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Late last night, Modo>Max>O2

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Help, late last night I was having trouble with a model.

When I bought it into O2 it was ever so slightly deformed.

The pipeline is Modo>obj>Max>3ds>O2.

The bit deformed is a small loop which ended up being flat'ish in O2, which I didn't want.

In my sleep deprived state at one point I must have hit the right keys and buttons in Max 'cause it came out right but this morning I cannot for the life of me remember what I did?!

Q. What do I do in Max to ensure things don't deform?

Cheers, Sy

PS. did forum search on 'Deform AND Flat' without hits...

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I dunno what your really wanting but have you tried selecting the model in O2 an hitting keys U =Sharp or I =Smooth? Maybe post a pic of something? Send me a model in .max? I dunno?

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This is what it looks like in Modo... and looks the same in Max.


And, this is what it looks like in O2/GateBuilder...


I'm pretty sure it's got something to do with the 'import' options or a 'modifier' i'm supposed to be doing in Max before i export... but can't remember which. cheers.

opps, sorry the the 'largesnesseseesss'...

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Hate to ask but wanna MSN or Email that piece of the model so I could look at it?

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ahh... thanks for helping matey...

Problem was a procedural one...

I had my base (basic) model in O2 and was using 'File>Import' to bring in the other components. They were getting slight deformities.

So, with my base model p3d open instread of using 'File>Import' I should have used 'File>Merge'.

The end result was just right... Cheers.


Ah... Although the above procedural change resolves that little issue... the merged .3ds's no longer have UV's... bugger.

So, anyone have any idea how I make use of the 'Merge' features ability to not deform the additional components and yet still keep the appropriate UV mappings?

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please delete me... sorry i'll endeavour to be 'more tidy' in the future...

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please delete me... sorry for the housekeeping... i'll endeavor to be more tidy in the future...

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I still haven't found a solution as to why 'O2>File>Import' keeps the UV's deforms the above and 'O2>File>Merge' doesn't deform it but I lose the UV's.

Can anyone help?

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Did you ever try Scaling your model to a larger scale in Modo before exporting to .3ds?

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Yip, tried that in both Modo and Max without success...

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what dimmensions have your pipeline model?

Like NZX said, try to scale your model 10 or 100 times and then import it into o2. Because by importing into o2 is the model optimized, vertices , wich are close by another are merged into 1 point. Maybe this is reason why your model is deformed.

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Run into a simular problem. Well i had it in the past aswell with a scope (around 1k poly faces afaik) and the scaling did the trick. Import in O2 kept its uvs, not sure about the merge but some downside is it converts the model into tris. Not that big problem, as some suggest it is even better to convert it to tris for ingame use.

Anyway, once again i run into the problem with an other model. It all started when i had quickly saved it this afternoon before i left to work. When comming home i discovered i run into a 'Unable to load -Load error' problem. I suppose it was a poly-vertex count error as i was near the 9k.

Luckly i was able to convert it to obj and reconvert and import it (ani8or-modo). Where the scale trick worked in the past, now it didn't worked anymore. I did removed some stuff to an backupfile, but only the merge in O2 works for me at the moment.

So just wondering, as it worked for me (import instead of merge) before on a lower poly count object, what is the poly count of your object?

I haven't tested, but maybe it is possible to import it in pieces and solves your deformation vs uv loss.

Good luck.

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780 polys... I tried the scaling suggestion... up to x10000 (!)before bringing into O2 and while importing, both without luck.

It's not my model, it's one of the other guys on the team.

It's a component of a larger model. It's currently tri's so i'll try (or he will) converting it to quads and i'll give it another go.

It's not an important component or a large one and could easily be left off. But, it's the principal of the thing - Why is it deforming is what I want to work out - Then, we can 'work around' the issue if it happens again.

anyhoo, thanks for the suggestions.

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Reset XForm in MAX before you export to 3DS.

Check size of your object, too tiny or too large meshes might be broken after import.

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Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately it didn't help in this particular instance.

With the tools realease this small niggle may disapear anyway... so have kinda not bothered trying to work it out.

Cheers, Sy.

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