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DMSmokeGrenadeVB v1.0

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The MP bug only affects smoke grenades that are thrown, any smoke grenade that is fired works OK. I hoped that BIS would fix this bug but I haven't seen anything about it.

I recommend the use of Spectre's grenadier pack for MP use as it loads out the grenadier with a realistic amount of grenades and also smoke grenades. Then the viewblock will be effective in MP.

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Sorry for being dense here but I'm a bit confused. "SmokeShell" is something that is thrown, correct? It's not for an M203.

DM, you mention ammo types "G_40mm_Smoke", "G_40mm_RedSmoke". I'm guessing that's what can be fired from an M203. Are those ammo types only available when your VB mod is active? I tried adding these to an ammo box and got an error.

Might as well add this too while I'm posting. I'm running ArmA Effects mod in a modfolder which uses the Event Handlers. How do I set up your VB mod in regards to these Event Handlers? Just forget about them because ArmA Effects already has them? Might not be such a good idea as some day I might want to turn off the ArmA Effects mod.

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DesertJedi, if you haven't already, grab the latest version of JTD SmokeGrenadeVB from the link in my sig. It's now MP friendly and works pretty well.

The addon handles both thrown and fired smoke grenades supplied by default by BIS, the addon does not add any, I don't know why you get the error. I suggest trying to add them with the addon disabled & see if the same thing happens.

With regard to ArmA Effects & event handlers, the nature of the extended event handlers means that they take care of themselves. The only thing I would say is to have the addons in their own mod folders, with JTD SmokeGrenadeVB having priority over ArmA Effects so that the correct effect is shown.

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Quote[/b] ]The addon handles both thrown and fired smoke grenades supplied by default by BIS

I added both G_40mm_Smoke and G_40mm_RedSmoke to the magazine classes in my description.ext. If they worked, I'd probably also add them to the scripts I use to load ammo crates and vehicle cargoes.

But if your mod works for hand-thrown smokers, then I don't really need the fired ones.

To be honest, I never seen those 40mm smoke nades ever mentioned in the weapons classes I've looked at.

Quote[/b] ]the extended event handlers means that they take care of themselves. The only thing I would say is to have the addons in their own mod folders
Excellent idea!
Quote[/b] ]with JTD SmokeGrenadeVB having priority over ArmA Effects so that the correct effect is shown.
A little OT but does anyone know how to make one mod higher priority than another in ArmA Launcher?

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A little OT but does anyone know how to make one mod higher priority than another in ArmA Launcher?

Just move the mod to the right in the command line list of mods that you start the game with.  I believe some of the mod launcher programs out there will also allow you to adjust the priority of mods.

Edit: Plaintiff1 reminded me that left is left and right is right. tounge2.gif

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In ArmA, the ones that are loaded last have priority, each new one over-writing common parts of the last.  I don't know about ArmA launcher, but I would expect that whatever order you have them listed in there is the order in which they load.

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But if your mod works for hand-thrown smokers, then I don't really need the fired ones.

I can highly recommend the VFAI addon, which gives all units a smokeshell to use when they are injured. It works really well and is one of the major reasons the SmokeGrenadeVB addon even exists.

Quote[/b] ]To be honest, I never seen those 40mm smoke nades ever mentioned in the weapons classes I've looked at.

Search out Spectre's grenadier addon, it gives a realistic loadout for grenadiers which includes about 10 or so smokeshells. You'll also get the benefit of lots more grenades, about 25 or even more.


Here is the grenadier addon link.

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A little OT but does anyone know how to make one mod higher priority than another in ArmA Launcher?

Just move the mod to the right in the command line list of mods that you start the game with.  I believe some of the mod launcher programs out there will also allow you to adjust the priority of mods.

Edit: Plaintiff1 reminded me that left is left and right is right.  tounge2.gif

That is true, but the requiredaddons[] array doesnt take order of modfolders into consideration so its not always true.

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When I installed this, I wasn't sure where to put the "bisign" files. I think they were zipped up in some sort of "keys" directory but I moved them into my @JTD dir.

I happened to open the config file and it appeared that ViewBlock was set to "disable" for both server and client. I changed them to enable and resaved the file. Was that smart or dumb?

I tested the mod in the editor with a thrown smoker and it works! Though it's not a good idea to give your position away by firing your gun while standing still. The Opfor apparently honed in on my sound(?) and shot me through the smoke. As long as I didn't fire I was hidden.

Thanks DM!

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I happened to open the config file and it appeared that ViewBlock was set to "disable" for both server and client. I changed them to enable and resaved the file. Was that smart or dumb?

By config file, do you mean the one that goes in the ArmA\dta folder? If so then that doesn't affect the smoke grenade addon, that config is for the smoke effects that happens when you destroy a vehicle (DMSmokeEffects). During very heavy battles it can be a bit FPS heavy so it's disabled by default, as it's main purpose is eye candy. But the option is there for those who wish to use it. The smoke grenade addon works separately from the smoke effects addon.

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