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Making your solder start with item upon respawn?

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Does anyone know how to make your solder have certain items at respawn? Like NV goggles.

Better yet does anyone know how to make these items already active (example: NV goggles on and activated at time of respawn)?

Answer to either question would be appreciated... Thanks

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I dont know how to activate them, but to give it to them, name each soldier you want to give it to and then this in on the init area.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">name addWeapon "NVGoggles"

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Will this give the item to the solder after he respawns?

Bassically I am trying to give the players night vision for the entire game reagrdles if they respawn. It's a night CTF map. I have NV in crates scattered around the map but if the player could just attomatically start with them regardles if there respawning form death or not it would be great.

I know how to have them start with NV... it's respawning with NV that seems difficult. I'll expeirment with the advice you gave.

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oh respawn, hmm, what kind of respawning are you doing? Respawn at base? or respawn group?

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You need a script that rearms the player.

In unit's init:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nul = this execVM "rearm.sqf"


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (player == _this) then


  while {TRUE} do


     waitUntil (not alive player);

     sleep 1;

     waitUntil (alive player);

     add your weapons here;



(Code is untested. I think the infinite while do loop limitations have been fixed in ArmA)

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That will only work for player units. What if I wanted to apply it to an AI unit? I've tried scripts like this on AI but to no effect. confused_o.gif

Also, as for infinity loops, I use a workaround:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

for [{_loop=0},{_loop>=0},{_loop=_loop}] do


 // Code


There is no limitation on that.

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With AI units, the only way I can think of is the old fashioned method of passing the units names into a script via strings.

Unit's name is p1

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nul = ["p1"] execVM "rearm.sqf"

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = compile _this select 0;

if (local call _unit) then


while {TRUE} do


waitUntil (not alive (call _unit));

sleep 1;

waitUntil (alive (call _unit));

(call _unit) addWeapons. your weapons here;



At least, this is how the problem was overcome in OFP. Not sure if it will work in ArmA.

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people go on wiki and search before posting here to know how to add weapons and stuff to a player ...

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For player units try "weapons_respawn" script by Toadlife , edited by Norrin... It can be modified for soldiers to spawn with start up gear or gear one has upon dying.

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people go on wiki and search before posting here to know how to add weapons and stuff to a player ...

addweapon doesn't work for respawning players. He knows how to add a weapon, his issie is making it be on the player as they respawn, not when he starts.

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Thanks all for the help I will try the sricpt tonight or over the weekend. Not real expierenced so I may be back to ask more questions.

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OH... One more thing can you give me an example of what you would type in the "add weapon here section".

is it like "this addweapon "NVGoggles"; this addweapon "AK74"; ect...


this addweaponcagro ["AK74",1];

I am ussuming the first example since thats how you controll what the player starts with.

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OH... One more thing can you give me an example of what you would type in the "add weapon here section".

is it like "this addweapon "NVGoggles"; this addweapon "AK74"; ect...


this addweaponcagro ["AK74",1];

I am ussuming the first example since thats how you controll what the player starts with.

Just add the weapons you want the way your normally would in the unit's init line in the editor ie. this addweapon "NVGoggles" (as you suggested in your post).

What Toadlife's script then does is it keeps a track of what weapons the unit started the mission with or what weapons he died with and then re-adds them when the unit respawns, so as long as its in the init line of the unit the script does the rest of the work.

Here's the code for the ArmA version of Toadlife's script

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;Universal Weapons Respawn Script v1.04 (March 31, 2003) revised (March, 2007)

;Required Version: ArmA

;original by toadlife revised by norrin for ArmA


;intialize like this: ["unitname",0] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"

; Or this: ["unitname",1] exec "weapons_respawn.sqs"


; * "unitname" = The name of the player the script runs on (must be enclosed by quotes!)

; * 0/1 = method of repleneshing weapons

; **if method is 0, the player gets the same weapons he started out with every time

; **if method is 1, the player gets the same weapons he had when he died


; Advanced example method of initializing script - put the following lines in your init.sqs,

; and replce the unit names with your own:

;_units = ["w1","w2","w3","w4","w5","w6","w7","w8","w9","w10","w11","w12","w13","w14","w15","w16","w17","w18"]

;{[_x,0] exec {weapons_respawn.sqs}} foreach _units



~(1 + (random 0.3))

_name = _this select 0

_method = _this select 1

_hasrifle = false

_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

?(_method == 0):_return = "checklocal";goto "guncheck"


_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

?(local _unit):goto "respawnloop"

~(1 + (random 3))

goto "checklocal"


@!alive _unit


?(_method == 1):_return = "waitforlife";goto "guncheck"


@alive call compile format["%1",_name]

_unit = call compile format["%1",_name]

removeAllWeapons _unit

?_hasrifle:_guns = _guns - [_prigun];_guncount = count _guns

_c = 0

while {_c <= (_magcount - 1)} do {_unit addmagazine (_mags select _c); _c = _c + 1}

_c = 0

while {_c <= (_guncount - 1)} do {_unit addweapon (_guns select _c); _c = _c + 1}

?_hasrifle:_unit addweapon _prigun;_gun = _guns + [_prigun]

;//If unit has a rifle select it

?_hasrifle:goto "selectrifle"

;//No rifle - if unit has a pistol, select it

?_unit hasweapon ((weapons _unit - [secondaryweapon _unit,"Binocular","NVGoggles"]) select 0):_unit selectweapon ((weapons _unit - [secondaryweapon _unit,"Binocular","NVGoggles"]) select 0);goto "respawnloop"

;//No rifle or pistol, select secondary weapon

_unit selectweapon secondaryweapon _unit

goto "respawnloop"


;// BUG WORKAROUND! - Added to compensate for selectweapon bug

;// Any gun with more than one muzzle (grenadelaunchers) cannot be selected with selectweapon!

;// Default Grenadelaunchers supported - Add your own types if you need to.

_unit selectweapon _prigun

?_prigun == "M16A2GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M16A4GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M16A4_ACG_GL":_unit selectweapon "M16Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M4GL":_unit selectweapon "M4Muzzle"

?_prigun == "M4A1GL":_unit selectweapon "M4Muzzle"

?_prigun == "AK74GL":_unit selectweapon "AK74Muzzle"

goto "respawnloop"


_guns = weapons _unit

_mags = magazines _unit

~(1 + (random 0.5))

_guncount = count _guns

_magcount = count _mags

?_unit hasweapon (primaryweapon _unit):_hasrifle = true;_prigun = primaryweapon _unit;goto _return

_hasrifle = false

goto _return

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