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Hey guys

Hope it's not too ot for ot but here's the link for 3 virals i worked on that are payed for (hard to believe) by the dutch government to make people aware of the dangers of impropper handeling of fireworks.

We're working on versions with english subs now but what the guys are talking about is the standard: 'we will rain fire upon you with our mighty rockets etc etc' bs.

Here's the link: www.laaf.info

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@ Dec. 04 2007,12:59)]3 VIRALS i worked on that are payed for (hard to believe) by the dutch government to make people aware of the dangers of impropper handeling of fireworks.

We're working on versions with english subs now but what the guys are talking about is the standard: 'we will rain fire upon you with our mighty rockets etc etc' bs.

Here's the link:  www.laaf.info

Ahh, so THAT's where Saddam's secret bioweapon lab resources ended up...  rofl.gif I guess the rocketry fever will hit the world hard by new-year's eve  tounge2.gif j/k

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People will look on my broswer history and think I am a terrorist at first glance of the website. Lmao.

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Ah yes, I saw that on the Dutch news yesterday, it's hilarious biggrin_o.gif

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