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miles teg


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yeh some vietnam mod did have that feature , it forked fairly well but was still a bit dodgy at times

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Well, let me say a few words about all this stuff: very glad to see such great variety of units (almost complete armies!wink_o.gif. And, some mentions about armour units:

1)the reloading time of israeli tanks' main guns is too small, Magach fires almost as automatic naval gun biggrin_o.gif please decrease it in your future versions!

2)I think armor values of early Merkava models are too large; friendly speaking, all this goes to every israeli tank. Often it's impossible to take off such tank in mission.

3)vertical elevation angle of Magach7 main gun is too big.

And, I hope that you won't use old BIS models as base of your units anymore.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah you're right about the Magach tanks. Probably a bit too high, although a skilled loader can reload fairly quickly. Unfortunately OFP doesn't simulate battle fatigue where reload times drop if done continuosly in a battle.

As for armor values... yeah early Merkavas may be a bit too high, but they also have armor values based upon BIS values in which even early Merkavas could take direct hits from T-72's with the crew still surviving. Trust me our Syrian T-72's that will be released a bit later, have plenty of firepower to take out the early Merkavas with one hit disabling and two hits destroying).

The later Merkavas however, especially the Mk4, are amongst the most heavily armored tanks in the world if not THE most heavily armored. They are not invincible but they are extremely tough to kill. Unfortunately the OFP armor system prevents accurate simulation of side hits vs. frontal hits and things like that. So we have to compromise.

Put a few Hezbollah units with RPG-29 Vampires and RPG-7VR tandem warhead rockets and trust me, they will kill a Merkava Mk4 fairly easily.

Now, against the Egyptians, yeah its a bit of a mismatch. The Egyptian military depends more on their ATGM's like their TOW-2 systems. As far as we were able to determine from our Egyptian military informants, they have yet to issue to their infantry advanced tandem-warhead AT-rockets like the RPG-29 or RPG-7VR.

So yeah in that case, there is a mismatch. However they also have M1A1 and M1A2 tanks...so that kinda evens things out.

Talk to Egyptian military officers, the general attitude is that they know they are not capable of invading Israel, however with their new advanced weaponry, they are very confident that they could stop any Israeli invasion by inflicting very heavy casualties on any invading Israeli force. Having trained with the Egyptian military while in the US Army over near Mubarak Military city, I can attest that the professionalism of the Egyptian military has improved quite a bit since their last war with Israel. Their armored corp is extremely professional, they are shifting slowly towards a professional NCO corp, and they are getting tons of Western training including massive war games with US and other Western military forces ever year.

Anyhoo.... yeah I will also check the Magach 7 elevation angle (I never tried elevating it all the way as I never needed to. lol!wink_o.gif

Aside from that, yeah we are trying not to use any BIS models as base units, but at the same time, sometimes we are forced to as we don't have enough skilled moddlers/texture artists. So we end up having to ask other mod teams to borrow their models/textures or if we have no choice, we end up using BIS models at least temporarily.

But when we do, we don't do it willingly. So please understand that sometimes we just have no choice as it's either that or nothing at all.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>


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any news on the Jordanian/syrian pack ? I wanna get my hand on some M51 Super Shermans and the Soltam L-33 smile_o.gif

I assume the Syrian pack will also include ARV's and SU-27's , Pantsirs and many other things including BMP-3 , BMP-2 , T-72S (with kontakt-1)

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I'm only being held up releasing the Jordanian pack because I'm waiting for permissions to use certain weapons addons that apparently Calm Terror did not get before using them.

But I'm getting impatient and may just give them appropriate credit as they are really minor items (although important to the realism of our Jordanian soldiers).

As for the Syrian pack...well here's our other problem... Calm Terror is AWOL and I have no idea where he has gone off to.

Current work is still going on, but only in ArmA for the moment. If anyone wants to help continue OFP work, please let me know. I would like to continue both ArmA and OFP stuff if possible.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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If we ever do a historic pack perhaps, but right now Calm Terror is taking a break from the mod for awhile. But we have the beginnings of a Syrian pack that might get released once we get a few helicopters in it. But right now, work has slowed as half our team is now working on our LoBo Armed Assault mod for which we've already released an IDF infantry pack for.

But if anyone wants to join LoBo to help develop our Syrian pack for OFP (or help us convert stuff to ArmA) we could release use the help. Also if anyone wants to write missions and campaigns for Addon Pack #3 I would really like to release an official Lost Brothers Campaign.

Finally, I know I've been promising to release the Jordanian Pack. I'm going to try and release that today when I get home. So check out the forums for our Jordanian Pack release. It will require Addon Pack #3.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I hope the Jordanian pack includes Israeli L-33 Soltam's , M109A1's , M51 Supersherman and many others smile_o.gif.

