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i wanted to do a screenshot

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i wanted to do a screenshot to my pack but i found another BUG :/

i wanted to do screen policeman (west) against bandits (east)

i ordered to not fire (3-2) but they my soldiers broke my order every time and they shoot at enemy :/

the have not fire status, but when i told someone to move to place X - all start to shoot :/

i cannot do simple screenshot because of this stupid bug :/

i found problems with AI that AI do not return after units switch (Y), i found bug that AI disengage won't work, but now don't fire not work :/

how the hell units not listen to me as commander ?

i give order don't fire , there is a red circle on soldier, but in second it disappears :/ and they start shoot to enemy :/

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Afaik they will fire anyway if enemy units get dangerously close. This is because if you often use the don't fire command and an unexpected enemy shows up close to your group, he could just kill all your AI-Buddys without them returing a single shoot if they didn't break the don't fire command.

What you probably want to use for your Screenshots is the setCaptive command. Just add "this setCaptive true" in each soldiers init field and they should stop shooting each other.

Old friends:



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Well they are at war with each other, what do you expect them to do? Not fire when they feel threatened by the enemy?

Luckily there is solution for your problem as was already described.

This belongs more to Mission Editing than to Troubleshooting...

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Well they are at war with each other, what do you expect them to do? Not fire when they feel threatened by the enemy?

they could be friends untill vilas can take his screenshots, and then

go back to killing each others tounge2.giftounge2.giftounge2.gif

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first problem is that AI do not obey orders !!!!

this is main problem !

in OFP it was working good

will AI return after unit switch "Y" - no

will AI disengage - :/

but screen should be as follows :

bandits laying on the floor, police over tham aiming at them

if i will give "setcaptive" they won't be aiming at bandits !

so what - do screen in MP , arrange some people to play SWAT and mafia to make screen ?

i want AI to obey orders

i had one situation in ARMA - in big mess i shoot my soldier, than "this is 2 taking command, i say 2 taking command" and i was dead


i shoot one soldier by mistake in mass fire, another soldier took command and killed me ?

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Vilas, what happens if you leave everything as is but take their ammunition away? Do they still keep targeting? That would solve your problem if it works.

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when they have no ammo they don't aim bandits lying on ground :/

they aim "front" to them, not down to enemy, one man aim in the sun :/

[ZG]BUZZARD - if you give "don't fire" in OFP it works !

if you kill too much friendly soldiers you can be killed by other group units, but not by your own when they 3-2

i was testing my weapons such way - first place group, than kill all, than i was colecting weapons - it worked in OFP, in ARMA not :/

in ARMA AI sometimes do not obey orders

does your units back after "Y" ?

do they disengage 3-6 ?

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Suma :

AI should cancel its "hold fire" only in a situation where it is under a direct threat, its position is diclosed and enemy starts attacking it.

Holding fire in such situations sounds inhuman to me, even for a trained soldier.


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it is not matter human or inhuman

different behaviors are usefully for mission makers for cutscenes !

if you wanna make intro with surprised group slaughtered by enemy ? it is impossible :/

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if you wanna make intro with surprised group slaughtered by enemy ? it is impossible :/

With the setfriendly or setcaptive commands would this be possible. Its not ArmA's fault you dont know all the commands.. confused_o.gif

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I think he wants to have them targeting but not firing. A friend or a captive won't do that and that must be vilas' problem.

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BADDO - the only person who can read and understand what is written wink_o.gif

of course this is main problem with this screenshot !

but more important is that AI do not obey orders

order is first thing for soldier

but not for AI here :/

somebody told about danger incoming - than AI start fire ?

how can you imagine silent crawling to take enemy base if your cooperant AI starts fire to each man ?

there is no "stealth" crawling in ARMA ?

i made some missions to my pack and first i saw, that your AI makes you most of problems, not helping you :/

as someone said in other topic , in ARMA "player" is much more spotable to AI than other AI

so if you are in stealth and silent mission and you have soldier "to help" - he doesn't help, he makes you seen :/

he fires at first enemy near, alarm in base, you are dead :/

AI as soldier must obey orders and not decide which order to listen which order to f***

in army or police if you are not listening - you are out

there is no democracy like in ARMA wink_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldier dotarget soldier2

Shouldnt that work?

