Jahve 0 Posted December 23, 2007 Rotors arent turning, light selections are constantly on, bis clan faces are visible, you name it. Its like the modelconfig isnt working. And I have NO idea why. I pack with BinPBO. Here is the model.cfg, please help. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSkeletons { class Default; class Vehicle: Default {}; class Helicopter: Vehicle { skeletonInherit="Vehicle"; skeletonBones[]= { "velka vrtule dive", "", "mala vrtule dive", "", "velka vrtule", "velka vrtule dive", "mala vrtule", "mala vrtule dive", "otocvez", "", "otochlaven", "otocvez", "alt", "", "alt2", "", "nm_alt", "", "nm_alt2", "", "mph", "", "mph2", "", "vert_speed", "", "vert_speed2", "", "rpm", "", "rpm2", "", "horizont", "", "horizont2", "", "kompas", "", "kompas2", "", "hodinova", "", "hodinova2", "", "minutova", "", "minutova2", "" }; }; class UH60Skeleton: Helicopter { skeletonInherit="Helicopter"; skeletonBones[]= { "rotorShaft", "", "dampers", "", "damper_rear", "", "elevator", "" }; }; class UH60MGSkeleton: UH60Skeleton { skeletonInherit="UH60Skeleton"; skeletonBones[]= { "gatling_1", "otochlaven", "otocvez_1", "", "otochlaven_1", "otocvez_1", "gatling_2", "otochlaven_1" }; }; }; class Rotation; class CfgModels { class Default; class Vehicle; class Helicopter: Vehicle { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]= { "sklo predni p", "sklo predni l", "velka vrtule staticka", "velka vrtule blur", "mala vrtule staticka", "mala vrtule blur" }; skeletonName="Helicopter"; class Animations { class IndicatorAltBaro: Rotation { source="altBaro"; sourceAddress="loop"; selection="alt"; axis="osa_alt"; memory=0; maxValue=304; angle1="rad -360"; }; class IndicatorAltBaro2: IndicatorAltBaro { selection="alt2"; axis="osa_alt2"; }; class IndicatorAltRadar: Rotation { source="altRadar"; selection="nm_alt"; axis="osa_nm_alt"; memory="false"; maxValue=61; angle1="rad -180"; }; class IndicatorAltRadar2: IndicatorAltRadar { selection="nm_alt2"; axis="osa_nm_alt2"; }; class IndicatorSpeed: Rotation { source="speed"; selection="mph"; axis="osa_mph"; memory="false"; maxValue=125; angle1="rad -320"; }; class IndicatorSpeed2: IndicatorSpeed { selection="mph2"; axis="osa_mph2"; }; class IndicatorVertSpeed: Rotation { source="vertSpeed"; selection="vert_speed"; axis="osa_vert_speed"; minValue=-30; maxValue=30; angle1="rad -300"; }; class IndicatorVertSpeed2: IndicatorVertSpeed { selection="vert_speed2"; axis="osa_vert_speed2"; }; class IndicatorRPM: Rotation { source="rpm"; selection="rpm"; axis="osa_rpm"; memory="false"; maxValue=12; angle1="rad -320"; }; class IndicatorRPM2: IndicatorRPM { selection="rpm2"; axis="osa_rpm2"; }; class IndicatorCompass: Rotation { source="direction"; selection="kompas"; axis="osa_kompas"; memory="false"; minValue=-3.141593; maxValue=3.141593; angle1="rad -360"; }; class IndicatorCompass2: IndicatorCompass { selection="kompas2"; axis="osa_kompas2"; }; class WatchHour: Rotation { source="clockHour"; selection="hodinova"; axis="osa_time"; memory="false"; angle1="rad -360"; }; class WatchHour2: WatchHour { selection="hodinova2"; axis="osa_time2"; }; class WatchMinute: Rotation { source="clockMinute"; selection="minutova"; axis="osa_time"; memory="false"; angle1="rad -360"; }; class WatchMinute2: WatchMinute { selection="minutova2"; axis="osa_time2"; }; class HRotor: Rotation { source="rotorH"; selection="velka vrtule"; axis="velka osa"; angle1="2 * 3.1415926536"; }; class VRotor: Rotation { source="rotorV"; selection="mala vrtule"; axis="mala osa"; angle1="2 * 3.1415926536"; }; class HorizonBank { type="rotationZ"; source="horizonBank"; selection="horizont"; axis="osa_horizont"; memory="false"; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class HorizonDive { type="rotationX"; source="horizonDive"; selection="horizont"; axis="osa_horizont"; memory="false"; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class Horizon2Bank: HorizonBank { selection="horizont2"; axis="osa_horizont2"; }; class Horizon2Dive: HorizonDive { selection="horizont2"; axis="osa_horizont2"; }; }; }; class uh_60: Helicopter { skeletonName="UH60Skeleton"; class Animations: Animations { class RotorHDive { selection="velka vrtule"; axis="predni osa naklonu"; type="rotationX"; source="rotorHDive"; minValue="rad -90"; maxValue="rad +90"; angle0="rad -90"; angle1="rad +90"; animPeriod=0; }; class RotorShaft: HRotor { selection="RotorShaft"; }; class IndicatorSpeed: IndicatorSpeed { angle1="rad -350"; maxValue=50; }; class IndicatorSpeed2: IndicatorSpeed2 { angle1="rad -350"; maxValue=50; }; class dampers: Rotation { source="altRadar"; selection="dampers"; axis="dampers_axis"; maxValue=0.400000; angle0=-0.087266; angle1=-0.296706; }; class dampers_rear: dampers { selection="damper_rear"; axis="damper_rear_axis"; angle0=0.000000; }; class elevator: Rotation { source="speed"; selection="elevator"; axis="elevator_axis"; minValue=25.000000; maxValue=27.799999; angle0=-0.523599; angle1=0.000000; }; }; }; class uh_60mg: uh_60 { sectionsInherit="uh_60"; sections[]= { "zasleh_1" }; skeletonName="UH60MGSkeleton"; class Animations: Animations { class MainTurret { type="rotationY"; source="mainTurret"; selection="OtocVez"; axis="OsaVeze"; animPeriod=0; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class MainGun: MainTurret { type="rotationX"; source="mainGun"; selection="OtocHlaven"; axis="OsaHlavne"; }; class Turret_2: MainTurret { source="Turret_2"; selection="OtocVez_1"; axis="OsaVeze_1"; }; class Gun_2: MainGun { source="Gun_2"; selection="OtocHlaven_1"; axis="OsaHlavne_1"; }; class MachineGun_1: Rotation { selection="gatling_1"; axis="gatling_1_axis"; angle1="-600 * 3.141592654"; source="Gatling_1"; }; class MachineGun_2: MachineGun_1 { selection="gatling_2"; axis="gatling_2_axis"; source="Gatling_2"; }; }; }; class MH60K: uh_60mg {}; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sfc.itzhak 0 Posted December 23, 2007 can you upload the rest of the config? when i did the ch-53 i had the same problem and it turned out to be some missing , and other. check this basic cpp and try it the basic stuff work. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class cfgModels { class Helicopter; class idf_CH53: Helicopter { skeletonName = "idf_CH53Bones"; sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= { "velka vrtule staticka","velka vrtule blur","velka vrtule", "mala vrtule staticka","mala vrtule blur","mala vrtule" }; class Animations { class HRotor { type = "rotation"; source = "rotorH"; selection = "velka vrtule"; axis = "velka osa"; angle0 = 0; angle1 = -2 * 3.1415; }; class VRotor { type = "rotation"; source = "rotorV"; selection = "mala vrtule"; axis = "mala osa"; angle0 = 0; angle1 = 2 * 3.1415; }; class RAMP1 { type ="rotation"; sourceAddress="clamp"; source ="user"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =6; selection ="RAMP1"; axis ="osa_ramp1"; angle0 =0; angle1 =0.558503; }; class RAMP2 { type ="rotation"; sourceAddress="clamp"; source ="user"; initPhase=1; animPeriod =6; selection ="RAMP2"; axis ="osa_ramp2"; angle0 =0; angle1=0.610863; }; }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class AllVehicles; // External class reference class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Helicopter: Air {}; class uH60 : Helicopter { class AnimationSources; }; class idf_CH53: uH60 { vehicleClass = "idf_CH53"; displayName="Yas'ur"; nameSound="chopper"; accuracy=0.500000; crew = "IAF_Pilot_Heli"; model="\idf_CH53\idf_CH53.p3d"; driverIsCommander=1; hasgunner=1; gunnerUsesPilotView=0; enableSweep=false; type=2; side=1; maxSpeed = 115; armor=70; soundEngine[] = {"\idf_CH53\CH53EX3.WAV", db60, 1}; soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\noise", db-20, 1.0}; cost=10000000; hideUnitInfo =1; DriverCanSee = 2+8+32; mainRotorSpeed=-1; rotorBig="velka vrtule staticka"; rotorBigBlend="velka vrtule blur"; rotorSmall="mala vrtule staticka"; rotorSmallBlend="mala vrtule blur"; threat[]={0.600000,1,0.400000}; initCargoAngleY=+10; typicalCargo[] = {"Soldier","Soldier","SoldierLAW","SoldierLAW"}; minCargoAngleY=-60; maxCargoAngleY=+120; extCameraPosition[] = {0, 2, -13}; weapons[]={}; magazines[]={}; transportSoldier=30; class Reflectors{}; class AnimationSources: AnimationSources { class Ramp1 // Should be the same as your selection name. { source = "user"; //The controller is defined as a user animation. animPeriod = 3; //The animation period used for this controller. initPhase=0; //Initial phase when object is created. 