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Ordering Gear Changes for AI????

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How do you order an AI to deposit (or pick-up) a weapon? With OFP, it used to be (if my memory is good) in the Action menu. I can't find a menu in AA, where you could for instance your AI sniper to deposit his rifle, so that you can pick it up. The only way I've found is to shoot the AI dead, and take the weapon from his body...

Or, alternatively, how do you order the AI to approach a dead body and pick-up a specific weapon?

I have found an action called "Gear", but when I order an AI to do it, the AI goes running around, and nothing else seems to happen...

Have I missed something?


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Giving an AI the "gear" order will make it run to the nearest ammo supply. Then you can select his loadout yourself. The only problem is that the nearest ammo supply may be miles away. The AI seems to get confused then and just starts running.

The code for this should really be changed.

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To get AI to drop a weapon - go to My Group you will see your name with a list of your AI team mates names under it. Click on the AI's name that you want and his Gear screen will come up. Then just highlight the weapon or item and click the drop button.

That bit is easy but to get AI to pick up dead man's weapon it seems not very functional. It works sometimes...maybe some1 could enlighten us further.

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Tell him to move to the dead guy and then hit gear. Or you might just be able to put your cursor over the dead guy and hit gear I haven't really tried that much.

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Ordering "Action" "Gear" will cause the AI to find the nearest gear action and access it (showing his gear screen on your page)

If you just want him to access his own inventory go to the briefing docket, team page, and click his name.

It's yawn-simple.

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Quote[/b] ]It worked very well in OFP.  

Yes one of those nice, sensible, realistic features, which has been dropped in the transition to ArmA.


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I agree. Ordering AI to gear-up is nightmare in combat. System itself is very good (that gear page) but maybe by adding every pickable weapon and magazine to equpiment list from where player can choose what is needed to pick up. That list would consist of equpiment in maybe 300-400 meters distance. Like combining new system to OFP's system (which was quite pain in the ass itself because of constant action-menu surfing... I'm not missing that either)

Giving them list of items they need to fetch, like: "PKM + two mags, one timed handgrenade and one mine", would be great. They would have the list of items which they then would search on their own.

Right now player is instructor and not leader: "move to that corpse, check it... Not the thing you needed. Now check that corpse... Nothing!... Where is the next corpse? Did i disable command view... Oh yes i did banghead.gif " Expacely when checking corpses this new system gets bad.

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That is a weird idea, giving an AI a "scavenger hunt" list and he runs around to bodies till he fills it?

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That is a weird idea, giving an AI a "scavenger hunt" list and he runs around to bodies till he fills it?

Why not rofl.gif

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This issue needs to be looked at. Can't stand getting zapped in a firefight because a gear selection screen pops up a minute after I tell a guy to go into his gear menu.

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1. Select your AI.

2. Tell your AI to 'target' the ammo crate your want him to goto.

3. Tell your AI to do action Gear... 6-1.

Not ideal i know... but should work most of the time.

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In ofp you could do action, pick AT and ai would get it.

In arma you cant do that. It totally sucks balls.

Sometimes you get situations like

4: ammo low

In ofp you could then order an ai to drop a clip and tell the ai with low ammo to pick that clip up.

In arma i can't do that (may be it's possible, but i cant figure it out)

Please fix it.

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That is a weird idea, giving an AI a "scavenger hunt" list and he runs around to bodies till he fills it?

That would be kinda nifty too... if for instance you don't see any RPGs lying about. Tell Private Schmuckatelly to go find one... maybe with a timeout saying he can't find one after searching the nearby dead enemies, or if there are no dead enemies within a couple hundred meters it fails as well.

This is addition to being able to point to a dead guy or ammo box and have them gear at it easily of course.

I don't like to overly micromanage AI (which is necessary unfortunately.)

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That is a weird idea, giving an AI a "scavenger hunt" list and he runs around to bodies till he fills it?

That would be kinda nifty too... if for instance you don't see any RPGs lying about. Tell Private Schmuckatelly to go find one... maybe with a timeout saying he can't find one after searching the nearby dead enemies, or if there are no dead enemies within a couple hundred meters it fails as well.

This is addition to being able to point to a dead guy or ammo box and have them gear at it easily of course.

I don't like to overly micromanage AI (which is necessary unfortunately.)

That is a cool idea.

I would add some sort of random failure type of thing in there too though. Like if he hasn't seen anybody with an rpg, he may find one and may not, regardless of wether there's one around or not.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]That is a weird idea, giving an AI a "scavenger hunt" list and he runs around to bodies till he fills it?

That is something I've wanted ever since I first played OFP. Really thought they would add it to ArmA in one way or another ._.

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As Frederf says,

follow this:

Select AI

Go to map

Select Group (in the note pad)

Select Trooper

Then get him to drop what ever you want.

Back to game & pick up.


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