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Config Settings for Evolution

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1) im having serious dysnc errors everytime somebody connects to the server.

The server is only Running Arma its a Quad Core 6700, 4GB Ram in a UK Datacenter on a 100Mbit line.

Load isn't the issue, its server bandwidth varibles i presume. So what can i edit to optimize the play of Evolution Missions red and blue.

Current setting








ive also tried

MaxMsgSend=384; //Default: 128

MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; //Default: 512

MaxSizeNonguaranteed=512; //Default: 256

MinBandwidth=3145728; //Default: 131072, satt til 3 Mbit

MaxBandwidth=104857600; // 100 Mbit

MinErrorToSend=0.005; //Default: 0.01

MaxCustomFileSize=51200; // up til 50 Kb

taken from armedassault.eu

any suggestions on running a smooth 30 player or 50 player EVOLUTION Mission please.


2) By the way, the best results ive had so far are from running an empty arma.cfg config. so my question is what are the default values if none are set?

3) Server.cfg, is it neccessary for all these addons to be checked if verify signature is on?


// server.cfg


// comments are written with "//" in front of them.


hostname=""; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list

password=""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server

passwordAdmin=""; // Password to become server admin. When Youre in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz'

reportingIP="armedass.master.gamespy.com"; // This is the default setting. If you change this, your server might not turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers

logFile="server_console.log"; // Tells arma-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called

// WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day")

// It can be several lines, separated by comma

// Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval


"", "", "",


motdInterval=5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message


checkfiles[]={ // Checks if these files are equal to the servers files. If one or more is not, player will be kicked from server





"AddOns\A10\config.bin", "AddOns\A10\config.cpp",

"AddOns\air3\config.bin", "AddOns\air3\config.cpp",

"AddOns\air\config.bin", "AddOns\air\config.cpp",

"AddOns\animals\config.bin", "AddOns\animals\config.cpp",

"AddOns\Anims\config.bin", "AddOns\Anims\config.cpp",

"AddOns\buildings\config.bin", "AddOns\buildings\config.cpp",

"AddOns\Ca\config.bin", "AddOns\Ca\config.cpp",

"AddOns\characters\config.bin", "AddOns\characters\config.cpp",

"AddOns\desert\config.bin", "AddOns\desert\config.cpp",

"AddOns\IntroAnims\config.bin", "AddOns\IntroAnims\config.cpp",

"AddOns\language\config.bin", "AddOns\language\config.cpp",

"AddOns\misc\config.bin", "AddOns\misc\config.cpp",

"AddOns\miscUS\config.bin", "AddOns\miscUS\config.cpp",

"AddOns\missions\config.bin", "AddOns\missions\config.cpp",

"AddOns\plants\config.bin", "AddOns\plants\config.cpp",

"AddOns\roads\config.bin", "AddOns\roads\config.cpp",

"AddOns\rocks\config.bin", "AddOns\rocks\config.cpp",

"AddOns\sara\config.bin", "AddOns\sara\config.cpp",

"AddOns\signs\config.bin", "AddOns\signs\config.cpp",

"AddOns\sounds\config.bin", "AddOns\sounds\config.cpp",

"AddOns\tracked\config.bin", "AddOns\tracked\config.cpp",

"AddOns\ui\config.bin", "AddOns\ui\config.cpp",

"AddOns\UIFonts\config.bin", "AddOns\UIFonts\config.cpp",

"AddOns\voice\config.bin", "AddOns\voice\config.cpp",

"AddOns\water\config.bin", "AddOns\water\config.cpp",

"AddOns\weapons3\config.bin", "AddOns\weapons3\config.cpp",

"AddOns\weapons\config.bin", "AddOns\weapons\config.cpp",

"AddOns\wheeled3\config.bin", "AddOns\wheeled3\config.cpp",

"AddOns\wheeled\config.bin", "AddOns\wheeled\config.cpp",


maxPlayers=64; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player.

maxCustomFileSize=200000; // Maximum amount of Bytes allowed to each player for his custom files like face and music

Kickduplicate=1; // Each ArmA version has its onw ID. If kickduplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing.

verifySignatures=1; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on

equalModRequired=0; // If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server.



voteMissionPlayers=1;   // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen.

voteThreshold=0.33; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective


disableVoN=1; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available

vonCodecQuality=0; // Quality from 1 to 10

persistent=1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected.

3rdPersonView=0; // Probably does not work here, should be set in the .armaprofile file of the server

difficulty="regular"; // Probably does not work here, should be set in the .armaprofile file of the server


onUserConnected=""; // self-explaining





//onUnsignedData="server globalChat format['Player %1 is using unsigned data.', (_this select 0)];"; // unsigned data detected

onUnsignedData="kick (_this select 0)";

onHackedData="kick"; // tampering of the signature detected, see also verifySignatures above

class Missions // list of missions that will be played in cyclic order


class EvolutionB2 // any mission name here


template = EvolutionB2.Sara; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet


class EvolutionR2 // any mission name here


template = EvolutionR2.Sara; // directory or file name of the mission (without extension pbo) - the mission must be located in directory MPMissions

cadetMode = 1; // 0 = difficulty veteran, 1 difficulty cadet



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Pick a spot anywhere in the ArmA.cfg file and add those lines. Use notepad to open it.

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Pick a spot anywhere in the ArmA.cfg file and add those lines. Use notepad to open it.

I don't find ArmA.cfg I must create it ?

I must create basic.cfg or arma cfg and add the switch in the link ?

I never start a server but I'm trying it for frist times

thank u for the support smile_o.gif

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