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Server Hacking

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Hi all, ok this is a serious subject which is most likley going to stop me from renting game servers.

I'm not going to lock them their public, nor stop custom faces or addons as this makes the game better for most people and i would say %80 of players have addons and sound files etc.

But seriousley, there has to be a fix for this, even banning UID's is rubbish as I suspect the UID's I'm banning are fake in the first place!

I'm sure in 1.09 final you could make a way that people have to register a cd key!

The user made anti cheat systems were good but lasted 3 days before someone could get around them. Which then makes me think why should somone have to make one! This problem should be fix't by you, and fast!

To me at the moment I cant get one of my servers lasting more than 3 houres before someone hacks it! Attacks it, what ever you call it!

I'm sure one of them is reading this right now and laughing but rest assure, yu think you have got to me, you haven't, i will simply move els where where i can enjoy my spare time.


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i'm running a server, but it's not passworded and i never have problems.

As of 1.09, most 'illegal' keys are banned by default.

next to that, you can use the signed addon verification which should stop 90% of the attempts to f*ckups.

still, i know what you mean and feel your pain.

ultimatly a 'pid' allow list would be quite handy, since you could create your own 'webtool' to allow only playerid's that have registered thru your system.

i hope that in ArmA2, there will be some better facilities of these issues.

Untill then, my advice is to password the server and play with a known group of peepz.


Jerry Hopper

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hmm, i'll calm down for now and try patch 1.09

then go onto the 'pid' idea.


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May be a bit OT but this is just a thought of mine:

I think its a bit the fault of the serveradmins themselves. (in general, not to a person)

"I dont want to put addon signing because the servers doest fill up"

Now there it goes wrong already: If people really want to play a serious/good game, they take the hassle of getting their addons right and try to connect again. if they dont: 90% of the time its just some kid that wants to shoot someting and leave again.

of course you cant say "woot look my server is playing with 40 men" at first... But after a while Its worth it I think: A good game without cheaters is much more enjoyable then a big game with chaos and cheats/TK etc.

and if EVERY server uses addon and signature checks, the players would get used to it and all would be better biggrin_o.gif

(now all of this is just fictional but still worth mentioning imho)

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If you allow ANYTHING on your server you should expect to be hacked! With total freedom comes chaos.


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Moving thread to MP & closing. This topic has been covered many times, you just have to search the MP section.

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