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Have bought ArmA and QG, some help needed

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Since I'm getting my new computer in a weeks time, I went ahead and bought both ArmA and Queens Gambit.

So I have some various questions;

1. As I've understood, patch 1.08 is included in QG. Do I need some of the other patches, or does installing QG after I install ArmA take the game straight to v1.08?

2. Should I bother with the singleplayer campaign in ArmA? Heard alot of bad things about it. Am I missing out on something in the campaigns in QG if I don't play the original ArmA campaign? Hmmm, this sounds like a stupid question...guess I'll play them all of course wink_o.gif

3. How is the multiplayer scene in ArmA? Heard there's alot of different cheating etc? Recommendations for a newbie to mp in ArmA? Servers, what I should expect, etc.

I played OFP alot before, but never once played it in mp or online. So now I'm looking forward to getting into a BIS game again inlove.gif

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1. ArmA & QG is all you need to get to 1.08

2. You're right smile_o.gif

3. Join a clan/group with a passworded server. Much more fun smile_o.gif

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Also try the original campaign, its not awesoem but also not too bad, i think if it had a storyline with more cutscenes that holds it together people would have liked it a lot more.

Also you will know what the story of QG is based on.

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I must say the orginal campain was very disappointing and far away from previous campains from BIS. Hope QG is of better quality.

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Ok, thanks for the answers so far smile_o.gif

Of course I will play the original campaign, it was kind of a stupid question...

After I had finished all the 3 campaigns in OFP, I had loads of fun just messing around in the editor. Trying out all kinds of new addons and maps...either setting up engangements or just going for a stroll (or driving around) - that's one of the beauties of OFP. Is this preserved in ArmA? Are there many addons and maps for ArmA yet?

So, public servers is not the way to go? How big is the mp community in ArmA? I live in norway, and I've heard of one norwegian server that's good - www.nopryl.com - anyone here played on it?

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There are loads of good servers around and recently cheating has been put back thanks to the clever members of this community. Arma online is amazing!

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So, public servers is not the way to go?

Public games are nothing to be afraid of. If you want to play a mission showing in the browser, just go there.

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If your new PC is high end and has Vista, unless you feel like taking hardware out of your system to play it and/or finding software that virtually removes it for you, I'd recommend doing a little bit of research before taking the plunge.

Vista is not supported by BIS. You have to do some work around(s).

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My new PC will be running dualboot with 32bit XP Pro and 64bit Vista Ultimate. So I'll be running ArmA in XP of course.

Could you please explain some more what you mean with your comments on removing hardware to play ArmA? Do you mean just in Vista or also in XP?

My new comp is basically this;

-Intel C2D E6850

-4 gigs PC6400 memory (4x1GB sticks)

-Asus P5K Premium mobo

-Gainward GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB

-WD Raptor 150GB and WD Caviar 500GB hdd's

-Creative SB X-Fi ExtremeGamer soundcard

Will it be any trouble running ArmA on XP with this hardware?

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If you install in XP, you should be okay without monkeying with any hardware.

Your fine. Happy hunting wink_o.gif

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Hi all

General opinion is that Vista will not be stable for another two or three months. We still have to wait for sevice pack one for Vista. Some people have got hold of the a leaked copy of SP1 and the beta is now out but opinion is that much the same as previous versions of windows OS SP1 is servieable and fixes many problems but the OS will not be properly stable until SP2.

Kind regards walker

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2. I finished the ArmA campaign yesterday. I liked it and had no problems whatsoever. it wasn't too hard, but fun and I don't understand all the fuzz about it.

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