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BIS, Please Read This

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If you all are so good at getting information on people, equip your server with netlimiter 2 pro, get the DuckHunters IP and ban him out using netlimiter. Create a rule for netlimiter not to allow him to connect to your server period and that will fix these noob ass hackers for the most part.

Ip bans are worthless to a degree.

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not if u ip-rage ban haha im not talking about looking up ip rage. that will ban all the ips on that isp.

call the isp or e-mail the admin ask for the Co ip range the Co ip range is the Server range in that area of the city.

how do i ip ban?


Make sure you have logfile=logfile.clog in youre server.cfg

with -netlog it makes timestamps for conections ips.

with logfile= in server.cfg it also makes timestamps. of users names and ids

unfortantly you have to copy the logfile and netlog over to someplace becuse you can not acess it while the game is open.

open both file ups serch for the evil player in the server console logfile find the timestamp then go to netlog file and serch for the timestanp thare bam ip in hand now go to youre firewall and ban!

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I just added this to our server, and actually on netlog in the netlog file it shows, name, ID and IP already, and it tells you when they connected I believe as well.. so if someone connects to your server and starts causing trouble, look at netlog in your server's arma directory.. and there you have their IP.. then just go to your server firewall and ban access to that IP... with a program called netlimiter, you can ban access to anything on your server and get their range at that.

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