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CWR Mission Sharing Thread!

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I fixed the overview for the Sniper Team mission, please download it again (only important if you play it in SP).

Anyone said Battlefields?

I made a little conversation of the original Battlefields mission and it takes now place in central Malden, near La Pessagne. Compared to the original there are slightly more units on both sides.

There are two issues which I'm not able to fix:

- The radio voice says PAPA BEAR, which is now CROSSROAD.

- The radio voice says enemy reinforcements from the NORTHEAST, while they now come from the WEST.

Hope you enjoy it anyway. smile_o.gif

Don't see a link for Battlefields, I love this mission so much I tried converting it to ArmA biggrin_o.gif I also tried Heavy Metal but still a noob when it comes to the makin missions an scripting stuff is way over my head. Though i just made one in Chapoi but not finished an not sure how it will turn out.

Cough... now well it was late and I'm in a hurry. biggrin_o.gif

Malden Battlefield (SP).

Sorry for the delay.

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Been playing Interdiction yesterday and it rocked my sox off thumbs-up.gif

Although the british speakers are a total **** if you know the original voices ... *opens winpbo*

edit: *reckognizes that original voiceas are already in use and scratches head*

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Four missions, converted from the previously mentioned OFP Nostalgia Pack.

Battle at Lolisse - Coop for up to 96 players.

Bears in Red Wood - Coop for up to 10 players.

Fishermen's Bend - SP mission.

Sainte Marie Storm - SP mission.

Please note: I have not created these missions, just modified them for my personal use first and now converted them to CWR. They are pretty basic, compared to todays missions but keep in mind they were made more then 6 years ago.

They worked fine in OFP, however I had not the time to test them completely in ArmA/CWR.

Hope you have a little fun with them. smile_o.gif

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Four missions, converted from the previously mentioned OFP Nostalgia Pack.

Battle at Lolisse - Coop for up to 96 players.

Bears in Red Wood - Coop for up to 10 players.

Fishermen's Bend - SP mission.

Sainte Marie Storm - SP mission.

Please note: I have not created these missions, just modified them for my personal use first and now converted them to CWR. They are pretty basic, compared to todays missions but keep in mind they were made more then 6 years ago.

They worked fine in OFP, however I had not the time to test them completely in ArmA/CWR.

Hope you have a little fun with them.  smile_o.gif

so far as i can see, there is a major bug in the CWR mod regarding the bluefor side. a standard creation of a unit (exept sniper and machine gunner) is not able to load their weapons. a workaround could be to fix this by the init entry.

for instance:

Quote[/b] ]removeallweapons this; this addweapon "binocular"; this addweapon "m16"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"; this addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; this addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9"; this addmagazine "15Rnd_9x19_M9";this addweapon "M9"; this addweapon "Lawlauncher"; this addmagazine "law";this addmagazine "law";this addmagazine "law";this addmagazine "handgrenade";this addmagazine "handgrenade";this addmagazine "handgrenade"

similar problem is to fill the ammoboxes correctly. here you have to remove all and add them which are currently support by the cwr mod.

btw is there any information about the used vehicle functions of the cwr mod yet? this may help to convert the ofp missions in a better and faster way.

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would it be possible to get an own CWR area underneath the arma section to discuss for instance missions, problems etc?

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None of above posts should be here. The first belongs to the CWR Demo thread, the second question should be asked in the "Ask a moderator" thread. wink_o.gif

I answer it anyway: As CWR is just an ArmA Modification as any other too, there will be no subforums created for it.

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None of above posts should be here. The first belongs to the CWR Demo thread, the second question should be asked in the "Ask a moderator" thread. wink_o.gif

I answer it anyway: As CWR is just an ArmA Modification as any other too, there will be no subforums created for it.

your are right in both point. my remarks were regarding to improve your mission converting. that was the reason why it was posted here.

sorry for any inconveniences.

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CWR Mission-Pack Update:

1. Alive - Coop for 6 Players (improved version)

2. Grasshopper - Coop for 7 Players (new mission)


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Are you running the maps on your server and are there any games tonight? smile_o.gif

Regarding your no-ammo problem: I experienced that with the rc1 version but only using mods and 1.08. In 1.09 mods are working with cwr.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Here's a mission I made. I takes place on Malden during the CWC campaign.

From the briefing;

Quote[/b] ]So, we got kicked out of Malden just a few days after we arrived...

My squad was taking some time off in Chapoi when the American tanks rolled in. A few of us managed to escape north, but unfortunately we ran into a US patrol and I was the only one who managed to get out of there.

The other guys got captured and are now being held in a barn at Sainte Marie... I came up with a plan to free them and then leave the island in a stolen boat... I just hope it will work out...

Hope someone will play it. And let me know if you find any errors smile_o.gif

Armaholic mirror

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Here's a mission I made. I takes place on Malden during the CWC campaign.

From the briefing;

Quote[/b] ]So, we got kicked out of Malden just a few days after we arrived...

My squad was taking some time off in Chapoi when the American tanks rolled in. A few of us managed to escape north, but unfortunately we ran into a US patrol and I was the only one who managed to get out of there.

The other guys got captured and are now being held in a barn at Sainte Marie... I came up with a plan to free them and then leave the island in a stolen boat... I just hope it will work out...

Hope someone will play it. And let me know if you find any errors smile_o.gif

I dl'd it and will check it out. Since the US markets are pretty much closed until Jan. 2, 08 I've got plenty of time to get some serious ArmA time in. I'll give you some feedback soon.

Thanks for the new mission.

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Are you running the maps on your server and are there any games tonight?  smile_o.gif

Regarding your no-ammo problem: I experienced that with the rc1 version but only using mods and 1.08. In 1.09 mods are working with cwr.

server is public and runnig :-) [GER] CWR

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Nice one Ti0n3r, finally a mission on Malden I've never seen before.

The few guys in Sainte Marie was no problem, later we grabbed the 5t truck and moved fullspeed through Chapoi. In the distance we seen a M113 driving northbound, guess I was just lucky so far.

The problems begun near La Riviere, I tried to be a smartass and was driving towards Cancon then taking a right to the small chapel and then going into La Riviere from the south. Lost one guy in the upcoming firefight, the guys in the town and the incoming M113s gave us the rest. In the end I and one other lucky comrade made it from the island. huh.gif

Very nice mission, no bugs encountered though the ride until the end trigger kicked in was a bit long for my taste.

Oh and good call at the guys names.


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