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help me qiuckly

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I wanna d/l satchels soundpack, but I keep losing connecction and have to start downloaded all over again.

Im sure there is something I can download to allow me to continue downloading when I reconnect to the net

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aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh get go!zilla

it's a download freeware , you can stop a download and continue it after etc.......it has many functions in this style

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Ok, ive downloaded getright.

It will take a bit of getting used to.

It seems to have increased the download time but it doesnt bother me biggrin.gif

Thankyou everybody for your help smile.gif

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I use DAP too u can download form multiple sites to get a decent d/l speed as well as resuming brken downloads smile.gif

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Should I d/l that instead of using getright that im using at the mo?

Does it speed the d/l time up?

Ive got a 56k so it d/ls at about 2.7k/sec

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DAP is the best one out, its free, no banners, no nag screens, great fast segmented DLing... I was steady at 98KB a sec dling the sound pack.. it also supports resume...

and yes ive had them all.. gozilla is very annoying, getright is good but its not freeware.. so they hastle ya every time ya use it and its al complicated just for the sake of being complicated.. just go to WWW.download.com and do a serach for "download" it will be one of the top 3 results.. its called Download Accelerator Plus.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Snake1999 @ Feb. 17 2002,21:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Another great download utility is Download Accelerator, which I'm currently using.

Great program smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I think that's a Spy program, isn't it...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Renagade @ Feb. 17 2002,21:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I use DAP too u can download form multiple  sites to get a decent d/l speed as well as resuming brken downloads smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

"Decent d/l speed", hehe I used to get extreme d/l speed. wink.gif Maybe I should d/l it again...

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I think that's a Spy program, isn't it...

naa, yer thinking of netsetter or those other utils.. those suck.. DAP doesent have any shit like that in it.

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Getright is nice because of the built in ftp/http browser. You can just login to an ftp, select the files you want, hit enter and start downloading them. It has all the stuff DAP has plus extra features like the re-dialer and other such fun stuff. The adds aren't too much of a problem to deal with.

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re-dialer? windows has that..

and the FTP browser.. windows has that too..

thats what im talking about.. getblight has all these things in it that it doesent need..

with dap you RIGHT CLICK a lind and select DL with DAP.. it doesent steal the dl feature from windows.. so you can use either.. then it looks at where you are (location) and arranges sites that has the file you want by order of fastest to slowest.... so if you want.. say direct X.. and click the MS server link to it.. DAP will look around for a faster server that has it and if so it will use that one insted.. or BOTH.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">re-dialer? windows has that..<span id='postcolor'>

Windoze XP does, I dont have it in 9x...I use dialer2k but that's besides the point smile.gif the Getright dialer is a very usefull tool for downloading over night etc because it keeps on re-trying to connect to your ISP whereas the XP re-dialer doesn't. If for any reason it doesn't connect on the first attempt it just stops, brings up an error message and uhoh 1 nights downloading has vanished tounge.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and the FTP browser.. windows has that too..<span id='postcolor'>

eh you didn't read what I wrote. You CANT select multiple files in M$ IE and have them magically appear in DAP can you? No. In Getright it's just a VERY quick way to download multiple files without right clicking, download with blah blah etc..Just select all the files, hit enter, done.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> it doesent steal the dl feature from windows.<span id='postcolor'>

Um getright doesn't steal any features. If you are talking about it automatically catching clicks then you can just disable that or just not run the program, but of course you knew that anyway.

You can set getright to automatically search for the quickest mirror of a file too....

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">thats what im talking about.. getblight has all these things in it that it doesent need..<span id='postcolor'>

Need is relivant to the user and my connection habbits and downloading needs make DAP an inadiquate tool I'm afraid sad.gif

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You CANT select multiple files in M$ IE and have them magically appear in DAP can you?

yes you highlight them and right click and select download with DAP.

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Yes, one by one. Incredibly slow when you are trying to queue 100+ files.

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*sigh* if they are in ICON form you can just drag a selection box around and highlight them all and DL them that way, if they are in list for you can click one. the SHIFT+click one farther down and all between the 2 will be selected, or you can ctrl+click and select all the files you want... uugghh

Hal: Im losing my patence dave...

either way you can DL lots and lots of files with one click.. you dont have to right click and STA every time..

if you want a REALLY good program for this get netvampire.. you can just right click anywhere in the page/site and it will list all the links and you just check the ones and it will DL them all.. but thaats about all its goos for,

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LOL noooooooooooooo Wobble is losing his patience. What in the world could be worse than that.

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arghh no give him back his patience or we have to put up with numerous picture posts biggrin.gif

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That getright was doing my head in, it kept bothering me.

I'll d/l that DAP

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but that thing called gator comes with it and everytime I put in a password or username it hassles me.

"Do you want gator to remember this password"

I already have microsoft asking that question I dont need anyone else mad.gif

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