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Infanty tactics

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Thought it might be a good idea to see what people's different thoughts are on tactics. This is a pretty endless subject, I think you'll agree.

As far as infantry goes, I'd like to see people's opinions on good battle tactics.

I was once in a clan which gave us little training sessions. Learnt the following;

'Peeling': A line of combatants, who fire in a forward direction towards the enemy, and 'peel' one after another. i.e. As soon as a combatant on one side is in position at one end of the line, the combatant on the opposite side then stands, moves behind the line, and takes his position at the same side as the last combatant. This then repeats until all combatents are out of danger. This is useful for contact with little cover for combatents, laying down a lot of fire.

What kind of infantry fire/move tactics have you encountered?

*edit* sorry about the typo on title 'infantry'

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My group bases our tactics off of the tactical guide I published at ArmA's US release.


We have been very successful with such tactics so far. They apply quite well to gaming, without some of the cumbersome "real world" tactical fluff that some people are so gung-ho about. wink_o.gif

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I can agree with Dslyecxi, his guide suits ArmA well and we're using a modified version of his guide for our team - SBP. Currently we have around 15 members and we're training them on weekly events. Sometimes a group of 25.DKP joins us or plays insurgent side to make things more interesting. ArmA becomes great when you have a team of dedicated players that love tactics and teamplay. We host multiplayer campaigns on a locked server, usually we don't let any noobs to join us because their gung-ho attitude ruins the game or leaves your team dead...

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'Peeling': A line of combatants, who fire in a forward direction towards the enemy, and 'peel' one after another


I'm curious, did you use this against AI or players? And did it help in any way, besides perhaps improving coordination?

I ask because AI doesn't really seem to be less accurate like players would be if the best target kept changing. They don't really change targets at all, they don't have to.

As for my own experience, it's pretty basic.

My little 3-5 man group plays pretty casually (and only PvE) and the best we manage (on occasion) is staying tightly together and cover less obvious angles (eg 6 o'clock).

The ai is quite predictable, and people are impatient, so they'll run off, thinking they can score an easy kill, opening up the flanks of both themselves and team buddies. Very often you could've just waited, covered your buddy, and the AI would turn up right in your crosshair eventually. I'm totally guilty of this myself. Everyone's such an action-junkie that propper covering is hard achieve.

We don't use voice chat though and I bet that would help a lot.

But all this is when there is decent cover is available.. It's worse when there is none.

I feel tactics don't work in the open at all.

AI hits incredibly well and seemingly unaffected by grass, the only thing that can help you is an impressively good aim and preferably a scoped weapon.

And whatever you do, don't walk closely together because you end up taking a bullet meant for your buddy that way.

Possibly the best advice is: If you're in the open, you went too far.

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The problem is some real world tactics rely on supression, and while supression will work on players, it doesn't work on AI (unless a addon/script fixes this).

However here's some basic tactics I can confirm work in arma:

Leapfrogging/Bounding overwatch

Fire and movement

Break contact drills


These will work against AI, primarily because all of these involve at the very least 1 unit covering while others move. If you're all moving and looking in the same direction you're just asking to be killed faster then you can say "OMGBBQWTF soo gay I should've stayed in BF2/CS what a crap game"

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Hi all

For covert movement through enemy controlled areas where you want to be alert about enemy as early as possible and wish to minimise hard contact (they see you) try using a form of continuous rolling over watch.

Requires a minimum of 5 people.

HQ/Team leader calls out a compass direction of march with an intended FUP or waypoint, action on lost contact with formation: is move to FUP/Waypoint. HQ calls staggered column formation.

1) You form up according to numbers

odds look to the left

evens look right

2) You circulate from the back up between the two lines of the staggered column at the run.

4) You perform watch from the knee (but can change according to circumstance)

5) Watch direction changes as to your current position in the column.

a) Front of the column looks to the line of march

b) As people move past you to the front of the column your watch direction rotates through 180 degrees (odds look left evens look right) until you reach the rear.

d) At the rear of the column you are the rear guard once you reach rear, after say 3 to 5 seconds you circulate/run to the front of the column again.

6) Contacts are reported as clock directions with 12 being the direction of line of march, or by compass direction.

7) HQ/Team leader element maintains their position in the middle of the two columns.

8) On contact procedures are:

i) All lie down, observer may remain kneeling if it is required to see contact

ii)Light bump on flank (we see them they do not see us) depending on distance and likelihood of observation or an interception of the column with the contact, maintain view on contact; continue movement possibly at crawl or crouch; OR HQ calls out hold position till contact passes or a redirect of the column away from contact.

iii)Heavy bump on flank (they see us) Contact direction becomes front. Perform flank break contact procedure, front rank suppress with fire, rear rank throw smoke to direction of contact,

iii a)When smoke obscures the contact: Front rank stay low and move through rear rank; by successive bounds both ranks move 50 to 100m from the contact point,

iii b) then with minimum time at rear guard position (reduce from 3 to 5 seconds down to 1 second) and throwing smoke to rear if needed resume line of march

iii c) Maintain speed-ed movement for not less than 200m or until confident contact is broken.

iv) Light bump to the rear (we see them they do not see us) reduce time at rear guard position (reduce from 3 to 5 seconds down to 1 second)

iv a) HQ asks for update on position of contact at 10 second intervals.

iv b) If contact is closing HQ calls change direction of march to take column out of interception.

v) Heavy bump to the rear (they see us) Perform rear break contact procedure,

v a) Column spreads out to diamond formation to reduce "crossing the T" effect of enemy fire HQ moving to flank they intend the column to move in.

v b) rear two soldiers suppress with fire, and throw smoke to direction of contact and shout "smoke popped" when smoke obscures contact,

v c) all move 50m to 100m in direction 180 degrees from contact

v d) then HQ calls out a new direction for the column at 90 degrees to contact in direction.

v e) staggered column reforms on the new direction and moves 200 plus metres in the new direction before resuming original direction popping smoke if required

 vi) Heavy bump to the front (they see us) Perform front break contact procedure,

vi a) Column spreads out to diamond formation to reduce "crossing the T" effect of enemy fire HQ moving to flank they intend the column to move in.

vi b) Front two soldiers suppress with fire, and throw smoke to direction of contact and shout "smoke popped" when smoke obscures contact,

vi c) all move 50m to 100m in direction 180 degrees from contact

vi d) then HQ shouts out a new direction for the column at 90 degrees to contact in direction.

vi e) staggered column reforms on the new direction and moves 200 plus metres in the new direction before resuming original direction popping smoke if required

Kind regards walker

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even though im more an armored tactical guy(armor is my thing)

i can do good aswell in infantry action pistols.gif

here is my squad tactic

a squad is firing while they are firing the automatic rifileman adavances to the next firing position while the rest of the squad cover's him

when he gets there he's taking cover by whatever he finds(usually moving to the next firing poisition is a place with good cover unless the squad leader is an idiot)

he starts covering he's squad with rapid fire if possible two automaitc rifilemen or machnegunners move where i pointed while him or they cover the rest of the squad more squad member's are starting to advance to the new firing position if you got smoke its even better put as much smoke as you can beetween the first firing position and the next firing position

but don't waste it all cuz you might need it later you know

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