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problem is that AI do not obey orders

is it army or is is school with not polite children - whom you cannot kick if they don't listen ?

during war when you haven't obeyed order - officer has right to kill you !

my grandfather who died in 1983 was in rank of general ! i know what i am talking about

why i do not have this in arma ?

when i tell don't fire (as example of this silent crawling mission) they must obey and not give enemy my position !

officer is to decide - soldier is to obey and blindly follow and to give his life

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in arma when soldier is not moving where i want (for example stuck between objects, not responding after Y) if i shoot such guy, i am shot by my own units ;/

if i tell AI don't fire , he fires and tells enemy position of crawling , what is a sense of that if ARMA is military simulator ?

for me it is not funny if AI doesn't obey orders but decides to open fire, to go to some place even if i don't give "engage at will"

or "disengage"

in ARMA is impossible to make mission that you have AI to help you, you want crawl into enemy base stealth, but your coop-AI opens fire and tells your position, it is sick, not funny

how old are you, do you have any knowledge about army, or just boy playing games ?

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Yes this dose belong in Editing.

OMG people there is a simple solution to this.

Name the EAST/OPFOR soldier MAN1.

Open the mission file as a text file and find MAN1.

Change his side from "EAST" to "WEST" and make sure the RES/Independent side is set to friendly with west.

Restart the map and the soldier should show as friendly on the map editor and will behave as a friendly.

All good now?

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"OMG people"

you cannot read ?

look what Baddo said "I think he wants to have them targeting but not firing. A friend or a captive won't do that and that must be vilas' problem."

friendly unit is not aiming at another friendly unit

bandit must lay down on ground, surrounded by police aiming at him (but not firing) just like in normal arrest taking action, when you put arrested face to the ground, aim at him (normal action when SWAT holds few man on the ground)


also mission in which you are teamleader with another AI crawling into enemy base stealth is impossible, because your cooperating AI starts fire to guards instead of crawling stealth

you wanted to crawl into base with him silently, but he starts to fire and alarm in base is setup !

AI should obey order, crawl with you into enemy base silent, than open fire in enemy base

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This should be solution:

Create a terrorist (or whatever enemy unit you wanted to), call him "guy" and into init field put "this setCaptive true".

Create a SWAT and into his init field put "this setCaptive true; this doTarget guy".

If you wanna make the terrorist lying on the ground do a simple script like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


guy SetUnitPos "DOWN"

goto "loop"

and save as something.sqs.

In a mission editor just make a trigger running this script (on activation: [] exec "nameofcript.sqs").

BTW: Here is a proof that it works wink_o.gif .

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I agree with Vilas.

The order "engage"(3-4) is not used for nothing Bis should be replaced by "never fire"

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okay you told about static screenshot, okay

i am addonmaker, i can do my bandits as civilians, soldier can aim to civilian without fire, for me it was not a problem "using tricks"

biggest problem is:

AI not obeying orders !

i told this few time, so once again:


stealth crawling to the enemy base with 1 or 2 your soldiers, you wanna crawl into base unseen, unheard

but your AI starts to fire at guards

there is alarm in base, etc. mission failed


AI in ARMA decides and f*** orders they get !

in OFP i could give order that was fulfilled, now what ?

what after Y (units switch) ?

what with disengage ?

most of you don't understand problem, main problem is that order 3-2 is never fulfilled if enemy is closer than maybe 50 meters

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not only silent crawl into base mission are fu*** up

but also other because of this bug

i am with team of soldiers, i have 2 RPG soldiers, their job is to destroy tank

but they use RPG and fire to soldiers

no matter i told 3-2 dont fire

they lost all ammo on men, when tank arrived, we were powerless

AI must obey orders, they are f*** soldiers :/

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