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Accelerated Time Environment Addon

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update: added the readme.

I finally got around to rework and test my MP-compatible accelerated time server. I converted this to SQF and embedded it into a single simple-to-use addon (just drop a GameLogic object, done).

The addon, a readme and a demo mission are included. Grab it here (Rapidshare):

Download VFATS

VFATS - Victor Farbau's Accelerated Time Server

I. Purpose

II. How to install

III. How to use

IV. Multiplayer

I. Purpose

The purpose of this addon is to run missions in an time accelerated environment. The typical SP or MP Mission lasts between 15min and 1h. If you want to see scenic daylight changes during your missions it might happen that you never reach dawn, never get past that midday sun and never see sunset. VFATS will help you to overcome this by offering an accelerated time environment.

II. How to install

Drop the VFATS.pbo file into your addons folder. That's it. If you intend to use this on a server based mission make sure to also copy it to the server's addons folder.

III. How to use

If you like to use this addon in one of your own missions, simply open your mission map and create a new "Game Logic" object of class "VFATS Logic". You find a list of predefined units such as "Accelerated Time (x16)" that allow you to set the desired time acceleration. I have pre-configured the values 2,4,6,8,16 and 24.

If you have trouble imagining what the acceleration factors mean just imagine that x2 means 2 game hours will pass in one real hour. Consequently, x24 means a whole day in the game will pass in just about 1h real time playing.

IV. Multiplayer

This addon has passed all Multiplayer test up until now. I am happy to hear about bugs of course. If you like to use this addon in an MP environment, make sure the mission you use also has a default Game Logic object called "Server" in it. This is not specific to this addon; you will need this for most MP missions so the game can distinguish between clients and the server at runtime.

I included a demo mission. Just throw "VFATx16.Intro.pbo" into you "\Arma\Missions\" Folder and run it to see the effect of a 16 x time acceleration. Have a lot of fun.

Victor Farbau

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Hmm... I know this script. smile_o.gif

1 Hour real time = 24 Hour in game

Yes nice to see it now works as an addon thumbs-up.gif So i don't have to put it in any mission.

Just one think i ever had problems with your old script.

Is it "JIP" compatible? Becouse the old one wasn't.

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Nah, it's really new code you got there smile_o.gif I rewrote the scripts completely so now the "midnight" (DIV 0) bug is gone as well. Code should be lean and mean now.

JIP - good question, didn't get around to test this on our server until now, will you let me know please?

It simply just depends whether a newly joined client will locally execute map logic objects; I hope they do, because otherwise a whole lot of other things won't work either (the widely discussed tracer script is also initialized through a logic object).



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do all players need the addon or just the server and mission?

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Matt, this is a regular addon that needs to be present on each client and server alike.



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I hate bumping this from so far back, but how would I go about adding a x60 acceleration factor?

I keep trying different things, but end up breaking the code when I do

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Hey Victor,

just tryed the time skip AddOn and it seem's to not work on a Server.

In the editor it works just great but if i plays exactly the same mission on a server nothing happends...

May can you check it?

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@taoistlumberjak - I can add another accel factor and repost the addon. But since I am on business travel it will take 1 week.

@SNKMAN - weird, I tested this on a dedicated MP server w/o any problems. Questions: is the addon present on both clients and servers? Do you see any related errors listed in the arma.rpt?

@mrbean1112 - jumpiness of the clouds was one of the reasons I limited this to 24x max. 60x as requested above looks totally ridiculous since the weather system apparently tries to forecast the new situtation as to be expected after the "skiptime" command. I reckon that when using 24x or even 60x you would not only provoke a diabolic sky but also a higher CPU load.

I haven't searched for but also didn't notice a way to stop the weather generation when using skiptime.



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There is no way to get accelerated time on a server without using the addons ? (the problem is to have the addons installed on all client.. i prefer forgot third party addons for my mission).

When i mean accelerated, i am speaking of all environnement moving faster (AI soldier/vehicles, clouds, etc..). I suppose it is what your addons do.

I would really have loved it if it was only needed on the server side, but well it sounds a cool thing. Well done smile_o.gif

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