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Courses d orientation

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Par les vous francois?  me neither! and no need to!

but Grimm from Clan-Centurions has released a very special 'training pack' on their website.  

( on my request, Grimm released a ENGLISH version.)



The complete site is in available in french and english, this mission pack is a must try!  

What is it?

- Many players have problemsl to locate themselves on a chart, and to be aware of their environment.

- Certain clans practise already races of orientation, but those are generally solidified, and at limited lifespan.

This pack, bound for the clans and players practising realistic ArmA of way (by decontaminating the options of assistance on the chart), makes it possible to make varied and ludic races of orientation, as well on the level of the environments as of the possible options (random races, beacons defended by the opfor, invisible beacons, etc). A differentiated stopwatch was built-in for each team. Consultable at the end of the course, it gives all essential measurements of the accomplished race.




*Changement of hour

The change of hour of the day is done at the beginning of mission, at the time of the choice of the roles before the briefing.

*CO basic

Approach with less than 3 meters of a beacon to reveal the following one. Each circuit contains ten beacons. The stop watch of each team is automatically started with the first beacon, and becomes consultable at the end of the course.

*Modules optional (activables by radio):

- Random CO: must be started before a beacon is activated. Created a random circuit on the chart. The players are téléportés there.

- Single Race: must be started before a beacon is activated. All the circuits are copied on the blue course, allowing a right comparison of times. In this case, it is advised to make leave the teams in shifted.

- Invisible Beacons: (activable in the course of part). The cones are not visible any more on the ground, obliging the players with an only topographic location. The ray of validation of the beacons passes to 15 meters.

- CO Armed: (activable in the course of part). There are 3 chances out of 4 that each beacon is kept by a binomial OPFOR. The players acquire weapons automatically. If you are killed, you respawnez with the last beacon validated by your team.

special *Capacities

- The foremen can make return their team to the last validated beacon.

- the CO observer can téléporter on the chart, throw a fumi/a rocket on the chart, to activate the GPS of the foremen, téléporter towards all the foremen. In the event of CO armed, it will not be attacked by the OPFOR. However, it does not take part in the race, and cannot activate of beacon.




1. This zip contains 6 CO, four circuits each one. CO in mountain, CO in rural medium and CO urban.

- CO carrying number 1 (ex: CTR02_CO_rurale1.Sara.pbo) have spaced beacons of approximately 200 meters.

- CO carrying number 2 (ex: CTR02_CO_rurale2.Sara.pbo) have spaced beacons of approximately 400 meters.

2. CO is intended to the realistic clans. To benefit from it, decontaminate all the options of location on the chart.

Indeed, if your position is indicated permanently on the chart, this exercise loses major the part of its interest.

3. The instructions of CO are in the Briefing. Each special character has his characteristic finely (Observant CO and foremen). The options CO are in the radio.

4. The Observer CO cannot validate beacons.

5. If the foremen actuate “return to the last validated beaconâ€, all their team is téléportée towards the last validated beacon.

6. To actuate the module “random COâ€, no beacon of the normal starting circuit must be validated before the click on this option in the radio.

7. IMPORTANT: the experiment showed that when players have the impression not to be able to actuate their beacon (it is enough to approach to validate), these players are in fact in front of the bad beacon: mark out pertaining to another team, old beacon, marks out already established on the ground by defect, etc

Thus read well your chart, check that the beacon carries the name of your team and the good number (the name and the number of the beacon are posted when the player approaches).

In the worst of the cases, ask the observer CO to balance flares or a smoke producer on the position of your beacon: you will discover that it is not at the place where you seek!




The author of this pack and scripts present is [CTR] Grimm.

Thank you with the testers: members of the clan Centurions, like corsair83 and its friends, and [bWF] Naash with members BWF.





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These sound cool and very useful!

Used to do orienteering when I was in my early teens, great fun smile_o.gif

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Looks interresting.

Is this for MP only? Or can it be played in SP too?

Would be good to see if my orientation skills are any good in ArmA too, and not just in RL whistle.gif

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It's mainly dedicated to MP. Lone players never loose their squad wink_o.gif

But you can ABSOLUTELY play it in SP !

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