deevius 0 Posted July 7, 2007 How does laser targeting work if you're playing single player? I'm making a video and I wanted to get some clips of some laser targeting/bombing runs... so I opened up the editor and put some BLUFOR special forces soldiers in equipped with the Laser Marker, and added two Harrier GBU's already airborne the AI soldiers wouldn't laser target anything, so I tried myself. Laser targeted some tanks (I assume you just point the laser marker, and click to make the little red dot show up?) but none of the jets engaged with bombs.... they just kept flying around doing nothing how do I set it up so I practice laser targeting with AI? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Benoist 0 Posted July 7, 2007 Serch the meaning of life, it's easier... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ModaFlanker 0 Posted July 7, 2007 You used BLUFOR Special Forces Recon? Those are the only soldiers that have the laser designator. [None for OPFOR!] All I needed to do was have them within visual distance of some t-72s (or any enemy tank) and hitting tab while I'm in the air with GBU armed would lock onto "Laser Target". Tip for bombing: If you are flying at the target but the diamond hasn't shown up on the box (indicating a lock), pull up until it shows up then drop one. It works amazingly well. I didn't have to tell the SF Recon to do anything special. Maybe you could try command 3 and 7 (Scan Horizon). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deady 0 Posted July 7, 2007 The AI has had issues with using laser designators ever since it was introduced in operation flashpoint - and the issues persist today in Arma. Basically, you need a human designator and a human pilot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ModaFlanker 0 Posted July 7, 2007 Really? Never had a problem here. Even in RTS-4 (real time strategy-- build base and capture territories-- a very great user mission by Karrillion) I've been able to send a SF Recon soldier near the enemy base and use its targeting to kill tanks. The only downside there was that I couldn't tell that Recon to target the base buildings in RTS... so in that case a human player is needed to target the Aircraft Factory, Vehicle Factory, Naval Factory, and Barracks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted July 7, 2007 The AI has had issues with using laser designators ever since it was introduced in operation flashpoint - and the issues persist today in Arma.Basically, you need a human designator and a human pilot Nope, it works here... and it worked in OPF too. Dont group the laser guy with the aircraft and make sure both have a visual id on the targets. Consider speed vs view distance, if the jet is flying fast and visibility is low he will miss the target. Its not hard to figure this out... a forum search should have came up with results and this is more like a mission editing question. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
memnoch 0 Posted July 7, 2007 The AI has had issues with using laser designators ever since it was introduced in operation flashpoint - and the issues persist today in Arma.Basically, you need a human designator and a human pilot It works for me here well. What I had to do is promote the SF Recon to Lieutenant. As a Private it just wouldn't work. However with me as the SF Recon with an AI pilot it hardly ever works. Oddly this is the complete reverse of the situation in that other game we aren't supposed to talk about here. Dont group the laser guy with the aircraft and make sure both have a visual id on the targets. Consider speed vs view distance, if the jet is flying fast and visibility is low he will miss the target. Its not hard to figure this out... a forum search should have came up with results and this is more like a mission editing question. It doesn't matter whether you have him grouped or not. I can get it work either way. It's the other way round with AI as the pilot which is a bit haphazard. I don't believe its a mission editing question as it's the code that appears to be at fault at times, not how the mission is put together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted July 7, 2007 But it works, i just did a small test in Rahmadi . You can now (latest version) lase buildings and ground too, wich is something that wasnt working earlier. Myself as a SF recon (private), an AV8B flying around the island with 3 WP's (limited speed) and a T72 standing in the runway. Acuracy was a bit low but i painted the T72 twice, after it died i painted some buildings in the small village. The only things i dislike is the white dot and being stuck while holding the soflam. I use 2 KM view distance . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stryker555 0 Posted July 7, 2007 But it works, i just did a small test in Rahmadi . You can now (latest version) lase buildings and ground too, wich is something that wasnt working earlier. Myself as a SF recon (private), an AV8B flying around the island with 3 WP's (limited speed) and a T72 standing in the runway. Acuracy was a bit low but i painted the T72 twice, after it died i painted some buildings in the small village. The only things i dislike is the white dot and being stuck while holding the soflam. I use 2 KM view distance . Yes he's telling the truth, it works! Been trying out the laser designator meself and I being the SF Recon guy painted some vehicles on one of the little islands off Ramahdi and they were successfully destroyed by a Harrier LGB without even setting up WPs for it. One thing though! The AI Harrier pilot seems to like getting close and have been shot down couple times by ejecting when some damage has been done to the aircraft but is still perfectly flyable, and not by Shilka or MANPADS but by a static DSHK hmg, a BRDM, and a BMP2. Again what we have here is friendly AI being f*ckin stoopid and enemy AI displaying remarkable marksmanship. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites