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Queens Gambit - "The President" mission

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I need some help on this mission. I've searched the whole damn town and there is no President. There is about 4 or 5 civillians who are all dead. I didn't kill them so they were dead before I got there. I've killed every bad guy in the whole damn town and many of the ones from the area around it. There are still a few bad guys over near the air strip. I've looked in every building that can be entered and there isn't anyone in them. Where the hell is he? Or is this just another buggy mission?

Does anyone freakin test these damn offical missions? I expect better quality from these.

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The Prez is in the town on the far northeast of the map, if he hasn't left yet. I assume you haven't looked there yet?

The only thing you need to do in the main town is to kill off the Especas causing havoc.

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The town on the far north east of the map is the only town there is. I've searched the whole thing. He isn't there. So if he leaves where does he go? Shouldn't the mission end if he left and you didn't get there in time?

Really crappy mission.

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I can't let you tell this mission is awful.  ( mad_o.gif )

You have to *hurry* to the eastern town going through the spetznatz city trap (I myself had to rush because even quickly fighting any enemy I saw, It took too much time)

I gone to the eastern town to shoot around 3-4 OPFOR then finding President at the crossroad, to the right.

I then gone back to the main city to clear it.

Here, try this, but I have to say that ArmA:QG missions are a LOT more worked than the original ArmA campaign, approaching that way the OFP:CWC & Res quality.

Hope this helps  xmas_o.gif

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I ended up intorogating some guy at the end. They said he wasn't the president. Then it just automaticly restarted the mission from the being. This happen to anyone else? At least a mission failure would be nice, so you know what is going on.

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Hi, i've killed every spetz (that i know) in Porto, i've been standing

3 hours with the time compression at x4 right in front of the so

called "president" with the pinochet's shape and nothing happens.

I've killed the 2 men that came in a zodiak to "rescue" him (i think).

Nothing happens; the only way that i've seen of end this mission

is to let the man scape and fail the mission; so it restarts.

Do this mission have an end?. Have someone completed the mission?.

I too need help to end this mission. And by the way, i cleaned the

town at the begining, alone and with the M4ACOG-M203 then moved

to the NNE shore line and "sniped" the two men in the roofs at the

village entrance; then i took out other two spetznat guarding the

village... and... after a bit of time compression... i killed other

two spetznat. And then i spent other two hours at x4 time

compression, combing the island in zig-zag and no one fired at

me, so i asume that i've killed every damn OPFOR in the island.

Help please. Let's C ya

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Well after doing the mission the hard way, as in clear the town first and then head to the now gone pres, I went and got the prez first and then came back and cleared the town, 1/2 the time for twice the result thumbs-up.gif

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Yep. Best way to do is skip the town without too many losses (tricky in itself), run to the village with the President, avoid fighting there as much as possible (taking out the snipers on the roofs will help if you have the time), but don't miss the boat that comes to pick the President otherwise he will have escaped and the mission terminates. Kill the two guys in the boat, and then you have all the time you want to clear the village, and take the President as Prisoner. Then, you have all the time you want to come back to the town and clear it (it helps if you take the Dragunov of one of the dead snipers in the village of the President).


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A new problem arose, I did like you guys said, and captured the president first. now I'm in town and I suddenly get the message that the president is dead. I mean WTF?!? Can the guys at bohemia make missions at all?

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You need to make sure that all the SLA guys in the small village that the prez is in are dead. There are about 5-6 guys.

My guess is that when you get the prez he joins the blufor side. I was worried about the prez getting capped while I was clearing the town as weel. If it happens again, let the prez run out of the town for a little and then grab him.

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