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SecuROM problem - Error 7001

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Thanks Thr0tt.

No go after cleaning registry.

I appeal to users here,to avoid posting not constructive informations about fixing ongoing problem.

This dev to pub to securerom sh.t is not our concern so please stop this wannabe lawyer thing.Stop protecting BIS at all and stop giving your personal opinions about responsibility.Open a new thread somewhere and make debate about your professions.Only related fixing is welcome.

I did not have emulation software either, although i have had in the past, so probably something left behind. deleting the volume entries worked for me.

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Only related fixing is welcome.

Well then i appeal to you not to point with your finger into

the wrong direction and present your opinion as facts.

I feel sorry for those who can't run their game but i

can't ignore the bashing onto the developer for problems

he didn't cause.

It's very demotivating and very unconstructive when you

always get blamed for something that's not your fault

but you're still putting lot of effort into fixing things.


Also the suggestion made by Securom is probably to be

seen as a first hotfix for this problem and if it doesn't

work nobody said that there won't follow other attempts.

Maruk already posted what Securom answered him - so your

evil developer already tried to support you in comunication

with the copy protector.

Give them a little time and be patietn but stop hammering

onto the devs since they are the last ones working against

us the ArmA comunity. wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

I'm sorry but simply posting what Securom says is'nt enough. Other games with this exact same problem are working on fixes so that we don't have to play around with our registry. I would just like a confirmation from the devs that they are working on their own solution that will come in the form of a new patch/fix.

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Can someone please please, post a step by step guide?..

all for a noob In trouble...

Many Thanks!


1. Click on START (Bottom Left of Screen)

2. Click on RUN

3. Type REGEDIT then press enter

** In the Registry Editor **

4. Click the + symbol next to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder

5. Click the + symbol next to the SYSTEM folder

6. Highlight MountedDevices

7. Navigate to the right hand side and highlight the entry you wish to delete.

8. Right click the entry and select DELETE.

As said earlier in the thread, it may be worthwhile just removing the BLUE entries that start with \??\ first.

Once you have removed the entries close down REGEDIT and REBOOT - You know how to do that right ? wink_o.gif

Try running the game...

Thanks for that...

Now I can run arma 1.08 smile_o.gif Peacefully.


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Currently, there's no other solution for those with the problem of Error 7001 in Securom version.

Discussing copy protection is not welcome on this forum (see forum rules) so I am closing this topic for now. I may reopen it in case there's any new information concerning this issue.

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