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Good job BIS

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I was a little reluctant about buying this game, since the demo failed to grab my emotions. The graphics required a computer from the gods in order to enjoy all the months of hard work spilled onto ones hd.

I eventually bought the game and loaded it, only to be halted by an error message that had me trying to diagnose the problem for several hours.

After my anger management pills wore off I decided i had no choice but to reformat my hardrive. Luckily I had an external drive which saved my hard earned work, which made the reformatting process easier to swallow.

After reloading winxp I loaded all the necessary software and installed arma. The game fired up with no hitches which gave me a sigh of relief. My girl friend was in the back room begging me to watch a movie with her, I felt the anxiety set in as the other side of me felt like screaming at her, "I am not watching a chick flick after working so hard to get this game going!" knowing that I couldnt sacrifice a relationshipo for a game I wathced the movie all while my mind was on playing Arma.

After she doozed off I teleported out of bed and fired Arma back up. The controls were smooth the scenery was great,and the detailed levels didnt degrade my system as the demo had done.

I decided to load the patch 1.07, I was a little nervous since there had been so many complaints about it, seeing how my version was 1.06 I didnt think the jump would affect me eas much.

After loading 1.07 the game ran with the same stability as 1.06 and I was happy. I played the first mission, not sure of which. I ran to the top of the hill and peered down at the enemy patrolling. My eyes became heavy as it was 3am and I knew that if I was going to attempt this mission that it would take me awhile. I decided to save the game and test out whether or not the enemy could see me if I fired my silenced rifle from an elevated position.

I pulled the trigger on an unsuspecting adversary and to my surprise the alert was apparent but they didnt know where I was hidden.

I turned off the game satisfied with the few minutes of fun and look forward to getting home to dig my claws into finishing the mission.

So far job well done and I hope everyone is soon able to experience game genious as I beleive I have.

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Hehehe glad ur enjoying it wink_o.gif

And it sounds like u aint even touched the Multiplayer yet smile_o.gif

Thats where its at ! biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: The multiplayer in the full game i mean wink_o.gif Custom made maps etc biggrin_o.gif

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@ Ghost_Zulu: You know you lost your life?

Next will be that you tell her just:

Sorry, no time, I meet at sixteenhundred some mates south of Paradiso for an assault...

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And i thought i was the only one who had it this bad. Welcome to the world of ArmA, I would'nt make any formal plans for the next 4 or 5 yrs.

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Double that Call911 - Game 2 should be about within half a decade ^^


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@ Ghost_Zulu: You know you lost your life?

Next will be that you tell her just:

Sorry, no time, I meet at sixteenhundred some mates south of Paradiso for an assault...

LOL, Don't forget, "would you be a dear and run to the mess tent and get me some coffee? Mop-up is going to take a while.. Thanks honey."

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Ok after sinking my teeth into the game, Ive come to the conclusion that the recent reviews from several gamesites have been extremely biased about this game.

The only logical reason for this, could be ATARI failed to give them a big enough check to say the right things, most reviewers are only human and basically have a god complex when it comes to putting someone else down when they get it right.

In case you are wondering whether or not to invest your hard earned cash into this game, let me persuade you to avoid taking that wife or girlfriend out on a date and instead go out an purchase this fine article of warfare.

Note: Most gamers will classify this as, "Not being very fun." The reasons for this are quite simple, you cannot think your the greatest in the history of the army and single handedly wipe out a full enemy regiment on your own.

The fun factor is to rely on your teamates and realize that you may have to sit in one spot for several minutes, and for some this could be atleast an hour depending upon the patience level you have.

The most over-whelming factor I can see is that you must program and memorize the proper keys to execute on the fly.

Spend sometime getting to know your controls before you go into battle, or you'll spend most of your time hitting, "esc-options-controls." The easiestway to learn the buttons is to write the most important ones down and use progressive learning as you go.

Graphically the game runs good, considering Im using a 55" tv, with an ATI1950 pro.

The controls seem clunky at first, ecspecially if you've just got done playing COD2 and your convinced that the game has the best control around. When you control arma you soon learn to appreciate the fact that they dont allow you to run around like Carol lewis and out maneuver the opposition. Meaning lying in wait is your best weapon along with knowing what your enemy will do before he does it.

Sound wise the game is on par as it should be, Id like to hear more bass coming from your weapon, yet this isnt a must and its a matter of personal preference... 7.1 x-fI will do you justice, when loading up arma.

Longevity is a word that should be listed under the Arma name along with, "In your face, you arent gonna get away with that everytime stamped on your forehead."

Get this game and push your Ghost recon-Battlefield-ravenshield-COD. games over the ledge, even then they wouldnt make as bg of a BOOM as Arma can!

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[baptist preacher]

Alleluia! a-brotha of mine! You have seen the light! And it was bright! And it was-a, the flash-a, of ArmA.. Or an AK-74..

[/baptist preacher]

People.. I believe we have a new convert. tounge2.gif

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Try making a three army war in the editor. You'll stay glued to this game for hours! smile_o.gif

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I just made a mission: assault a little town. Tanks, infantry...What a mess! hehe. Spending 1 hour replaying it. In one attempt, the town seemed clear. My squead and me go to the town carefully. And one of the enemy ai soliders shot at me from a roof! The ai did go up the roof himself! Seems like nice improvements in the ai have been made in 1.07. Great.

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Thanks for the welcome guys!

Is anyone using the, "Saitek X52," Flight control system?

If so, I would appreciate a screen shot of your configuration,

I just purchased it today.

Because Im going to heaven, I am willing to give away my cyborg3d usb joystick to someone who can't afford one.

Please email your mailing address along with why you cant afford one and I'll choose the one who doesnt sound full of it. jdbody@hotmail.com

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