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hypno toad

Custom Profile Face Starter Kit

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I decided I wanted my own profile face yesterday, And while looking up how to do it. I found a whopping one article with minimal information. (that's not including wipmans's, it's just a bit above the noob level)

So I figured I would make it easier for skinning noobs (like me)

To create their own custom profile face. So I put together this small kit with a clearly written instruction read me, so that new players can do this with ease.

The template is the right size (in pixels) so you will not have to resize, but you will have to resize the file size to under 96 KB.

Anyways, here is the kit, It is very small, so don't worry about the download time.


Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I don't know where else it would fit

By the way, It would be nice if this could be sticky'ed for easy finding. It was hell looking for proper instructions on multiple websites.

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Actually that information was all contained in WIPman's Custom Faces thread. Including custom faces to choose from.

It'd be interesting to have some pictures or tutorials for Photochop newbies about how to use the tools in Photochop to edit faces...tricks tips etc.

If possible maybe a Custom Faces for your Ai for Dummies Tutorial....

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Wipmans was good, but the main problem I had getting mine working was that I just didn't have any clue where to put it...

This tells you where to put it, and you do not have to do much changing of the template. Plus you don't have to go through a few pages of a thread to get all the basic info.

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Hi, the thread where i publish the custom faces made by me was

in a begining (or that was my idea) to let the people publish they're

own made custom faces in a site so everyone will have access to

'em and download the one that they could like the most; i just

replyed to some questions with the info that i can bring.

The problem of that thread is that "surf", through so many pages

for found a reply that you need, is more than painfull; so it don't

serves well to solve doubts on how to use or even do custom faces.

So is good to have a detailed and accesible explain somewhere else

in a less chaotic way or place. Let's C ya

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I agree, a good thing would also to have some download mirrors to make sure this nice tutorial would be fully accessible in the future.

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You can setface a model in game and set their identity with an identity that you've created (in description.ext) but can you do these things with your own "face.jpg" and your identity from your profile? In other words, do I have access, in game, to my face file in my arma profile folder (MyDocuments)?


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unit setface "custom"

I believe that uses the local custom face, you need to change your own for this to work.

The only other way is to create your own addon, then using the class names of the face you can put them on a unit.

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Any chance this could be stickied, I don't want to be a pain. But I want this to be easy for other people to do.

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