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SPON releases

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Rather than set up another dozen threads on these forums, mirroring releases and discussions elsewhere, I thought I'd just keep a thread with links to all my releases over at OFPEC. I'll just update this post/thread when I release or update something.

Please comment on the individual scripts in their appropriate threads, since I can't guarantee to reply very quickly if you reply to this thread (and comments on so many disparate scripts in a single thread would get very messy, very fast). Feel free to discuss my WIP projects here though (marked as coming soon).

Note: Everything I have released is 100% mission-based scripts and has no add-on dependencies at all!

SPON Core v0.5.0 - A suite of common scripts used by most SPON script packs. This includes a GUI-based debugging log.

SPON Core is required by:

- SPON Attachments v0.3.0 (Attach/detatch ACOG and/or other accessories on weapons in-game).

- SPON Conversation (Discussion dialog with AI - coming soon)

- SPON Helocasting (Water insertions from helicopter - coming soon)

- SPON Map v0.5.1 (Freehand drawing and improved marker placement interface) - Now released at BIS forums

- SPON Money v0.1.2 (Shopping and banking via dialogs)

- SPON Radar v0.1.0 ("Old-school" long-range radar with a sweeping beam revealing "blips")

- SPON Rangefinder v0.2.0 (Shows range, azimuth and elevation overlayed on the SOFLAM view)

- SPON RearView v0.1.1 (Rear-view mirrors for most vanilla vehicles).

- SPON Recognise v0.1.0 (Recognise friends standing next to you, even if friendly tags are off).

- SPON Status v0.3.0 (Informational display clearly showing order-of-battle, group members and vehicle crew).

- SPON VBIED v0.2.0 (Place car-bombs on vehicles).

- SPON VehicleBinocs (Use binocs from within vehicles, including when turned out - coming soon)

Other scripts of mine that don't need SPON Core, but that include debugging messages that can be seen if SPON Core debug-log is used:

- SPON Kits v0.1.1 (Standardised equipment kits).

My functions (no dependency on SPON Core or use of debugging):

- SPON_deepEquals v0.2.0 (Compares nested arrays for equivalency)

- SPON_directionName v0.1.1 (Convert numeric vector or direction into name, e.g. [1, 1, 0] => "North-East")

- SPON_getWeaponType v0.1.0 (Find out the general type of a weapon, based on its name, e.g. "M9" => "PISTOL").

- SPON_formatNumber v0.1.0 (Proper number formatting, e.g. 1234.567, to two decimal places with 1000s seperators => "1,234.57")

- SPON_viewVector v0.1.1 (direction the player's screen is "looking", rather than body or weapon facings) - Released at OFPEC


The above links are all direct to the OFPEC beta threads, so are guaranteed to get you the very latest version. No other mirrors currently (that are anything like up to date).

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none of those links worked for me...there is no spoon

Hmm, there really shouldn't be an issue with the links since they are just linking to forum entries at OFPEC. You can see them whether you are registered at that site or not, though you'd need to register to comment on them, of course. One possibility is that if you were attempting to right-click and save these links, you wouldn't get anywhere since they aren't file links, but rather links to other web-pages. Other than that, I can't see a problem (other than that the OFPEC forum can be slow to load; in which case, just give it time).

"No spoon"; You could be on to something there whistle.gif

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Awesomeness!! Thanks! Going to chew on these babies for a while, very interesting! notworthy.gif

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sweet stuff, i always wanted a movie type radar! smile_o.gif

the money system and Rh pistols could make magic wonders too in GTA type o missions. thumbs-up.gif

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Lots of interesting ideas there. Will have to try them all out.

Damn, I just finally got my own version of a similar debug log working on the server. Wish I knew earlier.

Thanks for sharing here. Often miss these releases otherwise.

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Thanks to everyone who is looking at these scripts. I do hope they live up to your expectations (and that you complain a lot if they don't, because otherwise they'll not get better ;P )


Ironically, I actually saw that you released that debug log just before I finished my version, perhaps a few days before I was initially going to release it. Since yours "worked" at that point, I didn't rush to release mine (I actually felt I'd missed the boat ;P ). Never mind, I learned a lot writing mine and it integrates much better with my own code, so...

It is a great shame that people over here miss out on some of the stuff at OFPEC, but what can we do?


"Movie-type radar" is certainly the right description! Everyone keeps telling me that that type of radar went out in the 50s, but I can't think of another type of radar that has ever been in a film that I've seen (even including the motion-sensor in Aliens - hehe!wink_o.gif. Hopefully I'll eventually be able to keep both the film-buffs and reality-buffs happy when I extend the script a little (as described in my Plans in the OP).

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- SPON_formatNumber v0.1.0 (Proper number formatting, e.g. 1234.567, to two decimal places with 1000s seperators => "1,234.57")


- SPON Money v0.1.2 (Shopping and banking via dialogs)

Hopefully, SPON Map will be the next thing ready to release (I hate testing complex MP scripts! ).

