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My "WANT" list

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-Something like more player vs player style. Give players some sort of motive something like a global ranking system a thing like BF 2 stats.

Coop guys just with arma can play the best game for the but the pvp mode need improuvment

-ability to drop weapon fast or stop trying for instance to reload the rocket and draw the gun

-Showing the charcter like if you play more coop or ctf or hold or things like that.

-Physics make games selling. Look at crysis a not so prtotypical game that just sells like hell just because u cant throw guys.

-Jumping: I agree that jumping is not needed but If you are a super commando SEAL,SAS member Speznaz you have to be able climb small fences.

-Make more sides not just bluefor-opfor

-The glide effect as many ppl say here remove it or make thi player to have his gun not able to fire.

-Damage to vehicles not just blow up, maybe make not useable even a hummvee maybe not cach fire if hited with a rpg on the roof.

-graphic lighter pls we not all have super computers, i didnt have any problem but i saw many others.

-arma 1 mods/addons compatible if possible

-the lag effect is great on arma even a player with high ping can play notworthy.gif

-more airplanes

-screens and targeting systems like FLIR of helicopters

-Laser targeting with Tanks not like WW2 mad_o.gif

-More multiplayer maps hold/control point style and with being able to swict off vehicles and generally many things that can be controlled by the server not scripted (basically in every map)

ArmA is a great game and the on-line battles are also great make it better!

-The more realistic the better.

-More abilities for the leaders of teams

-better GPS style

-more customisable player character and give more uniforms especially the desert uniform for the US give problems in multipayer cause u get spotted easily.

-More euro army things like leopards eurofighter biggrin_o.gif

-the cities on Arma are awsome even larger will be better

-Interior of buildings is VERY cool

-exteriror damage on units and pieces thrown away (mod teams made that actually so is easy for you!wink_o.gif

-light physis all games have that physics. Everyone wants Newton as they say but just some realistic stuff will be fine.

-not taking damage when infantry but just give chances like 10% that kevlar wont be breached and just get a shock

-more injuries like walk slower

-ropes for helicopters (that needs physics!wink_o.gif

-more ways to die (also need physics)

-if someone shoots you on u gun you should drop it

-Helments give a protection of sometype especialy from grenades

-fragments of buildings and stuff like that generally when things expold

(sorry for bad spelling i am in hurry - moderators may move it where need if they want)

Best game here is ArmA the next best game will be ArmA 2!

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Quote[/b] ]-Something like more player vs player style. Give players some sort of motive something like a global ranking system a thing like BF 2 stats.

This is a great way to encourage competitive cheating and discourage whatever minute amount of teamwork there is in public servers.

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Quote[/b] ]-Something like more player vs player style. Give players some sort of motive something like a global ranking system a thing like BF 2 stats.

This is a great way to encourage competitive cheating and discourage whatever minute amount of teamwork there is in public servers.

if you have something like VAC has on steam u get a permenant ban on your cd-key smile_o.gif so... (and it cathces u)

the only way to to keep cheaters of is this way. please read my whole thing not only the first. oh and btw i dont play bf2 my best friend does.

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Quote[/b] ]Something like more player vs player style. Give players some sort of motive something like a global ranking system a thing like BF 2 stats.

Coop guys just with arma can play the best game for the but the pvp mode need improuvment

Ranking system is the worst thing you can ever dream of. I have got no idea how can ranking "improve" player vs. player game. It's not the number of points that tells you how good the player is. It's the way he plays.

Ranking system requires a master server to save the data, that has to be running 24/7, 365,25 days. BF2's stats are hosted by Gamespy and you should've seen the moaning, when it went haywire. It would also promote general idiotism that you can see in BF2 - teamkilling for powerful assets (jets, tanks), no teamplay, stats padding and so on. No thank you.

Quote[/b] ]-Showing the charcter like if you play more coop or ctf or hold or things like that.

