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getting my chopper to pick me up

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I'm making a simple custom mission, where I want the flexibility of commanding my own pickup chopper instead of making waypoints and triggers in the editor.

Now i have an AI chopper under my control. I give him a move order and hes where I want him to be, but there is no command I can find to tell him to land his chopper and wait. The closest thing is disembark, but I dont want the pilot to get out and walk around. Anyone know how to tell him to just land his chopper?

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Only thing that springs to mind is telling the rest of your squad to board the chopper, and even then the AI may not land immediaely as they'll attempt to find a "suitable" landing area - this in itself is a challenge for them.

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This is something I have had a lot of trouble with... there appears to be no way to tell a chopper to land other then telling its crew to get out or other AI to get in.

In my opinion... there should be a Land command under the Action menu. As well as a turn engine off command...

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I accidently tried the turn off engine command in a live online CTI game (On OFP. ArmA make my PC cry.) when it was hovering over the base whistle.gif

Lets say our commander wasn't happy... Seeing as it landed on top of him... DIRECTLY on top of him... And all his newly made base defences.

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