Btw S-60 is still being used by the Syrian army (you can even see pictures of it from the 2004 withdrawal from lebanon) so its not really phased out of the inventory you might also want to consider the 37mm M1939. I also hope you guys retexture a BMP-3 and also add an SS-21 or FROG-7 for Syria smile_o.gif

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What happened to the release I was especially looking forward to it. For the love of OFP please release it huh.gif

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Sorry for the delay. I've been working, finishing final exams, and doing alot of LoBo stuff for ArmA that I got behind on releasing the Jordanian pack (which I'm still testing to check that its compatible with Addon Pack #3. I'll try to get it released ASAP. Don't worry I didn't forget about it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Sorry for digging up this thread, but what about Jordanian pack relase? There's no news since 17th December 2007. Are you still planning to relase this pack for ofp? huh.gif

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Considering all the stuff that MilesTeg and co. have released for ArmA, I think its safe to say that theyve moved over to ArmA full time. Then again, if there's anything unreleased for OFP, it would be nice to see it.

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I would love to see the Jordanian pack released and even the Syrian pack even if they have errors. I wont rest until they are released.

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Well...the major problem is that the Jordanian fighter pilot causes crashes if you fly the F-5 or use the pilot in any other way.   Also I don't know where Calm Terror put our Ratel which was finished...I think it was in a BTR-60 file which I have to hunt down to figure out which one was our last that had the finished Ratel...the pack would not be the same without the Ratel.  However priority is with ArmA stuff right now which hasn't given me much time to try and figure out what's causing the pilot bug (it may not even be in my ability to figure out the cause).  

So hopefully I'll at least find the Ratel and just release it with the buggy Jordanian pilot.  Maybe I'll ask Thunderbird84 (if he's not too busy) to try and fix up the pack as far as config bugs go as he's a genius at configs and scripting.

Edit:  Ok good news...I found the Jordanian Ratel-20 APC.  It is one of the best addons in the pack.  I also just tested the Egyptian pilots (that the Jordanian pilot class is based on) and so far those work.  I had to test them to make sure it wasn't some bug on the Egyptian pilots causing the CTD.  

But...I also noticed that the F-5's are missing textures...which really sucks.  They weren't missing textures before so I'm not sure what happened.  

I may have to just delete the ONLY working fighter plane for the Jordanians simply because it and the fighter pilots have so many problems.  We had a working F-16 but it was in the same pack as the IDF F-16's which were being reworked.

I think what I'll do is may just release everything minus fighter aircraft and then see if they can be updated a bit later.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I think what I'll do is may just release everything minus fighter aircraft and then see if they can be updated by Thunderbird84 a bit later.

I think it's a good idea. It's easy to wait for one aircraft, but hard for whole pack. wink_o.gif

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@Miles Teg: any plans for al-hussein main battle tank (retextured challenger 1) ?

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Yup the Al-Hussein will be in the pack that is uploading to the FTP as I speak. To fix the Jordanian pilot issue temporarily I just replaced him with an Egyptian pilot.

Also, there will be a nice surprise....watch the Addons:Completed section of this forum for the release...

I'm taking some screenshots right now...

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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At last , this brings me great happiness to hear that it will be released shortly. But concerning lobo addon pack#3 bugs and errors will these be fixed in the jordanian pack ?

I also found that the OFP North Korea pack (addon pack #2) contained a sam site which is actually a S-135 (SA-3) what do u think maybe implement it?

@Note: the WGL at-14 kornet is in fact a renamed KONKURS/KONKURS-M rocket.

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Ah I didn't know that about the WGL Konkurs....that it was actually a Kornet model. Interesting...although I know they look very similar.

As for adding new SAMs and stuff like that. I'm sad to say that unless someone wants to volunteer to help further develop the mod for OFP, we're going to primarily concentrate on ArmA. With the latest patches ArmA has improved substantially and just overall offers superior game play and capabilities. The downside is that making addons for it is a little more difficult but it offers mods the ability to make simple addons or to make very advanced addons with stuff like specular mapped textures that give a more 3d look and much nicer looking relfective properties.

What we really need is a ArmA guru who is willing to help LoBo convert our OFP addons into ArmA.

With that said, I believe that we have left those who are hardcore OFP enthusiasts a HUGE range of addons in our mod that offers a massive amount of mission making opportunites.

For example our Egyptian and Israeli naval fleets alone are un-paralleled by any other mod and offer the ability for mission makers to truly make naval combat missions. I haven't made any such missions simply because of lack of time.

With this new pack (and the little surprise) we leave the OFP community with MORE then enough addons to satisfy most mission ideas both fictional and modern historical (like the latest Lebanon Invasion).

We may still update some of the more serious bugs however for both Addon Pack #3 and this newly released pack. But again we just need a little help.

Nevertheless the bugs should be minor for the most part.

I'm about to post the new pack in just a few minutes...

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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can't wait Miles - I am a die-hard OFP gamer - ARMA is collecting dust on my desktop thanks to the modding community here. Thanks for all the hours of work you have put into this - much appreciated.


S. Chapman

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Where can I get the Lebanon map? its the only problem I am finding with this awesome mod, please help sad_o.gif

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I think if it gets released (emphasizing "IF") - this'll be the first place to check.


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Yeah sorry, the old link I had on there for some reason goes to a password protected FTP now.

It can be downloaded from our old FTP site at:


However that site is soon going to probably go inactive. We have a new FTP site that I'll upload the pack to and post the new link as soon as I can on the first page of this thread.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thanks a bunch load Miles, and Zuku for all your help!

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