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ArmA Update 1.08 International and US, New update

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Nice patch but it seem to be one step forward two steps back, and if 1.08 is the final patch, you better hope Codemasters screw up OFP2 cause if they dont' and its what ArmA should be, say good bye to your customer base and the people that make the ArmA community so great....

As the general feeling around the community in Australia at least is that if Codemasters gets OFP2 right, the community will walk and I don't think we'll be returning for ArmA2 or whatever it might be called......


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Are your other 16 posts this exciting also? tounge2.gif

Yes, of course they are.... whistle.gif

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As the general feeling around the community in Australia at least is that if Codemasters gets OFP2 right, the community will walk and I don't think we'll be returning for ArmA2 or whatever it might be called......


Speak for yourself! rofl.gif

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Are your other 16 posts this exciting also? tounge2.gif

Yes, of course they are.... whistle.gif

Has this got something to do with numbers.... huh.gif

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Well, unless you = Australian community of ArmA, which then makes me a New Zealander or something living in Brisbane, most likely.

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Well, unless you = Australian community of ArmA, which then makes me a New Zealander or something living in Brisbane, most likely.

nOOOOb..... nener.gif

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This guy has forum member of the year stamped all over him.

Its so sad when they dont see it either.


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Quote[/b] ]

Posts: 20

Joined: June 2007

Nah, that would be you.

LOL... I'll email you so tissues, are you a New Zealander?... I didn't know there was a Brisbane in NZ?..... hmmm 'note to self, check atlas'... goodnight.gif

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I'll wait 5 seconds for you to come off whatever acid you're on before I continue.









Read carefully the following words:

Quote[/b] ]Well, unless you = Australian community of ArmA, which then makes me a New Zealander or something living in Brisbane, most likely.

OK, let's go through this at a preschooler's pace.

You claim to know what the general feeling of the Australian ArmA community is, which is some whingy-bitchy-car-ran-over-my-dog-drama concerning Codemasters.

I am, to the best of my knowledge, Australian, because I live in Brisbane, Queensland, hold an Australian citizenship, and, indeed, am a member of its Army. And I (and probably most of the other Australians on this forum) don't have a feeling concerning ArmA that remotely resembles a whingy-bitchy-car-ran-over-my-dog-drama concerning Codemasters.

Thus, since you claim to know what everyone who plays ArmA in Australia is thinking, I must not be Australian.

Understand? Let me put that in code for you.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? (CameronMcDonald != whingy bitch) then CameronMcDonald != Australian.

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Nice patch but it seem to be one step forward two steps back, and if 1.08 is the final patch, you better hope Codemasters screw up OFP2 cause if they dont' and its what ArmA should be, say good bye to your customer base and the people that make the ArmA community so great....

As the general feeling around the community in Australia at least is that if Codemasters gets OFP2 right, the community will walk and I don't think we'll be returning for ArmA2 or whatever it might be called......


speak for yourself and don't try and put words in my or anyone elses mouths please you drama queen.

i am an Australian and enjoy arma as do most of the people i play onlline with on the local servers.

speaking for the community. bullshit. who made you their mouth piece? crazy_o.gif

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OK... nice people who missed my point,Its a post that in the vain hope that BI may just get enough negitive feed back... may... (as I'm sure they lightly scan forums) so they don't stop supporting this software like has been stated "1.08 Final" but that plans gone to shit cause like flies on shit... blah blah blah confused_o.gif

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Stupid dicks, its a post that in the vain hope that BI may just get enough negitive feed back... may... (as I'm sure they lightly scan forums) so they don't stop supporting this software like has been stated "1.08 Final" but that plans gone to shit cause like flies on shit... blah blah blah  confused_o.gif

It has been made clear that 1.08 will not be the final patch.

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Stupid dicks, its a post that in the vain hope that BI may just get enough negitive feed back... may... (as I'm sure they lightly scan forums) so they don't stop supporting this software like has been stated "1.08 Final" but that plans gone to shit cause like flies on shit... blah blah blah confused_o.gif

Your not a smart one are you?

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Quote[/b] ]

4: where are you?

1: stupid dicks

2: supporting

1: 4 go to that man 6 o´clock

4: negative!

4: where are you?

1: that plan gone to shit cause like flies on shit

4: where are you?

1: blah blah blah

4: where are you?

2: damn one got banned

2: 2 taking command

rofl.gif sorry for that i can´t resist very well chosen words lockie1976.

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OK... nice people who missed my point,Its a post that in the vain hope that BI may just get enough negitive feed back... may... (as I'm sure they lightly scan forums) so they don't stop supporting this software like has been stated "1.08 Final" but that plans gone to shit cause like flies on shit... blah blah blah confused_o.gif

Negative feedback..

It was unknown to me that Whining and Bitching and assuming was part of any kind of feedback smile_o.gif)

Why don't you throw in all ur pains about the game and throw it into the bugtracker, where REAL feedback can be done?

This thread is nothing different from all the others, going to request a close.

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Another thread down in flames.

Closing - probable PRs to be dispensed to various people in this thread.

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