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Never Mind ArmA2 The Game Of 2008 Will Be...

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Wow the total war series is getting better and better.....

I feel like playing some rtw and mtw right now.

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Here, bloody here! I just wish they they released a Peloponnesian war pack ( like the Alexander one.) for RTW. God they are a great series of games.

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Only 10 factions? :/

those were my thoughts too, they can include soo many nations. example, to include the US w/out the "Five Civilized Tribes" of the Native American Nations is IMO stupid.

wikipedia article about the five tribes:


i happen to be part Choctaw and Chickasaw

i hope they at least reconsider extending the time period the late period to the 1890's where the most notable conflicts in the new world accured. there was the Mexican American War 1846 to 1848, the Civil War 1861–1865, and Spanish American War in 1898.

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The total war games have always annoyed me a little bit. They're good... and the premise is roughly 'change history' ...oh, but NOTHING else will change at all. Hmm, I suppose if a nation conquered most of europe and built thousands of seats of learning they wouldn't ever learn how to make plumbing because historically they had one city.....

It needs so much more depth.

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I want to be able to play multiplayer on the campaign map! Will it finally be possible in this one?

Last I read, the campaign in multiplayer will arrive with the next Medieval 2 expansion... with appropriately sized maps that won't take three real-life years to play out. smile_o.gif

Now I also seem to recall it will be hotseat only. confused_o.gif

Anyhoo, sounds like a step in the right direction, and we don't even have to wait for Empire to get it!

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Wow! Multiplayer campaign?!? Got that much time, do ya? The waiting of turns would drive me nuts! May as well play SSI Steel Panthers series! (For those of you who don't know, it ran on a 486 cpu, and multi was by email. OOLDD.... ) Too Gisen, Man, what do you want! There is only so much that can be done dude. The Total war series are legendry IMO! Have you played and won with the Venetians on very hard in campaign? (Short or long, doesn't matter. ) And to the best of my knowledge, you can't mess with that game as much as ArmA, (Now. Not earlier. ) Just have to keep searching dude, but untill then, can my merchant acquire the others assets and give me enough florins to pay for the merc's to take X factions' army on?

Off to find out. biggrin_o.gif

Just saw the previous post.

So there will be hot seat. DAMM YOU WORK!!!!!!!!!!

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I hope they improve the visuals on the units some more, that always irritated me how almost every unit is identicle, it's a bit different in Medieval2 but the differences are only very minor texture differences and alot of the time it still looks like attack of the clones. Looking forward to this one.

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i assume thats 10 playable fractions, there will be fractions that are there that you cant play as at the beginning.

with a slight file change in rome TW and medieval 2 you can unlock all the fractions. even play as the senate though its buggy.

if theres not im sure there will be mods released that include other sides. im playing deus lo vult on MTW2 and that adds LOADS off new fractions and a massive campaign map!

cant wait to do some massive naval battles. im thinking battle of Trafalgar.

maybe in the next 6 years we'll get a WWII total war. that WOULD be awsum!. recreating the massive tank battles. i think this may be the next incarnation of the game with the TW 3rd generation engine as it includes enter able buildings. imagine a city the size of Berlin and holding off Russian tanks with small AT teams.

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There will be over 50 factions. Confirmed by a developer at twcenter.net.

Only 10, however, will be playable

Anyhoo, to sum it up, when I first saw this announced, I practically wet my pants. I can't wait to go to battle to the sounds of musket, fife, and drum

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