ddr4 video


That's cause it's XP x64, and this was already widely known smile_o.gif

Was replying to original posters topic and questions

Quote[/b] ]

Let us discuss here about:

1. Any solutions from sides BIS or MS

2. About XP/Vista 64bit as a real alternative to 32bit OS

XP64 is a usable solution, I only added another verification

I only saw (edit: NONE) other in this topic

Vista 64bit in next patch is resolved so no worries

I want to add that :

Only problem I have had in XP64 as opposed to when I was running XP Sp2 Home

My security card (pci 4 channel video input) has no 64 bit drivers and doesn't work but I didn't really want to leave my pc running 24/7 just for that.I installed it in a older pc I have

I have about 20 games installed and all work from the start.Morrowind Oblivion is the only game that has some errors at startup but still works fine (I haven't mucked with it)

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No my system reconized all 4gb of ram, and yes i run 2 8800 ultras in sli. I also have SP1 installed but I did not have any issues before either so I am not sure what you are all talking about. It might just be my system, but who knows.

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He is talking about Nvidia drivers for 1 part.

I can go way back to 158.24 & .28 drivers, and ArmA works almost fine with 4gig ram and  adding -maxmem=512 to the shortcut.

With the  newer drivers, I have to tell my bios to disable Memory Hole Remapping so the system only uses half of the total memory available. But the good side is, better graphics, higher resolution, maxmem not needed ect ect.

We are just wondering as you said "It might just be my system, but who knows."

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4gb of ram wont be fully detected in a standard 32bit Windows OS vista or not it will only detect 3gb. to detect 4gb you will have to install a 64bit Os.

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how the he** did you guys make your Arma run with 4gb ram?

It runs fine :-)

More, I run 2 windowed ArmAs and a dedicated server on the same PC, in order to run some tests for MP missions, like a modded evo with like 1.5GB of addons.

Once up, each processe take 600/700MB of RAM.



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4gb of ram wont be fully detected in a standard 32bit Windows OS vista or not it will only detect 3gb. to detect 4gb you will have to install a 64bit Os.
It has nothing to do with detecting, or a true 3gb limit, checks links in my post from previous page.

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Gosh! I really wish that they will release the full patch soon so we can get a rid of that 4gb issue .... goodnight.gifhelp.gifbanghead.gifwelcome.gif

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Gosh! I really wish that they will release the full patch soon so we can get a rid of that 4gb issue ....  goodnight.gif  help.gif  banghead.gif  welcome.gif

I got 8GB of ram and only disable 5GB of it (in boot menu) when I play ArmA. Next time I reboot or when I go do other stuff, I simply boot with 8GB.

I don't see the problem so much, it's an inconvience imo, nothing more.

Im rather looking forward to all the other fixes of the patch.

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