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How do you stop AI from being chickens?

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I've tried

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

hostage_1 disableAI "TARGET"

hostage_2 disableAI "TARGET"

hostage_3 disableAI "TARGET"

hostage_1 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"

hostage_2 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"

hostage_3 disableAI "AUTOTARGET"

hostage_1 setBehaviour "CARELESS"

hostage_2 setBehaviour "CARELESS"

hostage_3 setBehaviour "CARELESS"

hostagegrp enableAttack false

And the obvious CARELESS waypoint of course. But nothing works. They still get chicken when anyone fires and they stop to do pushups when they should be boning out! Whats worse is sometimes they turn around and gawk at a dead body or something blown up. That usually gets them lodged in a building walking in circles through a wall.

I want them to stay in compact column formation and run like hell. So far I had to tweak and block with wires along their waypoints to make them just stay on path. They don't even hold a column! But most important is that they are cowards. What else can I try?

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I have that in their init. "this allowFleeing 0; this setCaptive true". I guess cowards is the wrong word because they don't run, morons is more like it. If someones firing at you or a building explodes who the hell does pushups? tounge2.gif

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K, didn't know.

Yep, I refer to them as morons too, because most of their doings must be scripted...

Been trying this evening to get an saboteur NOT to run like a mad man between waypoints at night.

I would like him to walk slowly and cautiously scan for targets. Without success ofcourse.

stealth and limit seems to be the only way to make them go slower, but then they'll crawl the whole route and that takes too much time.

And they still gets killed by units nearby which are turned around the other way.

The enemy AI without NV's thinks

Whats that, a noise?


Dead AI west saboteur.

The ODD thing is that he does walk slowly, upright and sometimes crouched at daylight, does that makes sense?

IMHO no.

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Experiment with the setskill command

In OFP the best way to make a unit run fast was setunitpos "up" in stealth mode. It makes no sense, I know.

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...stealth and limit seems to be the only way to make them go slower, but then they'll crawl the whole route and that takes too much time.

Use setunitpos "middle"

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Experiment with the setskill command

In OFP the best way to make a unit run fast was setunitpos "up" in stealth mode. It makes no sense, I know.

Quote[/b] ]

...stealth and limit seems to be the only way to make them go slower, but then they'll crawl the whole route and that takes too much time.

Use setunitpos "middle"

Instead of using a 'move' waypoint, use a 'Sentry' waypoint smile_o.gif

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Something I've noticed commanding squads is that if I want someone to run their ass off, set their combat mode to aware, fire at will, and stay crouched. When you do that, they get up and run. In danger mode, they tend to do that funky crouch walk which keeps them tired and moving slow.

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It was not my intention to hijack this thread.

But the sentry wp wasn't was I was looking for either.

As the unit would not move past that sentry way point.

The West AI set to skill 1 would run, run run carelessly and will get blown away no matter what I do.

I've put a east AI soldier skill 0, looking into a wall, but it will turn around and gun down that west AI faster than Lucky Luke would.

I think I switch sides :P

Leaving this thread now, as I haven't got anything to contribute with.

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