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Official patch 1.07

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When it out ?

Bis started the 1.08 :

Armed Assault - 1.08


Upcoming public patch

- 0002371: [Dedicated Server] idea with verifysignatures does not work (Suma)

- 0002137: [Multi Player] VOIP not apparent (Suma)

Armed Assault - 1.07


Public beta (any version)

- 0001641: [AI] AI targets soldiers with rpg's (Suma)

- 0002539: [Control] Some joystick buttons cannot be remapped (Suma)

- 0002499: [Translation] campaign mission four "battle of somato" - german briefing (Mr-Murray)

- 0001939: [Translation] German localization for Stryker MK19 has typo in name (Mr-Murray)

- 0002537: [Weapons] Optic from G36 (Suma)

- 0002327: [units/Vehicles] M1A1 a.i. crew dont "turn out" in safe or careless mode. (Suma)

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When it out ?

I can can answer this question, so the first active household moderator only has to use rescources on locking the thread.

BIS cannot possible asnwer this question with any kind of accuracy. The answer you and everyone who've previously asked this question recieves is: "When it's ready". Not only is it the only answer you'll get, it's also the correct and most accurate asnwer.

Maybe the force be with us all.

Amen. wink_o.gif

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Damn you for a misleading topic title. You got me excited for a whole 2 seconds. I want those 2 seconds back.

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same here, expect it took me 10 seconds, because of my slow-ass

laptop... crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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