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Just an Idea

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lo all smile_o.gif

I was thinking about what I said on a previous post and one thing that came to mind about the whole idea behind community backed BI content, was what Tripwire Interactive done with there game RO Ostfront.

They had a competition for community mappers/modders the prize would be 10 maps would be selected to be released as a official community released addon patch by tripwire them selfs for the game, the 10 entries after being picked would then be scrutinized, tested, polished up, & finalized before release with the help of the modders them selfs.

This was a great way of how the developers could show there appreciation and give something back to the community as a whole both to the modders and the players. Of course modders who wanted to particapate would simple put there entries forward against some simple guidelines the dev's set out, they where prizes for the modders but that isn't what this is about.

Couldn't BI do something similar I dunno 10 or 15 mods/maps would be picked and then integrated into the game through an update. Wouldn't this be a great idea? and whats to say more couldn't be held in the future also.


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Sounds like a great idea, but with ArmA 2 just around the coner do they have the time, maybe. But nobody knows what the future holds yay.gif

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i reckon it'd be a very easy way to get the community fired up again without doing much work on BIS's part. they really should. it's a good idea worth taking further.

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Sounds good but...You have to remember where the makers of RO came from, they were just a mod team. They won a competition to develop the mod into a game.

They have a much better relationship with the players than BIS could ever have. You could often see the devs in the game playing with regular players.

Your idea works well with RO devs but I don't see BIS doing it, not enough profit maybe.

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Not really my idea m8t I just saw it happen over at RO and thought I'd push it out here.

keep feedback coming chaps smile_o.gif

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I don't think it would be easy for BIS - they would have to do a lot of work. It would have to be financially profitable, otherwise it would not make sense. A company is not going to put months of work into something which doesn't give a profit. Yes you heard me right, I said months of work, and that is at least.

There are not many addons around for OFP & ArmA which can come even close to the quality level of content created by BIS. I think people might be too optimistic when they praise community-made content. A fact is, most of community-created content are unusable for a commercial product without doing significant improvement work on them, and it will stay that way. An important question is how the community-created content fits into the game visually, but also functionally of course. Most addons I have seen look out-of-place when placed alongside the original content of the games.

Sorry to be so negative but this had to be said.

Consider a better topic title next time. It should have clues about what is inside.

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