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[Campaign] Resistance Sniper II

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Sequel to the randomly generated dynamic campaign Resistance Sniper.


Size of the download: 290 KB

Addons required: None

Details: More advanced random generation than Resistance Sniper. You're part of a sniper team inserted into east Saharani to support the resistance. Campaign is now winnable. 2 mission types.

Number of missions: Varies depending on how much damage you do to the enemy in each mission.

Download: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1538

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Sweet! thanks a lot man, I loved the first one but kinda hated being alone! Now I have a team! Now i'm off to play sniper!

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I really enjoyed your first one.

How does the scoring system work? With the first one I had some very erratic scores which didn't seem related to the number of bad guys I shot.



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Guest Ti0n3r

Thanks for this one mate smile_o.gif

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i love sniping and there's potential here

but could the target point be made atleast doubly as far as current?

sometimes i can see and shoot the target without moving a step from the start location

i wouldn't mind doing some actual travelling and sneaking past patrols

and having the target be at a place that makes sense would be nice aswell, though having him at a mountaintop with tanks plummetting down the sides and patrol men half dead from falling crawling around is quite hilarious

good fun as is already though


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I think this has potential, but I don't really like it because of a number of factors. The couple of missions I have done all seem to start in the same place near the road, deep in enemy territory where there always seems to be one vehicle of some kind that always senses where you are.What kind of scripts are you using for this?

To improve it I would suggest that you start from a hidden camp in a forest ect and then have to infiltrate some distance across enemy territory to the target and where you are free to engage other targets as you go thru enemy territory. Also mines and enemy convoys for behind the lines stealth action. Also get rid of the script for the armed vehicles where they know exactly where you are


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This isn't a campaign, its some near identical missions strung together, I played it to the end and thought it was a waste of time.

sorry but it really was very simplistic, more like sniper training than a mission.

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"near identitical"

The mission can occur almost anywhere on the east side of the island. It has totally random patrolling enemies some in the target area some in the area surrounding the player. There is also the chance of a guarding armoured unit starting in random places.

The only thing identical is mission objectives.

If you dont like it, go play a mission which has the usual changeless enemy placements and the same location each time you play.

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pfft don't listen to fusion ofpwiz....your campaign was awesome! I actually felt like a real sniper that was living off the land. Dynamic campaigns are the way to go!

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"near identitical"

The mission can occur almost anywhere on the east side of the island. It has totally random patrolling enemies some in the target area some in the area surrounding the player. There is also the chance of a guarding armoured unit starting in random places.

The only thing identical is mission objectives.

If you dont like it, go play a mission which has the usual changeless enemy placements and the same location each time you play.

i'm afraid i have to agree with that statement

it IS just a string of identical missions

ok, of two missions

you're not going to survive in this world for too long if you can't take constructive criticism, although a bit rough worded, but hey, it's the internet

i wouldn't mind if it was as is, if it would be at locations that made actual sense and weren't always at visual range so i could finish the mission in five seconds

so here's some suggestions for a third campaign;

1. make minimum mission target distance be 1km, and maximum something like ten km

a big part of scoring a hit is getting there AND getting away with it

just make patrols as they are now around the target location and some more between the player and target location, just spaced out more

2. make areas that are favoured by the randomization algorithm (like cities and other strategic locations) and areas that are off limits (like mountains, islands)

3. ok, this would be a biggie, but having the guy with you actually do spotting.. give distance estimations etc

i don't know if wind is possible with the engine, but it would be great to have and have the spotter tell the strength and direction

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Quote[/b] ]you're not going to survive in this world for too long if you can't take constructive criticism

I'm not complaining about criticism I'm stating the facts about my campaign. I'm still playing it over and it still surprises me and I made the thing.

Quote[/b] ]1. make minimum mission target distance be 1km, and maximum something like ten km

a big part of scoring a hit is getting there AND getting away with it

If I did that then area where the missions can be generated would be too restricted. Remember Sahrani is a small island surrounded by water. I'd have to find a more complicated way to generate the random missions.

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As to the "spotting", thanks to the in-built system ArmA has for squad-control, by having a second squad member you can automatically gauge the distance (to the exact meter!wink_o.gif of any target you can see. Just select him and hover your mouse over the enemy soldier, and it'll tell you exactly how many meters away he is wink_o.gif


Great little campaign, truly lots of fun! Of course, there's some basis in the criticism (too short distance between targets : choose a good starting loc, like on top of a mountain, and you'll hardly have to move at all wink_o.gif), but I played this more as a proof of concept than anything else : persistant weapons, persistant vehicles, dynamic enemies and suchlike.

The problem with dynamic campaigns like this is that all the missions are, despite heavy randomization, essentially the same. That's why something else, a little spice of some sort, is needed to make them more interesting in the long run.

I'm modifying Tacrod's excellent ADCS system at the moment to be more "dynamic" like that (persistant group/weapons, for one), and I'm also planning on adding in random "story" missions which might help or might not help in the eventual finishing of the campaign (as well as giving other bonuses, who knows?).

Potentially for Resistance Sniper III you could 1) add more mission types 2) add a storyline (?) dependant on whatever factors you want it to be dependant on (amount of damage % done, amount of missions done, completely randomly etc) 3) add other fluff such as voices, slightly longer briefings, civilians, patrols that travel in cities & along roads etc.

As I said, I realise you have a certain "vision" with this campaign, and as a fun shoot-through it's excellent and doesn't take too long either. The dynamic elements are also veryvery cool, although sometimes it's a bit bothersome to be able to walk like 50 meters and then nail that officer biggrin_o.gif But that doesn't mean you can't get even more out of this thing. I wish you all the best of luck if you continue developing your campaign! thumbs-up.gif

Best regards,


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yea, there's definitely potential

just needs a lot of tweaking

the island is certainly big enough for larger distances and area restrictions

at current i was constantly just stuck within a 2km radius of the original start point, if i didn't make an actual effort to leave the area

to spice things up a bit like wolf said, perhaps there could be a random chance some military force, friendly to the player, would be on assault on the enemy base aswell and you could be their support

or perhaps a trap set for you toward the end of the campaign when they're getting tired of a sniper killing everyone

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Having alot of fun with this, both playing stock AND tweaking out the pbo a bit, added some guns, vehicles & some KA50's.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to morph those troops into bmp crews and so forth.

Thumbs up on 2 fronts, fun as heck to play and it's really helping me get a feel for how some of the scripting works Long way to go, but it's a start.


*E*D*I*T* Read the post about locations and had a thought, unfortunately far too noobish with scripting to get it to work myself but heres the theory.

Break the island up into chunks of 2 km or so, over every one set a trigger for a rnd#, let the variable control if troops spawn in a given area, what troops ect. followed with another rnd for OpFor unit numbers (Is it a lost patrol of 3 or a whole division engaged in live fire war games?)

Let there be multiple options for a mission completion i.e. engage here OR kill officer there (or blow up thing there, true more of an SF thing but,,,) ect. This way it wont be so cut and dry of point a to z if you really have to zig-zag thru c, h, k and the rest of the alphabet to reach your objective, or maybe plowing thru and having to find extra resources along the way,,, Part of being dynamic is being flexible, no?

Hmmm,,, am I starting to ramble now? I dunno, I'm really tired, but it was just a thought I thought I'd share before I forgot it while sleeping.

*E*D*I*T* x2: Just to be darn sure, this is in no way to be interpreted as criticisim in any way shape or form, simply and hopefuly food for thought on future projects.

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