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John Savant

Cannot patch - .pbo error!

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Hello everyone. I have serious problem all of a sudden. 2 weeks ago I installed this game (EURO version 1.04) and successfully patched it to 1.05 version. Today I tried to patch it to 1.08 but during the verification procedure it reported an error concerning one of the .pbo files. It said it's corrupted and that the game needs to be reinstalled.

Okay, so I have reinstalled the game and now I can't even patch it to 1.05 because of the same problem! One of the .pbo somehow gets corrupted during installation. But the strange thing is - I can run the game without any problems whatsover, I just can't patch it.

I've thoroughly checked my computed for any viruses, trojans, adwares, and such (because certain malicious software tends to corrupt game files), but the problem still remains. I have even tried different antivirus programmes, but still, no virus has been reported.

Can someone please help?

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well, there is a chance this is an easy one. I had the same problem: solution - download another patch, from another server. I had to download it 4 times to patch it error free.

The game will ofter run with corrupted paches but you will notice weird behavior sooner or later

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I hope that's THE solution. It's strange that a patch reports an error on the installed game rather than on itself. Well, let's give it a try.

Well, this certainly doesn't work, unless all of the servers have corrupted patches, which is impossible. So, any more suggestions?

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Somehow it started patching, it verified the game, but now another problem is here. The patching process reaches 100% (right to the file wheeled.pbo) and it cannot go on, it reports the following - Update 1.04-1.05\ADDONS\WHEELED.PBO.UPD cannot be applied, error xdelta3 returned error code: 1. Goddamn it, this is really getting annoying. Can someone tell me what could sort of background programmes or viruses could be interfering with the patching files?

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I had the same problem wtih the same version (EURO 505 DVD version 1.04)

The verification error was different, the corrupted pbo was the AIR.pbo.

I had to reinstall the game, I downloaded the 1.05 patch again and it worked. Kind of strange because I had no issues when I installed that patch before.

Anyway, it worked for me.

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I believe the problem stems from router-based problem, because most of the complicated files get somehow scrambled during download. It has happened before. I've just patched the game (1.08) successfully on my second computer which is directly connected to the modem and has no problems whatosoever concerning scrambled downloads. So I guess that's the root of my problem.

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Nope, the problem still remains, even though I have burned the patch onto a dvd+rw and then patched it from a dvd drive. I have the same patching problem with Neverwinter Nights 2, it won't patch due to the modified installation files.

This is what it says when it verifies ArmA 1.04 version: Verifying ArmA: Armed Assault, version 1.04...

Error found in file AddOns\Anims.pbo (5b5fdf06!=5fce5b67)

One or more files in game instalation are modified or dammaged.

Reinstall game from original CD disc and try again.

Can someone please help?! I have reinstalled the game for the Nth time, and the problem is still present.

Could it be something with my disk drive that's scrambling files?

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Try to overwrite the corrupted pbo files in your addons folder with the original pbo files on your gamedisc. They are in a .gz archive but you can open these with winzip.

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It won't work. Any other suggestions? Somebody told me sth about an NVIDIA firewall. Does that ring a bell to anyone?

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It won't work. Any other suggestions? Somebody told me sth about an NVIDIA firewall. Does that ring a bell to anyone?

You wouldn't happen to have an overclocked dual core processor? If so: set it back to normal. Overclocked processors can cause data corruption.

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Did you remove all files after you uninstalled the game?

- The whole Bohemia Interactive folder

- The Arma folder in your documents & settings folder

- the Arma folder in documents & settings/local settings/ application data folder

Not sure you have to remove all these, but you never know...

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It's really peculiar, not to mention frustrating. I though the problem was with the NVIDIA firewall, but apparently it isn't. I can reinstall the game without any problems, but it just won't patch! It reports that either the installation files are corrupted (.pbo files) or that the patch itself is broken.

And it's the SAME problem with Neverwinter Nights 2! I guess I'll just have to reformat and reinstall the whole damn Windows XP, this time using another version. But strangely enough, I have the same Windows on my other computer, and there I can patch any game without any of the above-mention problems. I am really at a loss here. And what is even stranger - I was able to patch to 1.05 just a few weeks ago.

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Me to had this problem. The only way around it for me was to totally remove ARMA and reinstall it again. I downloaded patches 1.05 and 1.08 from gamershell and then it installed without ANY problems.

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Strange, the problem with me was that my RAMs are screwed up. I changed them, and it works now.

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