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New ArmA player

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I bought this game yesterday and played around littlebit with video settings and armoury game mode, I got it working without too much stuttering in my old rig. It is very challenging and realistic game, much more than OFP was. Armoury game mode was great fun, to do short tasks and driving around like GTA style. I tried also multiplayer firefight with AI and was last on scoreboard, AI isn't consealing and hiding much but they shoot quite accurately. One problem in this game is sound, I can't hear when bullets are whistling around me and landing near me, these sounds should be made better. I have also other complaint which I already noticed in demo but despite of that I decided to buy this game. I hate this pointing rifle towards ground doctorine, which is good when moving with team mates, but army doctorine says that when you are assaulting towards to enemy rifle should be pointed forward not to ground. I have discussed this before but am a bit disappointed how this was implemented. When running and suddenly enemy is popping in 10 meters front of you from forest you aren't able shoot him right away becouse your weapon is pointed towards ground, you have to stop first to be able raise your weapon and shoot forward. Otherwise this game is great with all equipment and mods. See you online in multiplayer after I have practised a bit smile_o.gif

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I use and highly recommend FDF soundmod which has just been released at v1.2


Install the files into ArmA/addons folder and you'll be able to play online.

Default ArmA sound is a little shaky to say the least - try this and you'll see the difference. (download is 55MB)

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Sorry - forgot to mention:

Not sure if you were aware but if you use the walk/run toggle, you can advance with your ironsights up. That is, if you are in "walk" mode.

May help you with your other problem. wink_o.gif

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I recommend FDF sound mod too.

But Chammy's Sound Mod is worth checking out too.

You might also wanna check out the XAM 1.3 Mod, it's 1.GB+ But well worth lookin at and playin around with.

Unit's And Vehicle's might be your own taste/opinion to try out...

IF you want to play online and i recomend you should. Try Out the Berserk "hold" game's. There well addictave. Or if you want somethinge else, try out thge evolution servers.


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It's really quite an unrealistic expectation that you could hold your rifle towards your enemy and effectively get a good shot when assaulting an enemy, which means you would be running doing it.

Try it in real life wearing full infantry gear and you'll quickly understand why I say it's an unrealistic expectation.

Walking slowly is another matter. But I think in a battlefield facing enemies directly in front of me I will not walk slowly for good reasons.

Yes I can see why advice is given to point rifles towards enemy. It is another matter how accurately you are pointing the rifle. The general direction is towards the enemy, but if you are running towards the enemy then it is practically impossible to aim with your rifle towards the enemy so that you could get a fast and accurate shot. You still have to stop and aim if you want to get a good shot. Aiming and shooting when moving fast means that you have very low chance of getting a good shot.

Welcome to ArmA community by the way.

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Thanks, I will try different sound mods starting with FDF sounds. It isn't unrealistic expectaton to be able to run and point your weapon towards enemy I could show you how to do it if I had my combat gear on (not full backpack), I was trained to assault like that, run and hip fire as fast and accurately as you can. But it was ages ago and things change, these days there are different army doctorines, weapons must be kept safe to prevent accidents and assault like that is called suicide. But all I am saying it is possible and preventing it feels a bit artificial. I guess if I wan't to use old way I have to play OFP.

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Yes yes I believe you smile_o.gif

You can point your weapon towards enemy when moving, I understand that. I can do it too. But I was talking more of getting a good shot at them. That's something which requires you to stop and aim properly. You can do a quick shot yes, but the chances of hitting your target are so much lower than when you stop, take good position, support yourself, then shoot.

You know, a tactic the Red Army used against Finland in the Winter War (look from Wikipedia for it) was to use large groups of men assaulting directly against our men. Result was quite big piles of dead Soviet soldiers in the Russo-Finnish border and around. And they repeated this many times probably somewhat because their leaders were afraid of breaking their old-fashioned, WW I era 'doctrine' and just told their men to repeat it again and again, resulting in massive losses to the Red Army. Sometimes their tactic worked, sometimes not. A fact is they suffered heavy losses in the process of making such assaults.

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I know that this kind of "rambo" tactics is insane way of attacking, like it was in WWII, but I don't like being artificially restricted for doing something which is so obvious in real life. Weapon pointing was just fine in OFP, why they had to change it. I hope to see mod where weapon pointing is made just like it was in OFP, if it is possible to mod these things. Also in OFP you could crouch your upper body while running just by looking down and it felt somehow realistic, in ArmA soldiers are running too high and you cannot change that, becouse you cannot control your upper body movement anymore like in OFP. I would not advice anybody to run that high ecpecially when under fire, but this is only game. OK, this is becoming complaints thread, I wan't to say some positive things about this game also. ArmA has much better graphics and I like grass and trees and waves in the sea they are awesome. Also light effects are much better than in OFP.

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It might be nice if they could integrate the "weapon

up/weapon down" key into the running anim. Weapon up and

you can shoot forward, weapon down and you run as it is

now (or vice versa to make the normal run the default). The

walking gait is already integrated like this; weapon up and

you walk forward with your rifle in the alert position (or

whatever the contemporary US Army terminology for it is),

weapon down and you walk casually with your rifle in a cradle

carry (or whatever the Yanks call it).

But then of course they'd need to create a new anim for it,  

and typically there'd likely be problems in getting a smooth

transition between the anims.

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