0 = CLOSED }; class Ramp2 // Should be the same as your selection name. { source = "user"; //The controller is defined as a user animation. animPeriod = 3; //The animation period used for this controller. initPhase=0; //Initial phase when object is created. 0 = CLOSED }; }; class UserActions { class Openramp { displayName="lower ramp"; position="geararea"; radius=7.500000; onlyForPlayer= false; condition="this animationPhase ""ramp1"" < 0.5 AND (PLAYER == driver this)"; statement="this animate [""ramp1"", 1];this animate [""ramp2"", 1]"; }; class CloseDoors { displayName="Close Windows"; position="geararea"; radius=7.500000; onlyForPlayer= false; condition="this animationPhase ""ramp1"" >= 0.5 AND (PLAYER == driver this)"; statement="this animate [""ramp1"", 0];this animate [""ramp2"", 0]"; }; }; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jahve 0 Posted December 23, 2007 the rest of the config doesnt have anything to do with the model config when using a Model.cfg file. The stuff i pasted isnt a part of the cpp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted December 23, 2007 model name is defined properly ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marco-polo-iv 0 Posted December 23, 2007 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Helicopter: Vehicle { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]= { "sklo predni p", "sklo predni l", "velka vrtule staticka", "velka vrtule blur", "mala vrtule staticka", "mala vrtule blur", "trup", "motor", "elektronika", "mala vrtule", "velka vrtule", "munice", "zbran", "vez" }; skeletonName="Helicopter"; ... i hope this will fixed your prob Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jahve 0 Posted December 23, 2007 @bdfy: yes. "MH60K.p3d" is the modelname. @[-HW-] Marco-Polo-IV: no, it didnt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marco-polo-iv 0 Posted December 23, 2007 the other Helo's works? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jahve 0 Posted December 23, 2007 What other helos? ArmAs regular? Ofcourse, why wouldnt they.. Ive now confirmed it does attach the model.cfg to the model, so no errors with that.. its just the model.cfg that simply doesnt work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted December 28, 2007 I guess nobody we'll answer where you did the mistake - but i'm sure it's smth minor - missing bracket ot wrong path. just double check all your files PS i really hate when configs are displayed as plain text in the post - can it be somehow attached as external file ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted December 28, 2007 I think you have one }; too many before class uh_60: Helicopter. Try it with this one: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSkeletons { class Default; class Vehicle: Default {}; class Helicopter: Vehicle { skeletonInherit="Vehicle"; skeletonBones[]={"velka vrtule dive","","mala vrtule dive","","velka vrtule","velka vrtule dive","mala vrtule","mala vrtule dive","otocvez","","otochlaven","otocvez","alt","","alt2","","nm_alt","","nm_alt2","","mph","","mph2","","vert_speed","","vert_speed2","","rpm","","rpm2","","horizont","","horizont2","","kompas","","kompas2","","hodinova","","hodinova2","","minutova","","minutova2",""}; }; class UH60Skeleton: Helicopter { skeletonInherit="Helicopter"; skeletonBones[]={"rotorShaft","","dampers","","damper_rear","","elevator",""}; }; class UH60MGSkeleton: UH60Skeleton { skeletonInherit="UH60Skeleton"; skeletonBones[]={"gatling_1","otochlaven","otocvez_1","","otochlaven_1","otocvez_1","gatling_2","otochlaven_1"}; }; }; class Rotation; class CfgModels { class Default; class Vehicle; class Helicopter: Vehicle { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"sklo predni p","sklo predni l","velka vrtule staticka","velka vrtule blur","mala vrtule staticka","mala vrtule blur"}; skeletonName="Helicopter"; class Animations { class IndicatorAltBaro: Rotation { source="altBaro"; sourceAddress="loop"; selection="alt"; axis="osa_alt"; memory=0; maxValue=304; angle1="rad -360"; }; class IndicatorAltBaro2: IndicatorAltBaro { selection="alt2"; axis="osa_alt2"; }; class IndicatorAltRadar: Rotation { source="altRadar"; selection="nm_alt"; axis="osa_nm_alt"; memory="false"; maxValue=61; angle1="rad -180"; }; class IndicatorAltRadar2: IndicatorAltRadar { selection="nm_alt2"; axis="osa_nm_alt2"; }; class IndicatorSpeed: Rotation { source="speed"; selection="mph"; axis="osa_mph"; memory="false"; maxValue=125; angle1="rad -320"; }; class IndicatorSpeed2: IndicatorSpeed { selection="mph2"; axis="osa_mph2"; }; class IndicatorVertSpeed: Rotation { source="vertSpeed"; selection="vert_speed"; axis="osa_vert_speed"; minValue=-30; maxValue=30; angle1="rad -300"; }; class IndicatorVertSpeed2: IndicatorVertSpeed { selection="vert_speed2"; axis="osa_vert_speed2"; }; class IndicatorRPM: Rotation { source="rpm"; selection="rpm"; axis="osa_rpm"; memory="false"; maxValue=12; angle1="rad -320"; }; class IndicatorRPM2: IndicatorRPM { selection="rpm2"; axis="osa_rpm2"; }; class IndicatorCompass: Rotation { source="direction"; selection="kompas"; axis="osa_kompas"; memory="false"; minValue=-3.141593; maxValue=3.141593; angle1="rad -360"; }; class IndicatorCompass2: IndicatorCompass { selection="kompas2"; axis="osa_kompas2"; }; class WatchHour: Rotation { source="clockHour"; selection="hodinova"; axis="osa_time"; memory="false"; angle1="rad -360"; }; class WatchHour2: WatchHour { selection="hodinova2"; axis="osa_time2"; }; class WatchMinute: Rotation { source="clockMinute"; selection="minutova"; axis="osa_time"; memory="false"; angle1="rad -360"; }; class WatchMinute2: WatchMinute { selection="minutova2"; axis="osa_time2"; }; class HRotor: Rotation { source="rotorH"; selection="velka vrtule"; axis="velka osa"; angle1="2 * 3.1415926536"; }; class VRotor: Rotation { source="rotorV"; selection="mala vrtule"; axis="mala osa"; angle1="2 * 3.1415926536"; }; class HorizonBank { type="rotationZ"; source="horizonBank"; selection="horizont"; axis="osa_horizont"; memory="false"; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class HorizonDive { type="rotationX"; source="horizonDive"; selection="horizont"; axis="osa_horizont"; memory="false"; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class Horizon2Bank: HorizonBank { selection="horizont2"; axis="osa_horizont2"; }; class Horizon2Dive: HorizonDive { selection="horizont2"; axis="osa_horizont2"; }; }; class uh_60: Helicopter { skeletonName="UH60Skeleton"; class Animations: Animations { class RotorHDive { selection="velka vrtule"; axis="predni osa naklonu"; type="rotationX"; source="rotorHDive"; minValue="rad -90"; maxValue="rad +90"; angle0="rad -90"; angle1="rad +90"; animPeriod=0; }; class RotorShaft: HRotor { selection="RotorShaft"; }; class IndicatorSpeed: IndicatorSpeed { angle1="rad -350"; maxValue=50; }; class IndicatorSpeed2: IndicatorSpeed2 { angle1="rad -350"; maxValue=50; }; class dampers: Rotation { source="altRadar"; selection="dampers"; axis="dampers_axis"; maxValue=0.400000; angle0=-0.087266; angle1=-0.296706; }; class dampers_rear: dampers { selection="damper_rear"; axis="damper_rear_axis"; angle0=0.000000; }; class elevator: Rotation { source="speed"; selection="elevator"; axis="elevator_axis"; minValue=25.000000; maxValue=27.799999; angle0=-0.523599; angle1=0.000000; }; }; }; class uh_60mg: uh_60 { sectionsInherit="uh_60"; sections[]={"zasleh_1"}; skeletonName="UH60MGSkeleton"; class Animations: Animations { class MainTurret { type="rotationY"; source="mainTurret"; selection="OtocVez"; axis="OsaVeze"; animPeriod=0; minValue="rad -360"; maxValue="rad +360"; angle0="rad -360"; angle1="rad +360"; }; class MainGun: MainTurret { type="rotationX"; source="mainGun"; selection="OtocHlaven"; axis="OsaHlavne"; }; class Turret_2: MainTurret { source="Turret_2"; selection="OtocVez_1"; axis="OsaVeze_1"; }; class Gun_2: MainGun { source="Gun_2"; selection="OtocHlaven_1"; axis="OsaHlavne_1"; }; class MachineGun_1: Rotation { selection="gatling_1"; axis="gatling_1_axis"; angle1="-600 * 3.141592654"; source="Gatling_1"; }; class MachineGun_2: MachineGun_1 { selection="gatling_2"; axis="gatling_2_axis"; source="Gatling_2"; }; }; }; class MH60K: uh_60mg {}; }; Download Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeftSkidLow 1 Posted January 9, 2008 W0lle, I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this stuff, the config you posted, what do I do with it. Can I just copy and paste it into a config.cpp? Someone mentioned a model.cfg, I've never heard of that, do you just rename it as model.cfg? Edit: I made a model.cfg and pasted your stuff into it, I only changed the part that said MH60K Share this post Link to post Share on other sites