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- SPON Attachments v0.1.0 (Attach/detatch ACOG and/or suppressors on weapons in-game).

(by the way, thanks to the fella, Foxhound, who put my scripts on ArmAholic.com, though I certainly don't expect a full re-post there every time I make a small release/update. Perhaps I shouldn't complain ;P).

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by the way, thanks to the fella, Foxhound, who put my scripts on ArmAholic.com, though I certainly don't expect a full re-post there every time I make a small release/update. Perhaps I shouldn't complain ;P

Offcourse it will be made news on armaholic.com. thumbs-up.gif

The release of good scripts should get more attention anyway.

Thats where Armaholic will always try to support you smile_o.gif

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I appreciate the exposure, Foxhound! OFPEC and BIS forums only get so far, but plenty of people scan your site every day. While I think of it, feel free to not report the WIP scipts like SPON Map; Seems silly that the fact I still haven't finished something is news ;P


- SPON_deepEquals v0.1.0 (Compares nested arrays for equivalency)


- SPON Attachments v0.2.0 (Attach/detatch ACOG and/or other accessories on weapons in-game).

EDIT: This new version of Attachments is totally broken! I'll update it ASAP.

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- SPON Attachments v0.3.0

Sorry about the very buggy last release of this pack. Should now have fixed all the animation issues and the other bugs from the last version. Additionally made it fully compatible with teamswitch and, to a limited extent, MP. Thanks to Wolfrug for the bug report or I wouldn't have sorted it!

NOTE: This version and future versions require SPON Core to be installed (up to now, SPON Core was just included in the demo for the debug log, but you could run SPON Attachments on its own). This should also help in making the script even more MP-friendly in the future.

EDIT: I thought I'd make a SPON Scripts logo (in the original post) in case anyone wants something to use it. Well, it certainly shouldn't be appreciated for its artistic merits ;(

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Very useful scripts, Spooner. thanks a lot inlove.gif


Mirror from Assault Mission Studio.

I put all scripts in one archiv as one Pack. I always updated this Pack when you released an update or so. wink_o.gif




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Thanks very much! I've added the mirror link in this thread and the OFPEC SPON Core one.

I'm more than happy if some or all of my scripts get mirrored elsewhere, as long as you include a link to the original OFPEC beta thread for that script (or to SPON Core beta thread if you are hosting a compilation).

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Thanks very much! I've added the mirror link in this thread and the OFPEC SPON Core one.

I'm more than happy if some or all of my scripts get mirrored elsewhere, as long as you include a link to the original OFPEC beta thread for that script (or to SPON Core beta thread if you are hosting a compilation).

Jep...on the dl-site under Homepage is the link to your OFPEC-Thread wink_o.gif


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Just in case you were getting bored of the same old scripts, some more releases and updates for you! Please wake up and make some comments on the OFPEC threads so I can see what people like and/or want improving too.


- SPON Status v0.1.0 (Informational display clearly showing order-of-battle, group members and vehicle crew).


- SPON Rangefinder v0.2.0 (Shows range, azimuth and elevation overlayed on the SOFLAM view)

- SPON_deepEquals v0.2.0 (Compares nested arrays for equivalency)

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New release:

- SPON Kits v0.1.0 (Standardised equipment kits).


- SPON Status v0.2.0 (Informational display clearly showing order-of-battle, group members and vehicle crew).

Added mission score information area and some fixes.

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- SPON Kits v0.1.1 (Standardised equipment kits).

Removed a file that shouldn't have still been in the pack and references to it in the documentation.

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- SPON Status v0.3.0

Fixed a CTD problem and added some minor functionality.

Note: Everything I've released so far should work just as well with ArmA 1.09, but I will be re-releasing most things ASAP in the new year, since the new publicVariable event handlers are a lot better than the system of SPON events I developed and used within SPON Core. This will then mean that all new releases of SPON components will require 1.09+.

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Although I've been out of the game for quite a while, I have updated SPON Core for ArmA 1.14 (basically, it now uses publicVariable events rather than init-commands for all of its internal communications). All existing SPON components should still work and some of them I'll re-release to take advantage of the improvements in the Core. The main advantage, to you lot, is that now I've finally released SPON Map which was easier to get working with the newer functionality.

EDIT: Sorry, I hadn't properly uploaded the new files for SPON Core earlier, but since they were included in the demo for SPON Map, I hope noone had real problems. Anyway, all the right files are now available from OFPEC.

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Well, I took a...little...break from ArmA, but I'm back, hopefully for a while ;P Thanks to everyone who has downloaded my scripts in the last six months! Hope you like SPON Map, which people will hopefully find innovative enough to forgive me having some slack time!

Well, my plan to just keep my script releases in one thread hasn't been very successful. It might have saved me some effort and got a few more hits over at the OFPEC forums, but it lead to me getting few downloads and very little feedback from users. As I make new releases and updates from now, I'm going to put them into their own threads, so that people can discuss them here rather than having to hike over to OFPEC...

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