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ARMA in maximum settings? is it possible?

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AA+HDR is not a problem on Series 8 Nvidia cards anylonger mate, not even in 32-bit HDR + AA.

But as I wrote, the problem lies with the MaddMatt's ArmA effects + AA, if there is no Smoke or haven't got Matt's ArmA effects installed, the framedrops do not occur any longer.

AA Low and Normal perform equally for me, takes about 3-10 FPS depending on situation, but when there's smoke it takes the fps many times down to as low as 10-15 smile_o.gif

ok thnax for clearing that up. the only problem i have, wich made me to believe the AA+HDR prob is that FPS drops sometimes in forrest and citys when loads of action going on to 15 huh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gif

same prob with 7600gt + the NVG's are really dark, when light is around again. didint notice this with my 1950pro.

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That is definitely not normal. I haven't had ArmA crash in a very long time.

Good drivers, and not using the -maxmem parameter unless you need it should prevent crashes.

And I've had crashes caused before by keeping the page file too low. 2 gigs seemed to keep things stable.

Using Nvidia 163.76 drivers right now, with no crashing issues.

Could be the missions themselves. Evo has a lot of scripting, might be something buggy there.

I have the latest drivers, settings at low, page-file all good, I know the drill. wink_o.gif

It is something to do with the missions. There are all kinds of hardware configs playing during our games, least half of us experience at least 1 crash per night, often more.

Anyhow, just dropped my new 8800gtx in, game looks much better, plays smoother. But I'm having all the usual 8800 issues reported here, serious graphical corruption, 8007000e texture crash.

I'm not despondent though, I'm sure I'll get it running smooth.. smile_o.gif

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Greets all,

Just trying 163.44 , with no maxmem, and so far so good, played 1 hour last night on the net (Evo red) . Pagefile at 2,5 gigs, all XP, mobo's drivers, and bios updated.

1 more hour and will up the all the settings to high to se if it crashes.

will see.


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Quote[/b] ]What kind of a solution I could think to this problem? I would try to direct (force) the users AWAY from the graphic settings control panel altogether! And make the game manage the settings according to the abilities of the hardware it is running on.

I sure dont agree on that, crashes can't be handled by test performace.

And its near impossible to code a test performance that acuratly sets settings acording to all hardware configurations in the market today. And when it fails? should the developer tell the customer "well, now you have to edit that little config file in that folder...".

What are you talking about? Crashes have nothing to do with what I said... it's completely different issue.


surely you can write code to measure the frames-per-second, no matter the hardware? Surely you can measure how steady the framerate stays, no matter the hardware?

If target framerate isn't achieved, then settings are dropped. Do it over and over again until target framerate is reached. If you run out of settings, then that's what you get. Lowest possible settings. If you code such a test, you need not to know what kind of hardware the user has! You just watch the framerate, adjust settings if needed, and that's it.

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Greets all,

Just trying 163.44 , with no maxmem, and so far so good, played 1 hour last night on the net (Evo red) . Pagefile at 2,5 gigs, all XP, mobo's drivers, and bios updated.

1 more hour and will up the all the settings to high to se if it crashes.

will see.


Hey Ventura I forgot to add all my game settings are maxed out. ArmA will obviously LAG (although only slightly) in single player with the VD up to 10000. Online this ain't an issue due to the limited VD set by servers/missions.

Also steam keeps telling me my video drivers are outdated but I just click ok and continue with no problems.

I'm staying with 163.44 beta for now. Too much stress before I found these drivers and everything works as it is written on the tin smile_o.gif

Had a 7 hour EVO session on SuicideSquad Server no sweat

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Anyhow, just dropped my new 8800gtx in, game looks much better, plays smoother. But I'm having all the usual 8800 issues reported here, serious graphical corruption, 8007000e texture crash.

Apologies for quoting myself, wanted to report back..

Installed the new 169.01 betas, played with maxmem a little (reduced it), hit Evo Red for 5 hours - no crashes. Great smile_o.gif

Had one instance of sever gfx corruption, changed texture res from default to normal, went away immediately without needing to restart or disconnect from server.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Cheers for the heads up dmitri. Will try them out at once whistle.gif

Edit: 8600GTS here. I got a massive performance boost with the latest forceware beta drivers. 100% smooth with everything maxed out notworthy.gif

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Cheers for the heads up dmitri. Will try them out at once whistle.gif

Edit: 8600GTS here. I got a massive performance boost with the latest forceware beta drivers. 100% smooth with everything maxed out notworthy.gif

I just installed 163.75 betas and those drivers came a few hours afterwards yesterday. Are those worth the driver reinstalling hassle?

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]I just installed 163.75 betas and those drivers came a few hours afterwards yesterday. Are those worth the driver reinstalling hassle?

I guess it's worth a try at least :P

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so it seems all is narrowed to drivers 'again' ? whistle.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I just installed 163.75 betas and those drivers came a few hours afterwards yesterday. Are those worth the driver reinstalling hassle?

I guess it's worth a try at least :P

tried the beta's and after a 2 hour gameplay started to get artifacts again. restarting and flushing didnt help so reverted back to the official one's. i have 8800gts 320mb.

btw does any1 know if theres a fix, when u alt-tab out and start getting those artifacts.

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Even with, older or the newer, i get same crash....

Im sorry Dwarden, its understood you wanted to be right, even i wanted you to be right. but it looks like its wider then that.


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