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If you have a 8800 don't download the V1.07 Beta !

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Why not using -maxmem=1024 with 2 Gb RAM

Driver 158.22

Because in my tests and tests of others, higher -maxmem setting than 768 was causing the problems..

Good to know, thx SickBoy i'll try it this weekend smile_o.gif

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1.07.5157 : plenty of gfx bugs : funny squared trees, building with no textures at all, flat (Kind of 2D) soldiers and much more ...

Will try back 1.05 wink_o.gif

Which Driver Release?

Reports of good results on:




Though most ppl needed to add: -maxmem=768 to their shortcuts (or in case of less than 1.5gb of RAM: -maxmem=512). This was to prevent crashes etc in most cases.

Driver releases available from: www.guru3d.com

Some people still had issues with maxmem=768, but putting -maxmem=512 solved it completely. No performance impact

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I use -maxmem=1024 with my 8800 GTX. I might try a bit higher tho.

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I use -maxmem=1024 with my 8800 GTX.  I might try a bit higher tho.

What part does that affect... VRAM or regular RAM, or is that for graphic memory allocation in the regular RAM?

I would imagine that it all depends on how much VRAM and RAM you have total... it seems that changing the ArmA.cfg file doesn't really do anything, it always switches back to a default for both nonlocalVRAM and localVRAM settings?

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I use -maxmem=1024 with my 8800 GTX.  I might try a bit higher tho.

What part does that affect... VRAM or regular RAM, or is that for graphic memory allocation in the regular RAM?

I would imagine that it all depends on how much VRAM and RAM you have total... it seems that changing the ArmA.cfg file doesn't really do anything, it always switches back to a default for both nonlocalVRAM and localVRAM settings?

regular RAM

VRAM is config by ArmA.cfg

you need to do the old trick of "read only" in porperties

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regular RAM

VRAM is config by ArmA.cfg

you need to do the old trick of "read only" in porperties

Oh... interesting!!!

You're talking about changing the contents of the .cfg file and then changing the properties of it to a "read-only" file?


So... essentially, given that I have 2GB of total physical memory, I could assign 512MB to nonlocalVRAM, and 1024MB to the program itself...? I'm currently running about about <250MB's of physical memory usage with nothing running other than my standard OS stuff (i.e. no games). That leaves a total of about 256MB's play... no?

RAM assigned + nonlocalVRAM assigned + normal usage = total physical memory to be used by game (theoretically)

1024 + 512 + 256 = 1792MB

That leaves about 256MB's for the game to run whatever it needs to... I should check that out when I get home... Alt-Tab out and look at how much memory ArmA's process takes up.

Am I thinking correct here?

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I hate to break this, but read what Suma stated about the 'localVRAM' and 'nonlocalVRAM' parameters: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=59193

Quote[/b] ]Truth is this "setting" does nothing, as the values are read from directly the graphics card each time you run ArmA. They are only written into the ArmA.cfg, not read from it. They can have some value when troubleshooting (to check what does ArmA think about the memory configuration of the graphics card), but changing them has no effect.

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Aha... good to know. But... changing the memory setting in the shortcut does... no?

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Aha... good to know. But... changing the memory setting in the shortcut does... no?

i don't know anything about this parameter.

Even after searching the forums a little, i am not exactly sure what should it do - some people are using it to decrease and constrain the amount of memory ArmA is using, while and other people are using it to increase it, but i haven't read any reliable info from the devs about what this parameter really does.

I also tried it, but haven't noticed any difference - but maybe it's just that i don't know where to look for the difference?

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I can confim it. Setting -maxmex=512 fix it for me. Even if I have 2 gigs of memory.


C2D 6700

8800GTX (158.43)

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I can confim it. Setting  -maxmex=512   fix it for me. Even if I have 2 gigs of memory.


C2D 6700

8800GTX   (158.43)

Didn't do diddly for me at 1024 or 512... I think that at 1024 it was running smoother...?

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setting maxmem256 working so far for me with latest nvidia beta drivers

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