I don't think this is necessary. It wouldn't also require a master server as mentioned before.

Quote[/b] ]-Physics make games selling. Look at crysis a not so prtotypical game that just sells like hell just because u cant throw guys.

Crysis sells just because it's (over?)hyped game. The hype is not about throwing guys around, it's about the best looking graphic the games can offer so far.

Quote[/b] ]-Make more sides not just bluefor-opfor

There will be - USA, Russia, Pro-west guerrilla, Pro-Russia guerrilla, civvies and maybe something more.

Quote[/b] ]-more customisable player character and give more uniforms especially the desert uniform for the US give problems in multipayer cause u get spotted easily.

I don't think there will be the need for more uniform variants, because Chernarus should be 100% green wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]-More euro army things like leopards eurofighter biggrin_o.gif

Why ? Unless there will be some other side as Germany in this. Otherwise just wait for the community addons wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]-ropes for helicopters (that needs physics!wink_o.gif

Who says there's no physical engine ?

Quote[/b] ]-more ways to die (also need physics)

No, it needs ragdoll. Read the "Information from Digitex".

I agree/don't mind with the rest.

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thx for the feedback. Ranking systems are just for fun and maybe you are right smile_o.gif but i like that forum pages which show kills and other info also shows things like what type of guy i am maybe coop maybe hold or something else

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i want euroforce like the NATO in World in Conflict. Community addons are not used on-line sad_o.gif on ESL for instance

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the new destruction system is nice but i kinda wanted debris to be left there.

also i want to be able to move in every room wink_o.gif

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-Weapon Mods like Ghost Recon style. choose grips scopes etc

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CyDoN you forgot many things - what will it be if everyone here post his "ultimate want list" biggrin_o.gif

For sure, the most ppl will be happy starting ArmA2 if BIS is fixing ArmA-bugs and make quite good campaigns (like in OFP) with plausible story. It's nice to see the progress of features but better quality over quantity. There is no need of bugfest so let the development take care of what they will work on - hopefully the result is at high level!!

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-Weapon Mods like Ghost Recon style. choose grips scopes etc

Good idea. Or make a loading area where you choose the equipment for each person in your squad/group.

Also...........I want to see some truly amphibious units. Units that have scuba ability. Missions could be made that involve subs, sdvs etc. The game is well over due for some working amphib units.

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CyDoN you forgot many things - what will it be if everyone here post his "ultimate want list" biggrin_o.gif

For sure, the most ppl will be happy starting ArmA2 if BIS is fixing ArmA-bugs and make quite good campaigns (like in OFP) with plausible story. It's nice to see the progress of features but better quality over quantity. There is no need of bugfest so let the development take care of what they will work on - hopefully the result is at high level!!

basiacally this request sum by me is things i talk about with many many ppl +ideas and things like that. Finnaly i personaly dont really care about a single player campaign (I am not married yet :P) but for a non-laggy/buggy multiplayer battlefield with reallistic interaction between members of the squads and not rambo style missions like Battlefield 2 where a pro with super-skill can waste a whole army; skill of couse in all FPS games from doom to cs and from bf2 to arma playes a huge role but it must be made just more realistic.

froggyluv thats also 1 thing... smile_o.gif

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repalys to be able to watch matches (between clans for instace)

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-More scenario based Force on Force maps (even if the AI will be better it will still be AI), i want to play with my friends.



-Ability to carry heavy things with Helicopters

-No Rpg elements. The ony Rpg things we want is the class element that will have differances.

-~~~~~~~~Death animations in vehicles~~~~~~~~~

-flares to be seen through scopes

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-No Rpg elements. The ony Rpg things we want is the class element that will have differances.

Speak for yourself. crazy_o.gif

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at least if it ll be optional... we dont want to play an RPG game but a tactical shooter.

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Closing topic. If everyone had a "I want List" there would be no way BI would read your suggestions. Use the appropriate pinned thread please.

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