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arma 2 performance and optimizations

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im just wondering.. if they optimize the arma engine and increase the performance will users who are able to run arma currently at medium to high be able to run arma2 at the same or possibly higher settings?

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It depends of course on new hardware requirements. If you running currently ArmA at medium settings - why should ArmA2 run with the same (old) hardware at highest setting? huh.gif

Maybe medium is possible... On the other hand many people cry loud because they have some new systems, graphic cards etc.

I guess ArmA2 release will be late in 2009 (xmas).

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I wouldn't expect that your old computer would run ArmA 2 as well as it runs ArmA 1. It can do it but it would not be wise to expect it in my opinion.

Sure, ArmA2 will be optimized as much the programmers and artists possibly can do with the resources and time they have available.

But the news tells me that there will be for example better Artificial Intelligence in ArmA 2. Somehow this doesn't sound like it would reduce CPU load.

What I expect from BIS this time around is that they do more testing on different hardware configurations before publishing the game (or even demo).

It could also be good if they would make it more clear to users what they can expect with certain type of hardware. Shoot down peoples' unrealistically high hopes before they get to play the game (or even demo).

I have had no problem with the performance of ArmA 1 as I still don't have a computer which fulfills the minimum hardware requirement for it. I can tell how it runs but I can't file a complaint to BIS about it.

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Looking at the screenshots, it seems that if they made any optimizations it went into increased graphics detail rather than low spec machine support. The scenery objects seem like they have a lot more detail that would be difficult to cull using lower lods while retaining a baseline standard of quality (scaffolds and pipes and such). Barring developer intervention, I would go ahead and assume that ArmA 2 will be more demanding on your hardware.

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Yeah, but even though BIS improved the graphics, if we're allowed to turn the extra features like parralax mapping off then I'd personally expect slightly better performance compared with Arma.

Of course we don't work for BIS so in reality none of us can really say for sure.

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I hope BIS can customize ArmA 2 to my QuadCore CPUs and 8800 Ultra I felt disapointed to Crysis as it didnt were that optimized as I thought. It is that hard to PC gamers understand that they cant expect any ambitious games runs anythign less in year 2008 than Doublecore and 8800Gtx and 4 Gt ram?

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